Will PVE gear be banned from Arenas?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Aerovenger, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. fairyofdiscord Well-Known Player

    and thats why it needs to be banned.
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  2. Thatguy New Player

    If you're focus fired, you'll die instantly in PVE gear. Small maps and duels aren't a problem, but in large maps I've run into teams that screenblock for their nearly full traces celestial DPS to go to town on us. It's exclusive to that powerset in particular--decent 1v1 but amazing when they can hide and do PVE rotations.
  3. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Just had a Tank declare in Isis - "IM IN CHARGE" etc etc
    He had PVE corrupted gear on...
    Died 7 times = 490 points he cost us!
    And it was a close enough defeat!
  4. Mr. Synister New Player

    PvE gear shouldnt be allowed in PvP at all....if banning it outright cant be done, then add a penalty to players in PvE gear in PvP instances. If you enter a PvP instance with PvE gear on, nerf its stats all the way down below the cash PvP gear. When people start dying in 4 or 5 hits from someone in PvP gear, this madness will stop.
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  5. fairyofdiscord Well-Known Player

    something has to be done either make it useless or banned the thing.
  6. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    I like it!

    I got wild abuse from the guy when i pointed out its a pvp arena, not a pve!
    I got called a noob; that he could beat me in pve and pvp gear...well he aint got pvp gear to try that one!
    He even told his lleaguemate who mmessaged and sent me noob related abuse!
    The dude wanted to overpower pvpers on his way to get cr84 gear! He basically admitted it! He didn't want to start at cr77 like all of us.
    His mate accused me of wwanting to beat him as i wanted him in cr77 gear! - well...I tthink he had enough mmarks for at least some cr81 gear by the third map! especially as he admitted he was farming pvp.
    I could say a lot more about this dude's reaction, but he is a disgrace to his league!
    The guy must have really felt ppride as he one shotted poor Aero! :oops:
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Arenas are more luck based as it depends who you get grouped with, some groups they have experience and can follow the objective and others have no clue who full not follow the objective and run alone in a group of 5 enemies. If you managed to get lucky and win, sweet 10 marks for winning and 50 marks for the weekly, but wait you spend money to REDUCE the time it takes to get the gear, like players like myself who dont use replays it can take a few months to full gear up in PV

    replay badges are the reason why people cant play their role properly in PVE content and can be clueless in PVP
  8. danielqpk New Player

    1: if I go in an arena I'm gonna be wearing my PvP gear. (DUH!)
    2: by the time I notice they have PvE gear I would have to switch all my gear losing 9-12 seconds.
    3: when I do switch i get massacred by someone in PvP gear.
    4: I switch back to PvP gear and get destroyed by PvE gear.

    that's why....
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  9. SupesIsBestHero New Player

    I did got PVP by having SP and Archangel gear, and just worked my way up everytime I could afford Avatar.
    SP can make a big difference, I used to beat full t5 blues with Archangel dps..but that toon got banned so can't do it anymore.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    they are a glass cannon, a pve geared player can put out numbers but they cant take a hit, fair tradeoff to me
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Thanks for responding. Could you, when you get a spare moment, expand briefly on what those "numerous reasons" are? It's helpful for us to understand why things are they way they are or aren't in the game, and better understand the constraints you work within,, and the reasons you refer to aren't particularly obvious to me, at least, absent some slightly further explication. Thanks if you feel like doing so, which is not of great importance. :)

    Hope you had a delightful Thanksgiving. Handy to have Lanterns around to carve, isn't it?

    Which reminds me: everyone seems to think the Lantern DLCs will bring new color Lantern PLAYER powers; I haven't seen anything from the devs that confirms or denies what seems to be tremendously widespread belief. Can you give a hint?; it would doubtless help moderate people's expectations.
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  12. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Seems like the easiest solution is to tier PVP arenas, with a settings option to turn off, so you can only Q in with players of the same PVP CR (Lower CR can challenge higher tiers if they choose but not vice versa) .
  13. Gottcha Well-Known Player

    I have to agree that it's totally unfair for pvpers.
    I started queing up for pvp for feats in pve gear thinking I was going to get squashed, but was top dps and top kills in every match.
    Pretty much anyone I attacked melted before they had a chance and anyone that did manage to get some hits on me, all i had to do was block and they'd take massive damage because of my high precision and HT mods.
    It may have been dumb luck with the groups i went up against, but totally surprised me.
  14. Paradox Well-Known Player

    I realize that some type of solution is in the works, and I do hope it comes soon.

    As it stands now, I never know when doing an arena if it's going to be a fair fight or not, and as a consequence rarely do them.

    However, I do have difficulty with accepting the explanation that the status quo has to stay for now because people don't know how to get PVP gear. Quick thoughts are education via pop-ups, instant teleports to PVP vendor upon queuing if no PVP gear, automatic granting of "starter" PVP gear, etc.

    To be clear, I enjoy most of this game and appreciate that there is a lot of "behind the scenes" work, but this aspect of the game definitely needs adjustment.
  15. Solarstar New Player

    If that's the case, then the devs would need to remove Toughness as a stat and all remnants of PvP gear... thus making everything based on PvE stats.
  16. Karasawa Loyal Player

    What sort of stat scaling happens in seasonal events currently? I need specifics!
  17. winter13 New Player

    I'm one of those guys that wears PVE gear when I "try" to PvP. Reason being, at least my pve gear gives me a fighting chance. I only have 77 PvP gear, and get thrown in instances against players with much better gear. I just get beat down over and over, and it is not enjoyable for me. At least in my pve gear I can take a few of them with me before I go down.
  18. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    That's why you do 1v1 and you can always duel with a friend or league mate.

    I think it's unfair to the player who have bought replay badges and don't have the time to grind it out in pvp. Not my fault that it takes you months to get pvp gear, maybe you should get some replay badges.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    pft and join the spoonfed crowd of players this game breeds due to SOE wanting a quick buck, if it were up to me id remove replay badges, if i give my nephew (hes 11)50 dollars in replay badges, hell have a full set of T4 pvp gear and like half a set of manta and still be clueless on exactly how to play, time gives experience and SOE is aallowing a complete bypass for it
  20. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    A company needs to make money to stay a float.

    That's why you can duel other players in the wt or fight clubs. There's nothing dcuo can do to make you a better pvp'er and if you haven't gotten some sort experience from arenas by the time you hit T3, maybe you should stick to pve.
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