Wrongly renamed...

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by TheChromeKnight, May 3, 2016.

  1. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    Dev Team,

    I was told by "GM Cinder" from support to post this here:

    I've had a main villain on USPC (Zero Hour) since early access before launch. He is CR 90 (I have a lot of alts), and my sub has been paid without any lapses since the hack attack (2011?). And I've dumped more money into this game that I'd care to admit.

    With cross-play, my character's new name is "Lord Annihilus_PC1", from "Lord Annihilus".
    The current "Lord Annihilus" is on USPS and is level 28.

    I believe this has happened in error, as it is completely wrong.
    Please help. This will be the 2nd time this has happened. (my main hero back in the original merge), and this completely breaks my heart and violates both my faith and trust.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. danpen98 Level 30

    They, will sort this out soon, once they, have probly finished sorting the Xbox out!
  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    And you know that player didn't create the character before you how? Even if it were a few minutes or seconds it is still possible. Just like you the owner simply didn't play the character actively and why it is level 28.

    Name conflictions have never factored in overall progression.

    I'm sorry that you lost your name but it is completely possible for someone to get the name before you did if, for example, they also played during early access and were just slightly faster than you were.

    Do you have actual proof as to why you believe you were first? Do you know the account owner? Did you get a peak at the creation dates before they were removed from Census? I'm not seeing anything that suggests you have any real reason to believe this is an error. Having a character for a long time doesn't really mean that you were first since, like I said, it is easily possible the other player had the name for a long time too.
  4. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    All I said was when I made the character. I never said anything about my character being older.
    And you're right. Neither of us know anything.
    The last time the names were checked against USPS (the "name reclaim" in Jan 2015), I kept the name.
    And, while a small observation, that the other isn't 30. I'm not saying that my toon is better or any other pretentious thing like that, like you assume I am. All I'm asking is for the Devs to take a look.

    That's a lot of assuming. I used to respect your posts too...
  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I'm not assuming. I'm just trying to figure out why you think your character should get a second look? Many players had characters renamed yet their not here asking for do-overs.
  6. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    You most certainly are.
    But I had no idea this was so important to you.

    I laid out why.
    I've been as loyal to this game as anyone. Probably a lot more.
    Beta. Early access. Contributed a LOT to the forums in the early years. Subbed consistently since the beginning.
    Helped support the game by buying tons of store points (station cash, and DB). Even made vids on YT to help new players.

    All I'm asking is for 5 minutes of their time, as a customer. Nothing more. I'm sorry you think that's too much.
    5 minutes. A quick check. "Yup. Working as intended. Here's why..." or "Nope, here's what you/we can do..."
    And we go about our lives.

    You've spent more time than that trying to dissuade me.

    I have other characters that got renamed too. And I'm not asking about those either. Most of them were named after the Jan 2015 PC/PS name rule changes. This one was before that.
  7. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    While PlayStation and Windows version launched on the same day, the download of the game especially on PS3 is slower than on PC - 1 point for the probability that the PC toon is actually older, simply because the PC version most likely was earlier accessible to players. Also, the OP stated that his toon exists since early access even.

    When Xbox launched, there was an error in names being checked against US servers of PC/PS version for availability - 1 point for the probability that name checks in general could deliver false results.

    No points for the toon on the PS side on the other hand, with the level 28 thing even stressing that the account may have been inactive in the period that was used to determine active accounts, though, and I know that first hand, logging in any toon of an account just once during that time did the trick of preserving the name. Still, espescially with the early access thing, I'm with the OP on this one - worth a look.

    There's for sure more "evidence" pointing in the direction of this being an mistake than clues showing it to be the correct result.

