TDS Off Raid 1 Tita's Ghost

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Raynrace, Nov 15, 2014.

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  1. Hatsee Augur

    We cleared lockouts in beta to key up because we couldn't get a dev to flag us. Which is how we found bugs on event 2, and 3, etc. This event was just an over the top mess since the first and last times we saw it on beta, only the first time you could kite the mess instead of having to straight up tank it.
  2. Brohg Augur

    False equivalence is calling some more cheesy and others less cheesy. Describing them all with the same word is false equivalence. The real situation is that some are whatever, and the one we're talking about is *cheating*.
  3. Axxius Augur

    3 or 4 other guilds did, mostly on AB: they wiped to AM1 and it spawned the chest/currency. According to the patch notes, it may or may not be fixed now. At least there are no new reports of it happening since then.
  4. Coruth Augur

    I'm not sure what Guild you are in. And I don't want to come across Accusatory.

    But clearing the Timers, for Flags to move on in Progression isn't the same as trying the 1 Offs repeated on Test. You could have Timer Cleared for flags to Test later raids. Without retrying the 1-off. Heck maybe you did.

    Retrying Regular Raids to learn them on Test, at most saves you a day or 2 on live learning same info since you can do them over and over on Live to get same info.

    The 1 Offs are a whole new beast to EQ. And honestly, I'm not even sure most people realized how big an advantage clearing the timers were. But the raids are designed with No Learning Time. 5 Extra Attempts on Beta = 25 to 35 days on Live.

    It invalidates the purpose of "1 learning curve" point of event. Take a simple Warrior AE Taunts + Fort. I wonder how many guilds tried that. Too Bad Titas Ghost ignores Dodge/ie Fort. So that AE Taunt and Fort learning attempt, would cost a guild 5 days of waiting to try again on Live.

    Positioning, etc etc all huge part of multiple attempts that wasnt meant on a 1-off

    Whatever dude. Your welcome to call it cheating if you want. I won't. DA works the way it works.

    Cheesy Yes. Cheesier than Pet Tanking. Sure I'd say so as well.
    Cheating No.
    Benzarden likes this.
  5. Hatsee Augur

    I don't know what guild I am in either but the biggest advantage to beta is the writeup of the event that the devs post. But even without that who takes days to learn something now? Almost anything the devs can do has been done so it's a matter of figuring out which mechanics they chose and dealing with them.
  6. Coruth Augur

    I only meant if you have beat it. extra attempts helped. If you havent beat it. Then its moot to my point atm though it might have moved ya farther along.

    As for who takes days.... everyone when the event is Overtuned to the point only 1 guild can do it..
    Plane of War prenerf.
    This raid.

    I dont think anyone beat POW without "Days"
  7. Edrick Augur

    I don't think anyone knows what point you are trying to make here.
  8. Coruth Augur

    KK. To clarify/Repeat.

    This thread sidetracked from overtuned 1 shot. To ways to cheese the 1 shot raids.

    Obviously DA is cheesy. Pet Tanking Less so. Neither fit normal raid design.

    Extra practice on 1 shot by beta reseting would likewise fall into cheese category (only really because of Design of 1 shot was not to get practice runs).

    Hatsee said his guild did extra attempts on Beta. I don't know what guild he is in. So I dont know if his guild beat 1 shot or not. Or beat it because of Extra Practice Attempts he wouldnt have got without beta flag clearing. Capeesh?
  9. Shang Augur

    If I say I understand, will you stop trying to explain it?
    Taiqwon, roguerunner, Esero and 6 others like this.
  10. Hatsee Augur

    That's a lot of conspiracy talk for a one off that people tried, said it was too hard and then didn't do again. 22 adds spawn that hit 40k+ and ae enough to kill the raid 12 times over... We didn't need to check that out multiple times. Nor would it have done anything.

    I also have beaten it. If I hadn't then my posts wouldn't make a lot of sense right?
    Iila likes this.
  11. Teren New Member

    Is this event tuned the way it was meant to be, with anti-snare mechanics on adds that hit for 40k, and the AEs from the caster mobs?
  12. Imrahil Augur

    I disliked the idea of "one off" from the start, considering it reduces the already meager amount of raid content we get. Currently we can only do the first raid in TDS, then one try on Tita's Ghost and that's it. Yes, next week we will have enough flagged for the next raids, but especially at the start we only have 1 new raid and 1 attempt at the second which is rather overtuned.
    We have lost quite a good number of long-term hardcore players already in the transition from RoF to TDS, if we hadn't prepared for this by overrecruiting in the previous months we might already struggle to fill our raids.
    Decisions like the "one off"-raids on such limited total content don't make it easier for me to argue for staying with EQ.
    Marton likes this.
  13. Kreacher Augur

    ROFL !!

    So you are saying you only tried the one off raid once?

    ROFL...Yeah, right.

    I guess that explains why you didn't need to clear your lockout timers in the last week of Beta. Oh wait - you were!...ROFL.
  14. Hatsee Augur

    I hate repeating things... We were trying to key up to get to the later events because we couldn't get flagged by a dev. As event 2, and 3 had bugs that would have made them impossible on live I think that's a good thing, right?
    Behelit likes this.
  15. Edrick Augur

    we're sorry, ROFL
  16. Bigstomp Augur

    100% Agreement here. These aren't bonus raids, they are 'we considered having real content, then made these one off so you could wait more' raids.
  17. Marike Elder

    I love the idea of single chance raids. I think they should be challenging, but not impossible.

    I hate that they were introduced in an expansion where we only got five other raids.
    Maedhros and Silentchaos like this.
  18. Edrick Augur

    Well said
  19. Vlerg Augur

    they cleared their arx 1 lockout in order to do it 4 times in a row; flagging themselve for arx 2-3-4 and testing those.

    they didn't clear their arx 2-3-4 lockout.

    as a side note, arx 2-3-4 have quite a few bugs

    tita ghost isn't really a complex encounter... check if the adds spawn at the proper %, check if tita damage increase properly , check if tita damage reset properly ( dosen't), check if the adds are the proper immunities / vulnerabilities... and last but not least, check if the damage output of mob make sense ( dosen't).

    edit: that reply was aimed at edrick post... before he edited his....
  20. Coruth Augur

    The irony is the "Cloaked" Way people speak on these forums sometimes overly complicates a conversation.

    I, personally, take you at your word. Nothing wrong at all with clearing lockout timers on beta for Raid Progression or Raid Testing Progression raids.

    I just wanted to point out the new One-Offs are seperate design from all that. And if we get more of these in future, clearing timers to try a 1-off extra would be against their very specific 1 try design.

    But this still doesn't change the fact that
    Phase 1-2-3 are doable but dangerous to most guilds
    Phase 4: is overtuned, but ROI handles it fine.
    Phase 5: is stupidly overtuned,

    The "Doesnt" pretty much sums it up.
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