GamParse 1.0.4

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Beimeith, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    EQ currently buffers and then writes every 1 second, so to make it the same as it currently is now, you would sent it to 1 second. Setting it to 0 should actually make it a little bit faster than it is currently, provided your hardware is fast enough to keep up.

    This shouldn't really affect GamParse much (it can already lag behind parsing "current" log outputs somtimes), but it will totally screw up GTT and GINA audio triggers.

    I've already asked them NOT to set the default to 5, but to keep it at 1 second since many people will not realize the change and it will cause issues for them if all of a sudden their triggers are 4 seconds slower than they were before.
    CrazyLarth likes this.
  2. Atvar Augur

    Just to be clear I understand what is changing, you really mean 0-4 seconds slower, right?
  3. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Yes. It depends when in the 5 second write cycle an emote goes off.
  4. Langya Augur

    Thanks for the effort, but for the most part, the old parser works just fine. If it ain't broke there is no need to fix it. I would rather have some log management options than a new standard that is arbitrary at best.
  5. Phrett Augur

    And that's fine... it just doesn't jive with my personal process. I have my own private channel that I keep up, where I dump parses right after a fight using gamparses feature to automatically send completed fights to the clipboard. That way I can quickly see the results in game without pulling up the gamparse window. So this change would prevent me from doing that. Not an issue for everyone I'm sure, that's just my own process.
  6. Phrett Augur

    First off, keep things on point here... a jab at Beimeith is not needed despite you disagreeing with the push for sdps. I don't agree with the swap to sdps either but he's entitled to his opinion. Secondly, he does have that much plat. :cool:
  7. Slasher Augur

    It is obvious its personally motivated and that is the only reason he changed it.

    Either way no one who actually parses for real will update to this change scaled dps is inaccurate and misleading.
    SaderakhBertox likes this.
  8. Symbius Augur

    Scaled DPS is worthless to me, so I definitely will not be updating.

    Good luck on taking the project over though.
    SaderakhBertox likes this.
  9. Enkel Augur

    I'm guessing Kreacher's comment was an attempt at a personal attack due to their disagreement with your view on it. I didn't know someone having 26 million plat was so unbelievable, I'm guessing they were insinuating you had others give you plat so you could pad the amount you had on magelo? Maybe I misunderstood it.

    Regardless on the sdps vs raw dps, lucky for everyone we have two versions of the parser!!!! Though I will admit that I would like some of the new functions but with raw dps as it is. It's not hard for someone to use division to see what a player does: General that actually is a bee but lives longer than 15 seconds in 16s, 89000k @ 5562500dps, fail nerf bat + pets 1000k @ 1000000dps. Someone can look at the parse and think "Hmm, so the mob died in 16 seconds, and that kung fu class that did a Ralph Macchio kick did 1 million damage. 1 million / 16 seconds doesn't equal 1 million dps!!!!".

    Both scaled and raw have their places, but when I look at someone's total contribution for the night, I like at their Total Damage. When I want to see how someone is doing on certain events, on an individual level, I usually look at their raw dps, because I can look at that, and their total damage, and better understand how they're doing. Scaled works, as does raw, but certain events have people doing different things, I think looking at raw dps and total damage is already a great indicator.

    Scaled dps can also be misleading because you might assume someone is standing still, twiddling their thumbs, when really the only person on it is the tank. In this situation someone's "raw" dps will go down, while they're not doing anything "wrong", just following the raid leader's orders. Their raw dps is an indicator of time and their actual contribution when doing something.

    Would have to decrease our dps by more than that for it not to seem like "INSANITY!!!!" :p We all know this is Beimeith's genius plot to have all RoI parses linked as sdps, and all MS parses linked as raw dps, just to bring things more in line (I am teasing Beimeith, not MS).
  10. Tweelis Augur


    Thank you for taking over gamparse. My wife and I have used it for several years. Since we started playing over a decade ago we've supported one website or another now and then. As time goes on we drop support from one site (like when Allakhazam was bought out by one of the early plat seller sites) in favor of another (such as Rasper's when it was active).

    My wife and I currently financially support EQ Resource and EQ Traders. If you put up a paypal link (or some other donation type link) we'd be inclined to toss you enough for a reasonable lunch somewhere. Although we don't raid and rarely group outside our family we really enjoy gamparse as it lets us look through data and change our game playing style. To us gamparse has been a great little tool. Believe it or not it's even an educational tool for my kids that allows them to look through statistical data and interpret what various things do and how changing tactics affect things.

    To everybody telling Beimeith that what he's doing is wrong, bad, broken, etc. here's an idea.....


    Suggested fixes for those that don't like what's happening with gamparse. Either find a parser that does what you want it to do or failing that make your own parser; if neither of those appease you then don't parse at all. Beimeith is helping the EQ community out by using his knowledge and time to update/create something for us to use, all without compensation as far as I know.
  11. A-Quad Augur

    It's not just off-tanking and kiting that would pose issues. I do some cc work on the inbound mob waves of the WK1 event. By the time I start assisting the raid force, several mobs will have already been killed. Just one example off the top.
  12. Kreacher Augur

    The irony is using sDPS means that you CANNOT compare parses of individuals between RoI and MS.

