Worst Weapon & Most Irritating Weapon

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Sun Wu Kong, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Sun Wu Kong New Player

    Yo guys... Just curious, what is the worst weapon and the most irritating weapon in the game for ya'll
  2. TrueMarvel New Player

    Flying + brawling
  3. Yui Loyal Player

  4. La Chupacabra New Player

  5. Davis New Player

    Shield by far the worst weapon that why i really hope they add another weapon because they really dropped the ball with shield its absolutely worthless. Maybe tweaking the shield like the strykers instance theres guards with a shield in one hand and a one handed sword in the other maybe doing something like that.
  6. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    lol, so true,,, i was stuck with that combo recenttly on one of my alts b/c it was the only 131 he had... it was driving me nuts, so glad i'm done with that combo.
  7. Harly Davidson Well-Known Player

    Brawling? Is brawling the worst or irritating? I mean brawling is the most icon super hero way to fight, i mean I've never ever seen Robin in the comics use a staff. Most comic book super heroes are brawlers.

    I guess you figured it out, I love to brawl :)
  8. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Brawling would be great but the combos are so 'unfun'. Too many tap + hold + hold + hold combos instead of simple tap + tap + tap + hold combos (like MA and DW). Brawling looks great though.
  9. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    the worst weapon would be handblast to me.
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  10. Meta Flare New Player

    no offense but are you F***ing kidding me. the shield is awesome. why is it worthless? and what you described wouldnt be a shield weapon it would be sword and shield.

    as to the OP, my answer is rifle all day.
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  11. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Rifle. I hate not having a lunge
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  12. Durath Sa New Player

    I love 1H, Brawling & Shield (can't believe people don't like shield- it's so easy). I hate Bow, then Rifle most.
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  13. Unknown New Player

    I guess Shield is worthless for PvE, cause its mostly single target.
    But, oh well... It's all about game style
  14. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    theres only one true answer to this, dual pistols
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  15. Rebelyon New Player

    All weapons are good. It actually depends on the role you are playing at the moment as well.
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  16. Meta Flare New Player

    HB, bow, staff. those are single target mainly so why dont those suck?
  17. Sun Wu Kong New Player

    I find duals and shield bad and the most irritating weapon, 2H!
  18. Madholm New Player

    Staff has some of the biggest AOE splashes in the game, not sure why you would say its single target.

    I like all the weapons to some extent, but my least favorites are dual pistols and rifle.
  19. Meta Flare New Player

    i say it cuz other than the tap tap tap hold hold the AOEs are not that powerful. it just splits the damage. so i consider it single target if only one move i s made to be an effective AOE.
  20. Michael Woodruff New Player

    Reserved for when Ive used all the weapons