Witch Hat should not be harder to get than OP Items

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amanda Bailey, Oct 3, 2019.

  1. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    And today I finally got one for myself. :D
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  2. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    Witch hat is harder to get on one toon - make alts simple as that. I'm not sure if you can buy the style.
  3. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Nah, can't be bought. Now I just need to get it on my other 24 characters... :D
  4. Attackfrog Active Player

    The most sought after items are the rarest...op or otherwise.

    If you spent hundreds of dollars every year, then it is working as intended.

    I too wish I had gotten a witch hat but have played every year since the first Halloween event and have only had one drop....on an alt no less.

    It sucks It's not a vendor item but people must be dropping mad $$ on attempts so it won't change.
  5. MisterJC New Player

    This is the first year since launch I haven’t played the Halloween event. Sick of not getting that damn hat!