    A simple check button would have been enough to which folks want to export-copy/paste to clipboard.
    Fenudir likes this.
  13. Enkel Augur

    You could still compare them based on total damage per event, since in the end that is what, in my opinion, matters most (though you would still have to take into account total time for each individual, etc...). I was just making a jest towards Beimeith, because the other night we were talking about dps (we did not venture into the heated topic of sdps vs raw dps, though). I personally like how things are (raw dps for my time on mobs, and not kiting/ tanks dps but no one else, etc). Beimeith wants to show someone's actual dps for the totality of an event. I like seeing raw data, and comparing it for time of the event and their total damage. To each their own, in the end it's just how I like to look at the data, most of the time.

    There are times that sdps and raw dps are the same, but there are certain events when they would most definitely be not (think WK1 is a good example for current content). Regardless, I appreciate Beimeith adding changes to gamparse, it's a free service he is providing the community. Just, for the moment, I prefer 1.0.3 (though the serverwide function in 1.0.4. is a much needed addition). He has plans to add some very good features in the future, I have both versions downloaded for the best of both worlds :cool:.
  14. Tornicade_IV Augur

    Re: scaled dps exported to eq?

    [IMG]by Gamanern » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:22 pm
    I have put this on 'the list' so when work stops kicking me about, I will add this. I am most of the way through a new update with other features, so a release is not too far away.

    Posts: 390
    Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:34 am
    Although in fairness

    [IMG]by Gamanern » Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:00 am
    If people really want to use it, I can include it, though it is the sort of feature I will set to 'off' as default, and only if you really want to use it, then you can turn it back on again.

    I will see how it fits with the current changes I am making at the moment, and how I can make it obvious that it is scaled DPS being shown (as it will be possible to see both scaled and actual DPS at the same time)
  15. Slasher Augur

    Except what is being suggested now is scaled dps only or both. He will not let you just show raw dps for no reason what so ever.

    ill stick to 1.0.3 and so will most people.
  16. Tornicade_IV Augur

    /GU A troublesome snake in 139s, 476k @3427sdps --- Tornicade 434k @3120sdps (91.04%) --- Jabn 17k @122sdps (3.55%) --- Nakeddave 11k @80sdps (2.34%) --- Voisin 8k @61sdps (1.77%) --- Wikemar 6k @41sdps (1.2%) --- Jibab 0k @4sdps (0.1%)

    /GU A troublesome snake in 139s, 476k @3427dps --- Tornicade 434k @3120dps (91.04%) --- Jabn 17k @190dps (3.55%) --- Nakeddave 11k @11162dps (2.34%) --- Voisin 8k @1202dps (1.77%) --- Wikemar 6k @1146dps (1.2%) --- Jibab 0k @98dps (0.1%)

    yeah it certainly is a dealbreaker.
    Fenthen likes this.
  17. Corlen-Xeg Elder

    Not sure if its been posted - would you consider making the source code public Beimeith?
    Kreacher likes this.
  18. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Why not have a setting in the options, don't even start parsing a mob at all until the DPS reaches a certain amount. You could have it set to 10k for groups, 50k for a raid setting. Then it would ignore pulls no problem, ignore mobs being offtanked, etc. Only parse mobs actively being killed.
    Kreacher likes this.
  19. Langya Augur

    Enkel pretty much nailed it. Use the parser you are comfortable with since the old parser works just fine. Its not like there is some standard for dps locked in a vault in Paris next to the weight that is perfectly 1 gram. A parser can only compared data from your raid or your group so what your guild/group can produce is still the reference mark. If your guild wants to use sDPS than whatever. Sometimes change happens just for change's sake, like someone coming up with a new hammer. Its just a hammer and if you have one in your tool box that works just fine, than its on you if you want to spend 40 dollars for something you already have. Even if the hammer can log onto Facebook and Twitter (since everything needs to do that now), the stupid thing still just drives nails.

    I am also of the mindset that the best benchmark for if someone is giving a crap about doing good damage is looking at the composite for the night. That usually displays enough data points to determine if someone is only awake when its burn time and they need to get on the board but are otherwise asleep at the wheel the rest of the night.
  20. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    My current plans are:
    1) Option to suppress Off-tanking / Kiting.

    2) Adding a simple "rank" column to the overview, so when random_bard_02 asks "Where did I come in at on the parse?" you don't have to count from the top to find out they came in at #35, it will tell you.

    3) Adding a new tab for "Randoms." The plan is to have it work similar to the "Loot" tab. That is, "Random 0 100" will show as 1 "item" and "Random 0 1000" will show as a different, separate, item. To keep rolls of the same values but from different times separate, there will be a configurable "timeout" option. That is, it will start counting from the first roll it finds, and after X minutes, it will close the roll, and any subsequent rolls will be a new "item." So if you /random 0 100 at 10:00am, set the timeout for 5 minutes, any /random 0 100 after 10:05am will become a new "item" instead of being counted with the first one.

    There is no ETA on these as yet, but hopefully it shouldn't be too long.

    I am also open to ideas for more new features.
    Sirene_Fippy and Enkel like this.
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