Why not bring SM back?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Not Mad, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I haven't commented on the forums for a while for various reasons but on this matter I feel the need to chime in.
    **The following comments are mine alone and I speak for only myself**

    I SPEND MONEY, I have spend a great deal of money on DCUO since February 2011, that is 7 years of dedication to a product that has at times failed to deliver and at other times made me feel like my investment was wasted.

    I have survived the hacks, the nerfs, the giveaways, the obvious money grabs, the crybabies, the flip flopping on powers etc.

    I am top tier, end game level and maintain elite gear soon after any content comes out.

    I have few feats left and those are either real grind related or 8 man feats. I have little to do.

    Four times a year the majority of my league puts all other things on hold to dedicate our time to SM. SM provides a challenge that doesn't seem to exist otherwise in DCUO. Seeing how far your team can get, always striving to reach the 20th level and the coveted giant pets. I wont lie, I do it for the pets and the satisfaction that comes with being among the few that can beat rounds others will never see. I reset for pet runs and sometimes that means just 2 rounds if the team is having an off run.

    Upon reading Mepps comments :
    The reality is, while really enjoyed by some, almost nobody actually played SM. Instead, we are focusing our time improving elite with the SM learnings and ideas in mind, and we will see where that leads.
    I was angry as a dedicated paying customer that one facet that I truly enjoy and look forward to in DCUO was not returning, thus removing one of the reasons that I still play and pay. I may not be a 'whale' by some standards but over the years I have spent a sizeable amount on this game so I feel that my opinion should matter and will be heard.

    I feel that the DEV team should find a way to return SM to the players that play it, however few it may be. We may be the minority but we still matter and it is a portion of the game that we pay for. I am aware that this is a business and SM was not lucrative to your company but is important to a portion of the players that subscribe to your business.

    Thank you for your time. BRING BACK SM
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  2. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I agree with you on uniting leagues, Vagrant was quite a small league until late last year and now we have a really strong group of players who were looking forward at tackling SM as a unit. We have some guys who were saying they couldn't wait as in the past they didn't have strong leaguemates so they couldn't get very far and were excited at the prospect of beating higher rounds.
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  3. Castrato Well-Known Player

  4. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    I like new revamp content, that's all about to used up to, but don't complain again again
  5. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I like the revamp also, asking for the Dev team to find a way to bring SM back isn't a complaint it is a want by a portion of the playerbase. You can like the revamp AND want SM to return. Js
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  6. Castrato Well-Known Player

  7. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I hate to be that guy but, seems there are some serious hyperbole going on in this thread, so let me add my own.

    Up till the last, what 2 times SM was released had a large number of players getting past the 1st few rounds.

    Seems the possible only 24-32 players would actually agree that they would actually miss SM, being they were the only group that would even spend the amount time it would even take to reach the later rounds to even achieve the platinum shirt or pet or the base item.

    While I see SM being the only thing that could and did bring a challenge, it can be just as challenging to turn on the LFG channel and stop running with just 7-12 league mates only.

    Baffling how so many can have the desire to run something for a chance to earn a Pet and to be server first but will cry, scream, yell, and then threaten to quit if the Dev's released content that would take 1 hour to complete because they couldn't run alt's and earn gear.

    So I have to say I liked and enjoyed SM, the difficulty was great in the beginning or when it was first released.

    The community was not ready for SM nor is it interested, not many can honestly put in an honest run in SM because frankly they lack skill and they will short themselves as they always have on their stats.

    They will say 1 thing until the time counts then they will be quiet when it is time to step up.

    I am not attacking anyone in particular, but to see how so many will miss SM, they right their 12-15 friends they will miss, there is thousands still trying to catch up and it is sad but even more that's been playing for years who would say they missed it as well and probably couldn't even que up for SM on their main toon.
  8. Castrato Well-Known Player

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  9. Castrato Well-Known Player

  10. zor ile Well-Known Player

    bring it back
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  11. Craven Green Loyal Player

    The villain side is a wasteland. Many of the high level players who pass the time between pieces of content in SM have taken breaks. SM keeps a lot of top tier players playing the game and spending a little money.

    Wouldn't you agree Devs, that a little money spent by players that stayed in between DLC's is better than no money being spent because people took breaks after they finished the current content?

    You (the dev team) have made it easy to finish all the seasonal feats with just a little bit of money. On day 1 end game players can buy enough seasonal currency to finish the feats and walk away until the next piece of content. So what you have is no money coming in from a portion of the playerbase for approx. 4 weeks and I am sure that some of those players would spend money on replaying the higher rounds of SM.

    I am hoping this appeals to the financial side of your decision making Devs. BRING BACK SM
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  12. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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  13. SkullGang Devoted Player

    If they do bring back SM they need to make it accessible to more players. Separate the levels of difficulty so that the hardcore players that were doing SM prior still have their challenge but also allow other players to participate.
  14. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Devs dont want to work on one version of SM they sure arent going to make more than 1.

    Not a random player
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Personally I hardly ran SM (I think I ran 4 of them the original Oan, Trigon, FOS, and HH), as it was too time consuming and I don't believe I ever made it past level 7 or 8. That being said, like the OP mentioned they have the maps built, the drops coded, and all they would need to do is code the bosses and adds a bit higher CR, which seems like a pretty easy task. I think there are more than 24 or 30 people who would run these, and on the few times I did really get into it, I made some friends with some with some top-notch players some of who I still run with on occasion. Once they put the checkpoints in, it seemed like a better situation too, not taking 2 hours just to get back to where you left off on the last run at level 7 or so. Besides the fact it drums up almost no money (I guess people would replay for the rare drops...I did not), I can't see why you would not bring an SM up at current level CR once every quarter or so...run for a month...then take a 2 month break. It would be a nice filler for those who are at max CR/Gear and are looking for a challenge.

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  16. JackUSPS Well-Known Player

    Then deal with potencial consequences:

    the Forum Guidelines
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  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    You use the term community assuming everyone shares your opinion
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  18. Heywiar Committed Player

    Yikes, sorry for the 300 year old reply.
    I am talkiing about people that have specifically quit due to the lack of SM. We feel that there is nothing to gear up for any longer so...why bother, you know? I personally saw entire leagues quit after the realization that SM isn't coming back hit them. Most of the people in my league, including myself, no longer support the game other than legendary because there is no reason for us to in our eyes. It is way more people than one would think.
    (I am not saying SM is the sole factor that keeps players around. I am saying it is way more crucial to the population than many people think. You do raise some great points.)
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  19. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Probably both. Obviously the entire player base can't run SM because of CR restrictions, but even endgame level players didn't want to run it because, "we want hard, not impossible" or "the rewards are just not worth the effort" elitists.

    As I've always said, people want hard content until the content is too hard.
  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I can see where you are coming from and can understand that outside activities might not be your thing. But my thinking is

    If I want to get competive. Then I'll step out on the court, the pitch or put on some gloves IRL. Not some video game full of keyboard warriors that try to talk trash over the internet. Heck these guys cannot even back up what they say because they are behind a screen. As the old timers always say. If you are going to talk the talk you better be able to walk the walk. With being behind a screen all players can do is talk and talk is cheap. js