Why do you guys support this game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KodyDerp, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    For anyone still questioning the intent of this thread based on the tone of the original post, the goal was/is to gather unbiased reasoning on why players are playing for the game and why they aren't. I believe this is an important thing to discuss as a community and the feedback is important to the staff team.
  2. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Hurts that it's that way for many of the players here :(
  3. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    I'm glad that DCUO still gives you that feeling of being "involved" how I miss that feeling.

    I have another question for you now, would you still support the game (pay your sub) if after GU X you could no longer run content because of something like let's say...broken damage values?
  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What kind of angled question is that? You went from "I just want unbiased reasoning" to "Would you still pay if you can't play hurr durr" in 2 seconds.

    It's like asking somebody if they would still buy that functioning car they were checking out, were they to pick out the motor before you buy it.
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  5. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    It's a question that was directed towards the person asked (hence the quoted portion), It wasn't meant for your mind to comprehend so don't get yourself too worked up if you do not understand the question.
  6. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What was the point of a particularly angled question like that in regards to what was said? That's what I am wondering, since we want to talk about "unbiased reasoning" and all. Please do tell.
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  7. Controller Devoted Player

    The Lore.

    Raiding with league mates or 7 people that I barely know - all working together to finish the mission.

    Investing time and effort into my main toon and building up my Alts. The time between DLCs affords me PLENTY of opportunity to do just that.

    Achieving feats and helping others do the same.
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  8. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    There's nothing to tell, that particular question was directed towards Brit. Did you find my question to be biased?
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Kody I'm curious what has you so disenchanted with the game pvp or pve?

    And can you be specific about what you believe is broken at least?
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You obviously had some form of intention with that particularly angled question, I'm wondering what the purpose of that question was in regards to what was being said? If this is all about "unbiased reasonng", I find it wierd to be ducking an explanation on the intent of said question.
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  11. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    not so much biased as rhetorical, much like zneeak's response the answer should be fairly obvious as "yes". no one in their right mind buys a dysfunctional product. while i like the game and all it isn't because of the "Raids" we have shoved down our throats and that from what i've seen very few people have the tactical mind to tolerate/complete, it's cause DCUO has unique styles/a compelling base system which fuels and enables my creative tendencies. the closest thing i'd say to this i've experienced would be champions online (having not been aware of city of heroes until it went under) and mildly enjoyed marvel heroes/omega before it sunk, though again little if any creative customization. if we moved away from "raids" and more towards open world/solo and smaller group content as "dc UNIVERSE online" suggests and as WoW and champions online has i would be much happier than i currently am, or in the very least dial down the one shots and constant painfully difficult through and through raid lengths, i know they want to make elites and hard game mode enthusiasts happy and all, but the reality of the situation is that those people will never be happy because they chose the hardest hitting powers in the game and often use replays and the cookie-cutter loadouts others have called "OP" to try and replay badge their way through content in the first week or two to completion. the vast majority of our player populace simply isn't that kind of player.
  12. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    In all of my years playing this game, I have always dwelled in both PvP and PvE. I loved them both equally.

    I wouldn't say I'm "disenchanted" with the game completely or place pvp or pve at the root of the issue. I'm more so disenchanted with the steps previously taken to address feedback, the fact that skill points (something everyone used to be able to get considering they put the time in) are laughable now and that a portion of them require in-game cash or real cash to unlock, the fact that public chats run rampant with ignorance because of lack of moderation, and the portion of the community that obliviously supports cash-grab decisions because they don't know any better. What I am most concerned about are the things that I cannot change alone.

    My intent was to know for sure if Brit would still pay her sub if she could no longer run content because of a content-breaking bug. It's not really hard to comprehend even if the question wasn't meant for you to comprehend.
  13. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Here is the question that was asked.

    No, the obvious answer should be no. The point I wanted to get across is that there is a portion of the community who would have answered yes to this question. That's the same portion of the community paying for the game when the game isn't 100% functional.
  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Reality, huh? :rolleyes:

    Your response in regards to raids Vs small group-content feels very biased in favor of YOUR personal preference, to say the least. You'd probably drop your jaw in surprise of the negative impact it would make were they to drop raids and focus on small group, because whether you like it or not, raids are prefered by a LOT of players and without them, you'd see inactivity like never before. All the Small group-heavy DLC's in the past are proof of this.

    You'd also would be in for a surprise at the amount of players that actually enjoy hardmode/Elite versions of content, and the way you reason in regards to that make me wonder why you even care if you're admittedly not a raid-person in an MMO? While you won't enjoy the aspect of hardmodes, plenty of players do and you'd again be surprised at the negative impact were they to remove this aspect of the game. We have Event, Normal and Elite-content in place today for a reason, this is a concept of which you should understand the need of considering the amount of references you make towards WoW.

    We need more small group-content, we do, just as much as we need raids for all the active raid enthusiasts out there aswell as varying categories of difficulty to keep all types of players in general engaged within content releases.
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  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'm not Brit, but I'd like to have my answer on the record as well.

    Of course I'd continue to support the game financially through such a span. I did so eight years ago during the two months I was unable to play during the PSN hack and through the following June (GU3) where the game was - without hyperbole - unplayable.

    But that's because I have faith in the dev team - both in their ability and their intentions. The game-shattering things get fixed as quickly as is humanly possible, and they need support (read: money) to get that done. The other things get added/fixed as time and manpower allow.

    Also for the record - the game has never been 100% functional. Not even Day One. There are always niggling details that will exist for years and bother some while others will never even take notice.

    It's like a M*A*S*H unit. Running an MMO is all about triage.
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Lol yeah do you even hear that question? How does that type of angled intent at all serve the claimed purpose of this thread regarding "unbiased reasoning"?

    You might aswell ask if we would still be interested in paying for DCUO after the game is shutdown and we can no longer play it at all. "Hey do you want to keep paying for nothing, just for the funsies?"

    I just don't see how such a rhetorical question of that angle serves any purpose at all in regards to what is being discussed here.
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  17. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Fake scenario: Raids unplayable > People stop replaying/paying sub > Activity dwindles
    Real scenario: PvP is unplayable > People stopped playing/paying sub > Activity dwindled
  18. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    The reason I didn't ask just anyone the question is because I knew just anyone wouldn't understand it. So like I previously said, there's no need for you to worry.
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    If you think that's a "real" scenario by any stretch of the imagination, the game would have shut down already in regards to the neglection of PvP. Actual, real scenario: The majority of DCUO's population is more interested in PvE than PvP.
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  20. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Thank you for your answer, I just wanted to example that people will still pay for a broken game - which encourages game-breaking decisions because money is being made with them. This is the ideal example.
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