Summoning Mobs/Test server

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by silku, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. pk76 Augur

    hummm to get 100 aa's in a day specially when 2 X xp weekend is running. even without swarm kiting.
  2. Tarrin Augur

    Quad kiting in CoB over a double XP weekend, I hit 1500 aas in 3 days. This was with a mage friend in my group doing nothing at all, as he just returned and I was PLing him to 95 then. I was already over the 4k aa cap.

    To be honest, I am more embarrassed by this than proud of it.
  3. porky Augur

    That's impressive. Much better than I have ever done with my druid. The best i have ever done was 29 AA in one lesson burning everything including glyphs with an out of group enchanter to second spire me.

    I wouldn't say an AA cap per day would be out of the question unreasonable, but I doubt that would solve the PL'ers causing zone lag problem. I am sure the classes in question maxed out their AAs long ago since it was so easy for them. It's them selling the XP service that's keeping them doing it. There are many people who would just log out one alt log in another, or simply log in for a quick 100AA PL.

    I think putting Hit limit caps is probably the easiest fix for mage and probably SK/Pally. For zerker/rogue/ranger probably turning their auto-kill discs into activated long refresh self buffs would work to dissuade them from such things.
  4. Tarrin Augur

    100 aas just feels really low.
    Including a 30 min lesson burn, that is 90 mins soloing at the high end to hit a daily cap.
  5. Falos Augur

    Not to mention people that bank achievement rewards etc to unlock hundreds of aa's on launch day of a new expansion *boom insta capped and screwed out of their reward claims*
  6. Ammeren Augur

    Limiting AA would also mean limiting levels. I don't think this is a sound idea.

    Memblur after x amount of mobs get agro on you is a better idea. Completely stops the ability to swarm kite in large numbers and stops causing lag, plus leaves tons of extra mobs available for everyone to enjoy.

    And if they DID limit AA exp, it should be over 100 AAs every 24 hours. I can do 100 AA's like nothing on my Mage, without the use of beam kiting.
  7. strongbus Augur

    you do know that rangers hs only works with the mob they have targeted right. they nerfed the hs working with their ae arrow spells. This means while they can round up a lot at one time, they can only kill one at time. For zerkers they can only take a few at a time in the highest zone. My wife is a 100 zerker that sits at 98k unbuffed hp. They have to be up close and personal. any more then bout 8(with rampage disc is up(3min reuse) if not its 4 or 5 on her and she is dead meat, and that is in t2 with some t3 hot zones. I think rog have the same issue as zerkers. If I am wrong then please a rog let me know lol.
    Leerah likes this.
  8. Pouncequick Journeyman

    With rogues it will work on a reposte, but we don't have any formal AE's outside of that, and no ranged AE's at all. They also have to be hitting us for us to be able to reposte. Even with the reposte disc, that means large pulls are still risky. Oh and if we work with a merc to mitigate risk, they are likely mostly hitting the merc not us, meaning no repostes, and a dead merc
  9. strongbus Augur

    so you are like zerkers then. it will fire off of my wifes repost but the mobs gota be hiting her. get more then 4 or 5 without her disc and she done for.
    Leerah likes this.
  10. SpamFactory Augur

    Whatever the resolution is to all this I hope it's still possible to mass kill large groups of grey con (i.e. non-exp giving) mobs.

    I've been doing a lot of old content through the hero's journey achievements, and I just imagine how much more tedious and time consume that would be if I couldn't blast my way through it with beams/swarming.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Falos Augur

    Especially since mages cant just pull a bunch of mobs into a corner and just mass riposte em down, beams are our riposte for this old grey content!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  12. postid Journeyman

    I would just *like to point out* that if you do this *just right* you will piss off enough players that zone lag wont matter because there will be no players left to care ... Deal with the ppl breaking the rules - its not just mages - or well the other option is to deal with the consequences of all the frustrated players, (most of which dont bother to post) leaving to play another game that works for them... Thats a biz decision for you to maake
    Ardin, Leerah and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  13. BigBubba New Member

    So the other guy didnt know what he was talking about when he told us the developers decided the changes were going to be reverted?

    You guys really need to get it together...
  14. Tarrin Augur

    The "other guy" said they were being reverted for *this patch*.

    They are still discussing ways to fix the issue in the future, and have not thrown the summoning mob changes off the table.
  15. shiftie Augur

    One could argue your gigantic damage shields are your riposte for grey con content. Even if they took beams away you would have zero problems going back and doing that content, you'd just be on even playing field with the rest of eq.
  16. Everstorm Augur

    Keep in mind that one player's grey swarm is another, lower lvl player's exp spot.
  17. malibu66 Elder

    You still need to damage each mob directly, if they die on DS alone they just poof. Kind of defeats the purpose of farming greys.
  18. shiftie Augur

    broiling blast
  19. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Shiftie, how dare you suggest they use PBAE's like wizards. Things only die en masse if it's the result of a beam.
  20. Abazzagorath Augur

    The developers aren't customer service. They can't do anything about customer service doing nothing about zone disruption. They CAN fix game mechanic problems that allows players to do something for gains they shouldn't be able to get (RvR imbalance) that just happen to be disrupting zones and causing issues for other players.

    The devs deal with RvR imbalances in a lot of ways. Sometimes they nerf stuff. Sometimes they stop giving upgrades and allow game growth and levels to obsolete things. Sometimes they let it stand because its not such a huge problem they have to worry about it, but they might go back and nerf/fix something later if it does or a solution makes itself readily available.

    They are pretty willing to listen to workable solutions in my experience.

    Somehow I doubt that so many people are mages doing beaming such that mobs summoning will stop them from doing it, that there will be some mass exodus of players (I doubt hardly anyone would leave over it honestly).

    If you are kiting, there are still non-summoning mobs in those zones. If you are doing traditional swarming (which has much less lag since they sit in one spot most of the time) summoning never mattered anyway. A couple of the zones (City of Bronze) probably had too many mob types listed as summoning, but thats about it.

    I don't see what the big deal is here.