    @ OP: Be sure that the character was never deleted and remade since you first created it. After all, it's the individual character creation date that determined which toon kept its original name. I looked it up and there were no deleted entries for that name in the app, but it's possibly that SOE didn't list any deleted character prior to the character recovery function, or that they didn't transfer data of deleted characters from PC on the crossplay merge to lessen the data load. Just pointing it out since the character ID is somewhat high for a toon from 2011.
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  8. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I had my client downloaded on PS3 on time for the launch as any PC would have since, like PC, the client was released for early download before the servers were turned on. When PS3 and PC launched there was no such thing as "shared name," no such thing as "MegaServer" and no such thing as "CrossPlay." All of those technologies influenced Xbox name confliction. None of them affected PS3 & PC originally. There was no equivalent to Zero Hour in the EU (which is what happened with Xbox BTW it wasn't between PC and PS it was between regions US and EU). All names involved every name confliction up and until have been the same region US vs US and EU vs EU. No points awarded.

    That's not a reason. You are trying to play the veteran card because you did not get your way. Would you be surprised to know that I have achieved the same things as you? Those achievements don't enable you a do-over on naming. If the suspicion of being low level is also a way to get a do-over than several peoples names that they have rightfully won playing by the same exact rules that you did will now be at risk since veterans are playing their trump card saying they supported the game for X, Y, Z, etc. so give me special treatment and give me a do-over.

    The rules were clear. I don't veterans thinking that they can get special treatment just because they have been around a long time. Thus if you don't have a real reason like knowing for sure that character X was around before character Y because of, say, a peak at the creation daes on the Census before that data went away I really don't think you should get a second look veteran or not.
  9. iNeoN Active Player


    I do not see a reason for you to be in the thread and giving your opinion as to why it shouldn't be looked at by a Dev. If a Dev wants to look into it they will, if they dont, then they dont. It is not to much for a fellow gamer just to ask to have it looked at. I do not see why this being questioned even concerns you.
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  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It should concern all players that had to deal with name conflicts. If this goes through then a precedent would exist which would give anyone a reason to "question" the system and pressure the development team to mess around with character names yet again even though a decision was already made. It affects me since I had some names that had conflicts. I got to keep the names so did anyone that got to keep their names over a conflict because I won out based on the same rules everyone else had to play by. End of story.

    Unless of course they had an actual reason to say otherwise. Saying that you are a long time veteran (to the point of saying exactly how long you supported the game) is not a reason to get a do-over on names.Or that you want another shot "just because."

    The character was renamed. Either keep the name with the suffice or create a new name. Don't ask for special treatment simply on the basis of being a veteran.
  11. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    Thanks for being constructive.

    Nope, I've never deleted him.

    LOL, wow.
    Look, Man. I'm sure you've "Achieved" more. MANY people have.
    You can take it however you want.

    This isn't the first time naming rules that were applied didn't follow what we were told.
    So, it wouldn't be a surprise.

    This character keeping the name through both the Megaserver merge as well as the Jan 2015 "Name Reclaim" where the names became cross-platform should be a red flag.

    All I'm asking is, as a customer, if they could look at it.
    Hell, I'd settle for a "This is why it happened."

    Dang. Well, I guess that settles it. I don't have your approval so the Devs aren't allowed to make a decision on it and I'm not allowed to ask.

    Even though you've already decided for them, thank you for keeping bumping the thread! Hopefully they'll take a look anyway :)
  12. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    And the character you lost to has obviously gone through the same events since you lost your name due to their character being around longer (by your own words since you mentioned you kept Legendary up the entire time). And no you shouldn't be allowed to reopen something that has been settled for quite a bit now. But hey here's your thread.
  13. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Cross play name consolidation thread.

    Relevent quote:
    Given your comments about money and time served, it seems logical that your character was renamed due to step 1 (active in the last 90 days).
    A final comment....if you were indeed renamed incorrectly, odds are pretty good that it's not an isolated case. Maybe there are others out there in the same situation. Maybe you'd get this name back but lose others you have.
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  14. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Gheez.... did I really log in every single toon back then and forgot about it???
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  15. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Maybe you just picked names nobody else wanted :p
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