Forum Sections Being Moved

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sancus, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Warpeace Augur

    #1 Makes it difficult to see when someone posts about your class.

    #2 Part of the reason there is low use is how the nerf bat comes and goes. Post top end class strats and ability combinations and you get class wars because your noe OP or was not intended to be able to do that.

    Players are creative and some just hate when a class gets something they don't. That's my take on it why the class forums are not that busy.
  2. Yinnie the Pink Elder

    Never noticed that before, guess I ignore it like I do the facebook and twitter stuff down the side of the forums. would be nice to have the patch notes clickable from there too.

    Frustrating at the moment not to be able to find anything.

    It used to be easy just to look at when the last post was in forums I was interested in and then open it up if there was anything new, now it looks like I'm going to have to open every forum to find new stuff.
    Nniki, Meatball, Geroblue and 2 others like this.
  3. silku Augur

    This x1000. People don't post because lately it seems like if it hurts the players, it stays in the game for months. Sharks that come up on docks and kill you while you zone? We'll get to it later. Raids not giving loot? we'll look at it later. Players having fun because they found something interesting in game that devs didn't expect? Emergency patch.

    Couple that with the latest string of 'stream lining' and balancing that seems more like a long list of nerf this and that. Why would we talk on the forums about it?
    Ruven_BB, Nniki, Meatball and 8 others like this.
  4. Saroc_Luclin Augur

    If you guys have more control over the boards, maybe you can look into activating more Xenfora options. I'm pretty sure you can 'watch' boards in Xenfora, to be notified when new posts are made on a board, and other similar alert options.
    Oxgoad, Xanadas and Kinoc like this.
  5. Yinnie the Pink Elder

    While we are talking about the boards, any news on having paperdolls of our chars as avatars, like we had on our old boards?

    Also now we have less forums, can we shrink down the stuff on the right hand side to be the same size as the list of forums?
  6. Roshen Brand Manager

    I'd argue that they're not as active as it used to be, because if you want to go talk about the latest episode of the Walking Dead the internet has a number of places where you can do that more easily with people that want to do that.

    These are EverQuest forums. While I understand that as we talk to our friends and other players sometimes the conversations will veer off topic, the goal of having game forums is to have conversations about the game.
    Rorce likes this.
  7. silku Augur

    With that in mind, if the only goal here is not to build a community of people who are passionate about the game and interact with one another.. the forums will ONLY be visited when they have a complaint or need information. The goal of any sort of endeavor should be to encourage community and support, not to discourage interaction. Forums for the sake of forums and not for the sake of the people can die quickly.
  8. Yinnie the Pink Elder

    Any news when the boards are moving from SOE to Daybreak?
    Xanadas likes this.
  9. fortuneteller Augur

    The problem with these changes is that:

    Removal of sense headings to arkive, Kind of give signal that there no future, and there no guiding line. I know this is saying it harsh.

    Also, the removal of Tradeskills to arkive, where shall people post those Things ?

    These changes make things harder to find.
    Nniki, Aanuvane, Meatball and 5 others like this.
  10. Barton The Mischievous

    Even more of "fixing" things that are not broken? I think i need to borrow Beimeith's Torch and pitchfork guy.
    Just because something is not used everyday does not mean it does not have value smh
    Nniki, Ratbo Peep, Meatball and 3 others like this.
  11. Iila Augur

    The last few threads from the off-topic forum:

    Short mobile survey aid requested
    Thanks Dzarn. /salute
    Storybricks tried to buy SOE/Everquest, say theywould have laid off upper management instead of devs
    Daybreak Game Company to shift focus on H1Z1
    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy (Spock) at 83

    2/3rds of those are about Everquest or Daybreak. The rest tend to be about MMOs, gaming, or things important to those of us who are interested in those (like the Nimoy thread). There's no multi-page discussion about The Walking Dead. In fact, the only multi-page threads are all related to EQ/DBG/SOE

    At least one of those threads was started in the vet's lounge and shunted away to off-topic for ~*reasons*~. Are we gonna be able to talk about those things in the vet lounge now?
    Nniki, Sita, svann and 10 others like this.
  12. Poppinfresh Elder

    Off topic, tradeskills, PVP, oh my.
    Oxgoad likes this.
  13. Yinnie the Pink Elder

    They are going to have to, they have no where to move them too.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  14. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.


    Many threads there were legitimate EQ based discussions that were moved there out of the vets lounge by whatever mod logic ruled the day.

    What would happen now if someone started another thread that *Is* EQ related but not falling under the narrow rules of the Vets Lounge? With nowhere to move it, would it just be deleted?

    We realize there are things you don't want us to talk about or draw attention to, especially in the busier forum sections, but if there's no place for them anywhere and they ARE EQ related, the only recourse will be mass thread deletion, and I can't imagine that's a good idea. But hey - it's your show I guess?
    Nniki, Meatball, Fenudir and 4 others like this.
  15. Spellfire Augur

    I would like to have a conversation about the game, specifically about Tradeskills. Where I go for that?
    Nniki, Zeiss, Aanuvane and 2 others like this.
  16. Saroc_Luclin Augur

    Vets Lounge, where all game related stuff should go.

    Really the traffic has dropped off a lot from the old days. There are 13 threads in Vet's Lounge that had a post today. The metaclass boards had 2 boards with no posts today at all. Tradeskills has three threads today.

    It's not the old days when Vet's Lounge and Newbie could cycle pages of discussion in hours, even with the board split up. Nowadays, most of the traffic can be condensed now; and hopefully with fewer boards to watch, there'd be more activity at one spot.
  17. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    Things that IMO are appropriate for the EQ forum and would be at the right place in the Off-Topic Forum:

    - Research projects involving video games (people sometimes come to the forums looking for survey participants etc)

    - Social ideas about EQ (the daedalus project, other MMO related research/experiments)

    - News in the gaming community (SoE being DDOSed, Colombus Nova acquisition, etc)

    - EQ fan work (EQ irl art, EQ comics, EQ references in other games, EQ music)

    - Information/news related to unofficial EQ websites (allakhazam, eqresource, magelo, gina)

    - Computer advice for playing EQ

    - Topics related to other DBG content (EverQuest Worlds app)

    - Technical issues related to EQ (i.e. EQ & Linux, MacOSX, Steam EQ sales)

    - IRL/EQ interaction (fan faire, funny things your friends/wife/cat do re: EQ, EQ players passing away/getting married/searching for)

    These topics may be infrequent or not have a lot of views, but for the sake of organization I think there should be a designated place for them. I mean, it's probably ok to have some of these in the regular EQ forums, but they make more sense in their own space. It doesn't really jive to have technical discussions about EQ mechanics mixed in with "halp my computer broke" and "YouTube video of a guy playing EQ on the piano."
    Nniki, roguerunner, Meatball and 3 others like this.
  18. Silv Augur

    Since we're in a "consolidating" mood... how about adjusting those feeds on the right side? Now when I scroll down half of the page is blank aside from the 'recent FB updates' feed. The page definitely has some bad feng shui now!
  19. Iila Augur

  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Undo all of these changes you are not streamlining or improving anything for your users. You are making all of it worse.
    Nniki, roguerunner, Xanadas and 4 others like this.