Xbox Server Bans

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MC GreenLantern, Jan 19, 2018.

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  1. MC GreenLantern Active Player

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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    Sorry I don't get it... as in were stabilisers listed incorrectly?
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  3. MC GreenLantern Active Player

    Yes stabilizers were put on the marketplace for 1mc the day they were released and now 8 months later people are getting banned.
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  4. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    To clear things up, here is the issues:

    Certain people have been banned for "Cheating Exploiting in DCUO" on the Xbox server. In response to that they then replied with "Banned for exploiting capsules and stabilizers".

    Now this issue was well known on Xbox and happened between 8 months - 1 year ago. The issue was that the 'Starter Pack by LexCorp' had appeared brand new on the marketplace for 1MC. Now within the description of that item it did not say the real price or if infact this was a 'glitch' or 'issue'.

    Few things to keep in mind:

    1) It was Daybreak/DCUO's mistake to put it up on the marketplace for 1MC.

    2) No description or information was provided to state that this was a mistake.

    3) People paid real money to buy marketplace cash and buy this starter pack over and over.

    Now waiting 8 months - 1 year before those people have been banned for paying real money to purchase an item and continually allowing them to purchase year memberships and consistently purchasing items from the marketplace is felt to be wrong.

    I think we would all like to know a clearer answer on why this has happened now and why people are being targeted for something that was clearly a mistake from the company?
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  5. TestReporter Loyal Player

    If this is true then:
    1) Wait for a dev response
    2) If the devs don't say anything, contact microsoft support
    3) Worst case scenario the players are probably secure by consumer laws
    They have no right to ban a player for this, i hope the devs will do something about this and revert the bans before the players have to do something, they don't want to lose players after all, even more on xbox1.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's in the terms of service we all agreed to, no cheating or exploits, even if it's a mistake on their end. As long as you agreed to the ToS, there's nothing a lawyer or any law enforcement can do for you.

    I do agree waiting 8 months is a little odd though
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  7. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    There was no information within the items description to show the correct price of the item. For all the Xbox users know is that the 1MC was the correct price. So ToS are invalid within this argument. It was a brand new item released onto the marketplace and had no visual signs or communication assigned to tell that the 1MC was the incorrect pricing.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    Not sure if this is the case but if the price was listed elsewhere (say, in an announcement or the live stream) or made clear shortly after and people still bought them.. then that is on the buyer
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  9. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    Announcements/Live Stream either came after the fix or not at all. The fix was done without even taking the server offline. Nothing really was said officially on Twitter, in-game or on the forums. At the time if I remember correctly, it was more community members discussing the issue.
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  10. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    I personally am after some clarification for those who have been banned. It's severely damaged the Xbox server with player base (wasn't that high to begin with) and now I will be in the position of not being able to play or run things because it's completely dead.

    Why wait 8 months?
    Why allow for the majority of those who have been banned to spend money at Xmas, Black Friday and purchase a yearly membership first?
    Why not have better communication with your consumers/gamers/community?
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  11. SN0W5T0RM/CREW New Player

    I wasn't on when this happened, I spend more money on this game than I care to think about. I buy stabilizers everytime they go on sale or even if I want to open a few extras and try to get a rare item to make extra cash in game. If I had been playing when this happened I'd have been one of the banned players that I guarantee. Daybreak or the developers make a mistake in pricing an item and then turn around several months later and ban accounts for buying the item they priced and sold on the marketplace. Thats not cheating or exploiting, that was buying item at a discounted price for limited time. Somehow months have passed players have spent more money on replays, artifacts, black Friday, Christmas event, renown boosters the list goes on and on. If they were gonna be punished for buying items from marketplace why let them continue spending money on a account that was going to be banned over half a year later. Sounds simple to me GREED, they lost out on getting more money and are now taking it out on the players who did nothing wrong in the first place except buy items at their set price. I will not spend another dollar on this game after seeing I can be banned for buying things off marketplace, I hope others do the same. I will never pay cash money again for a stabilizer due to this. Maybe killing the xbox server is what they are going for I don't know, I saw a video where OgMentor says 400+ were banned, if its true then this is extremely sorry on developers part.
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  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    How long is the ban?
  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Oh the ban is permanent for the people who used these exploits. I applaud the devs for finally stepping up and doing something.
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  14. Xbox Remnants New Player

    I've been permanently banned. All accounts gone without any explanation. The stabilizer event happened around March 11 2017. Why wasn't anything done then. Why wait almost a year to ban individuals for buying an item at a listed price.

    Are we all going to get reimbursed. When a pricing issue happens with Amazon or Walmart a lot of times they honor the price an item was listed at because they know it was an internal error. They don't terminate customers getting rid of multiple streams of revenue.

    I'm not a top tier player but a lot of the best players on the Xbox server are gone. The leader of the largest league on the server is gone. Best tank on the server is gone as well.

    Daybreak this isn't how you should treat paying customers.
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  15. Xbox Remnants New Player

    The Lex Corp starter pack was listed on the front page of the market place for 1 market place cash. It was months before that item was officially released. Why didn't the devs just remove the stabilizers from player inventories after the event happened. Why wait almost a year. It's very odd. And the item was removed very randomly. It happened like in a split second. The market place flashed and it was gone.

    I think one of the devs may have been trying to hide what happened but it finally caught up to them. Now the Xbox players have to suffer for it.
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  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i have a solution for the remaining players on xbox who dont have enough teammates left to play with cause they are getting punished here aswell though not their fault, let their account switch to ps/pc server and shutdown xbox server :p
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  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Same thing going on with USPS. They must be cleaning house for the new year. I've heard of several USPS players being banned over the last few days because of the material/aura dup.

    Sorry, but I am all for cheaters being banned. I knew a good portion of an old league, and many others, who got lifetime bans back with the money dup.
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  18. iMeMoriezZ Well-Known Player

    Banning players with this baby player base lolol
  19. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Heard over 400+. Don't know where the numbers came from but I had to log on and see the extravaganza LOL
  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    A few years ago in SWTOR, an item appeared on a vendor that could be purchased then resold to the same vendor for a profit. Players were soon crowded around this vendor for hours at a time generating endless currency. Some went to extremes with macros and bots and hit the cap on several characters. For a couple of weeks, their broker was a mess thanks to the huge amount of illegitimate cash flowing around.

    What do you XBone guys think happened to these players? I know what you'd want to have happened to them but what actually happened?

    They were all banned. Even players who did it once were given a week's vacation from the game. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of permanent bans handed out. Even players who never accessed the vendor but helped funnel the cash between accounts were banned, though not permanently. Vacations ranged from a few days to a few months to a lifetime ban, all for using an obvious glitch that everyone knew was a mistake that was too good to be true.

    This incident didn't even involve actual money and players were banned. Even if it was Daybreak's mistake, that 1MC price was obviously too good to be true and everyone who abused that mistake knew exactly what they were doing. In this case, they were stealing actual money from Daybreak and they deserve whatever punishment Daybreak deems necessary.
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