Who are all the bosses that Orbital Strikes should not be used upon?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MsTickle Fate, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Neither, its developers trying something new, and players seeing it as a punishing mechanic.

    Sure one could argue we do rely on them in raids alot, but arent we suppose to? That's why they were given to us to begin with. Hell I rarely pop my supply drop in raids unless someone goes down, but even then they have colas they can pop as soon as they get up on top of my healing.

    Orbitals I usually save for bosses same with henchman. But my construct bat I usually pop it asap.
  2. L T Devoted Player

    I actually liked the mechanic with Terra-- because with a little skill and coordination you could avoid it. Used sparingly and in a way that doesn't completely stop you from using all the weapons in your arsenal things like that can keep the game interesting and fresh.

    Used repeatedly in ways that punish you for investing in a playstyle they get tired.
  3. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Major thing with Terra though is that Titans was before Atlantis, meaning before Dead King's Scepter. Post-DKS and Philosopher's Stone it just feels like a slight against those who choose a utility-belt focused style.
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  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Thing is, it's pretty easy for me to see it as a matter of over-reliance just from my own experiences. When I see people dropping orbitals in easy-mode stuff like seasonal instances and the Stabilizer duo, it's hard not to look at that and think, "Yeah, that's become a crutch for that player." So that question I brought up is going to come to my mind pretty easily.

    Also (and this may be a harsh way of putting it but I can't think of a better term to use right now), it comes across as a little naïve to think that the devs wouldn't come up with creative ways to have us account for some of the advantages we have over the NPCs. Yes we can and should be able to use orbitals and anything else from Mainframes but not having any potential consequences for using them would be a bad design choice. It'd be getting a free pass of sorts.
  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Go in with a good healer and have them spam those parts and you don't have to stop hitting her. That whole alert is barely 10mins now, it'll be 8 eventually. Played yesterday, Poseidon didn't even get to call in his water soldiers before we beat him.

    I don't mind the no orbital thing nearly as much as mind control. It's not like the room wipes if you wait till the very end to use them. They're always useable just a question of when.