WIP: An Update on DCUO's New UI

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Pez Fedora, Oct 1, 2014.

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  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    That UI looks horrible. It's HUGE and feels like I'm opening my computer up. It's just not cool....why can't it be simple where the UI is the right hand and on the left side is ur toon in the open world. Something like dark souls UI. I don't know this just looks plain ugly and big and confusing for no reason
  2. DCUController New Player

    like, only think I can think of from seeing the video is this:

    the background when having a sub menu open, needs to be a little more transparent, because as in the video, your wanting us to be able to see our characters while navigating menu's but the background of sub menu's kind of blocks that.

    this is only thing I can suggest, other then this it looks great IMO
  3. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I just hope that there will certainly be more style in addition to substance, because even though I realize that what is shown is just a first draft, that doesn't mean that it won't turn out to be the only draft and unfortunately there is nothing there compared to the awesome styling we have now.
  4. David Darwin New Player

    Please consider adding full keyboard navigation on the PC version so PC users can have the option of using cursor keys to navigate menus and the enter button to make selections (pressing up/down to select menu items and left/right to expand/collapse a pane or move between panes). Using the mouse to scroll through menus can be tedious and difficult in certain instances, especially with smaller menu items like these.

    And please consider changes that will minimize mouse movement as much as possible. For example, it's somewhat tedious having to click on an item on the inventory then go down and click on the trash can to delete it. This is one of many cases where it becomes clear the current UI was designed with the Playstation in mind, not a keyboard and mouse.

    For example, it would be better if the player could press the "delete" key on the keyboard while hovering over an inventory item to delete it, or if the middle mouse button made a menu pop up with selectable options like "delete", "split" (for splitting quantities), etc..

    It would be very nice if the player could use the shift and control keys to select multiple items at a time (shift for consecutive items, control for non-consecutive items, which is a common scheme in most PC software) rather than having to delete one item at a time.

    And it would be nice to be able to press letter keys to select menu items - like, pressing "i" to highlight "Inspect" when you want to inspect another player.

    Please also consider making the option of pressing "enter" for "yes" the default behavior for all "yes/no" dialogue boxes.

    Basically, it would be nice if the new UI could take advantage of the PC keyboard. Having played the game on both the PC and the Playstation, using the current UI on the PC sometimes feels like swimming in a pool of tar.

    EDIT: I also agree with another poster that the menu backgrounds could be a bit more transparent.
  5. David Darwin New Player

    Personally, I would rather have very plain menus that load quickly and are quick to use. The current UI is bogged down by "style", which is exactly why they're changing it.

    I can do without gaudy panel borders with weird seams all over the place that serve no function. The current UI looks like the video game equivalent of a "New 52" costume, with unnecessary seams and piping and padding all over the place that don't do anything and make something that should be sleek and simple look "fancy" and over-complicated.

    The HUD can be "pretty" since it's mainly a visual thing, but to me, the menus should be utilitarian.
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