Surprise Patch Tomorrow & XP Improvements

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Saicotic New Member

    I see all these people complaining about wanting hard numbers. Has EQ team ever given hard numbers? I mean why whine about it? Just wait, test it then come back and let them know your thoughts.

    I appreciate all they are doing and really excited that they still working on the game we love. Lets not make it any harder for them with wasting energy by being a baby. If you think the xp changes are not enough come back with some hard information and describe the situation in detail without the posturing.

    :p Or I need to talk to the voices in my head being used when I read posts about how they want "hard numbers or else", because in my head they sound like spoiled 8 year olds. o_O
    Elricvonclief, Mayfaire and Zujilli like this.
  2. Dalsina Lunrais

    Will XP bonuses affect the daily HA tasks?
  3. Saave Augur

    Thank you Windstalker.
    Fantastic work. you did the change thousands of players wanted. :^)

    Mayfaire likes this.
  4. Saave Augur

    I'm still laughing LOL

  5. guado Augur

    Somehow it was disclosed that the nerf, when it happened was a 75% decrease in XP. So yes, just for the record, they have given out hard numbers on at least 1 occasion.
    Yinla likes this.
  6. Mintalie Augur

    I'm not understanding all of the tradeskilling complaints. If anything, they have almost made it too easy to TS. All the vendors at the small bank have everything you need.

    Sure, I'm sorry to see all the missing NPCs as much as the next guy, but nothing is broken unless I'm missing something...
    Mayfaire likes this.
  7. Pelamar Lorekeeper

    xp seems back the way it was least I had fun cleaving through CH for my lesson burn like I did before TDS.

    next time answer the question properly please no lawyer speak.
    Yinla and Warpeace like this.
  8. guado Augur

    Blacksmith Gerta, or whatever the fugly Ogre's name is at the small bank. Open her merchant window. Wait the extra few seconds it takes to load all of her items, then just browse through her list. Tailoring items, fletching items ... it's such a bother to even scroll through the vendors now. All on the Smithing Vendor.

    I would be fine if they kept the Ghost Town look, but reverted all the vendors back at the small bank to how it was before the uncalled-for changes.

    "Tradeskilling is too easy now, yada this yada that"
    I don't care if I have to go across Norrath for different ingredients. But Smithing components belong on the Smithing vendor, Tailoring components belong on the Tailoring Vendor. This is Kindergarten stuff that the 'Daybreak team is messing up. And then there's Windstalker, who instead of trying the Find Feature, thinks resources need to be devoted to making a PoK port clicky! Gods help us.
    Jeanmirac and Yinla like this.
  9. DefenseEQ Augur

    Will there be consequences for all of the players who heavily exploited the well known "issue" you fixed today?

    This is going to set a pretty serious precedent if Daybreak's response is to just patch the exploit and nothing else.
    Elricvonclief and Yinla like this.
  10. guado Augur

    Nice to know the game is so broken and has so many bugs. Oh hey look, another excuse for having terrible expansions.

    -Timelocked Progression
    -Anniversary / Temporary Content
    -Bug fixes

    what other excuses can we give them?
  11. Saave Augur

    14165 AA

    Gribble DH HA

    Into The Hills = @ 25 aa with LoD on.
    Lisandra and moogs like this.
  12. Porterz73 Augur

    25 AA for 5 to 10 mins play is not bad! Prob get close to 100 AA with a well timed 2X burn

    Thx for the fix. The Merc XP fix is what I like most of this patch.

    I imagine no hard % was given for this because it prob a lot a variables depending on size of group, which content, AA vs reg XP, con of mobs, group level composition etc etc. I'm sure the devs don't want to deal with 5000 posts that say, "I'm only getting 60% extra and you said 65% ... GRrr grumble grumble! "
  13. Graves Elder

    Where I work taking months to fix something you ballsed up is not met with sincere thanks. It is met with a P45.

    Yes it is good that this supposedly has been rectified. It is unforgivable that the game has been left to bleed subs for months because of the original decision.

    How many more decisions like this can the game survive? Thanks would have been in order if the stupid decision had been thrown out before it went live. Five or six months later the damage is done and can't really be undone, thanks or no thanks.
  14. Dorigen Lorekeeper

    This "revert" should have happened months ago.

    People are willing to have multiple accounts and people are also addicted enough to have every toon on every account maxxed.

    Maaaaybe its just me...but more people were joining and STAYING when the BEAM era was around.
    This game has survived the test of time....But after 16 years im done grinding on gnolls for exp.

    Give us Back the Beams!! OPEN THE EXP FLOOD GATES (Please and Thank You)

    Daislet and Lisandra like this.
  15. moogs Augur

    We don't need beams causing severe zone disruption and server throttling again. How about a nice burrito instead? It's nearly lunch time.
  16. Diptera Augur

    The problem is more than SOE/DBG have proven themselves to be... less than accurate... in their use of terms like "significantly", not to mention the liberal use of weasel words and other 'advertising' techniques, so as another person in this thread noted, it's like teasing information out of a reticent child. Players will parse it, you can be sure, but why should they have to, when it could simply be announced?
    The annoyance is more the apparent opinion in DBG that they would rather attempt to distract, divert, and otherwise pull the wool over people's eyes, rather than engaging with the playerbase in productive discussion.
    Garshok, Jeanmirac, Iila and 4 others like this.
  17. porky Augur

    Does this mean a 101-105 can now group with someone below level 100? I hope so. I have had at least half a dozen friends "come back to the game" in the last few months, only to find out they couldn't group with their 101+ friends. One stayed, the rest are gone again. Just really horrible to have to tell an old friend you can't help them cause some nutjob at SoE decided on making a level chasm between the two groups of players.
  18. fortuneteller Augur

    In a way understandable about the spawning machines.

    But there another option you might wanna consider.

    Old 1: Take HA, complete it, get 3 hours lockout when you complete it, and get xp at end
    New : Take HA, get 3 hours lockout when you take it, get xp as you kill.

    Result of old 1: You get 25 AA at end, and 3 hours lockout.
    But might be able to "cheat" with the lotd as some come with, if you just log in as the "checkpoint is reached", and get 50 aa with lotd running (This is what some say they can do.) Problem here is that you give people the possibility of abusing the thing, it should never be possible to do so.

    Result of new 1: You get a total of 25 aa during the killings, and get 3 hours lockout at beginning.
    You will get 50 aa with lotd running, and cannot "cheat" with logging out at the checkpoints.
    You would also give people WHO dont have time to complete a HA the way they did b4, kill a few mobs, then log out with out getting it completed, and they would then get the normal amount of XP they would b4 nerf. But they would not be able to do infinite kills of mobs, because they got the lockout.
    Which was some of the big complains when nerf happened, tha.

    So options would be at GG:
    Scouting ahead
    Scouting ahead (3 hours lockout at request).

    Give people options of both ways.
    Klotar-TSM likes this.
  19. Barton The Mischievous

    So sorry not entirely useless let me rephrase~ It is still suboptimal to use your lesson/potion until right before completion and yes of course you could then do something else for the X minutes you have left
  20. beryon Augur

    I just want to add how disappointed I am that neither the thread title, OP, or system broadcast contained a "Surprised, mortals?".
    Garshok and Lisandra like this.