Where are the VETERANS of the game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scypher6, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Scypher6 Well-Known Player

    I gave you a thumbs up because I could see that you meant well by giving Crappy that ice build, but he was being sarcastic, hence why it all came across as funny. He's not mocking you, it's just that he understands that CrappyHeals was just joking himself. No big deal.

    Meanwhile, CrappyHeals is just laying back watching his plot unfold ...
  2. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Been here since late 2011, I've not always agreed with the decisions the devs or higher ups have made but I'm still kicking.
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  3. megamanzero Loyal Player

    sorry but i don't buy it. this community is so bad that people with actual questions don't bother asking them because they feel ashamed. why? cause when they do ask questions they get kicked or shamed by elitist players who would rather make fun than make friends and help others. i'm sticking to my gun here.
  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Been here since Jan 14th 2011 3 days after game was released and will stay until banned or servers shut down
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  5. Shifty Committed Player

    Player since Jan. 2012... Gosh, thinking about it, next month makes 4 years on DCUO. Crazy..
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  6. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    I'm not a veteran I've been playing since 2013 than stopped playing than came back to playing it :)
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  7. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Originally downloaded the game in November 2011, didn't give it an earnest go until a few months later after my nephew went ahead and purchased some DLC without my consent. I'm glad he did or else I wouldn't have given the game much of a shot.
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  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Been playing since Feb 2011. Life may get in the way of play time but I'm not leaving.
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  9. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I didn't get here until March/April of 2012. My enthusiasm waxes and wanes these days. But I'm still here.
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  10. dcuobestmmo Committed Player

    Been playing since 2011, Its really the only game I play with the exception of Fallout 3. No not Fallout 4. It just does not have the same feel. Nevertheless, DCUO is still a good game, but they do need to bring crossplay into the mix soon. The core is getting bored with itself and the game. I dont think the core will ever give up the game, too much invested. I wont give it up because of my friends and I am always finding new combat strategies outside the 1234 when making new toons. There is still plenty to do in the game. But I do believe devs are going to need to start listing to the Vet core players and Vet subs who financially support this game
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  11. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Been playing since December 04, 2011. Not sure if that makes me a Veteran or not but it has always been a blast so I am good with whatever.
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  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Had we had control of gear vs random drops the dox tuffness would of dropped way way sooner. Once AnB dropped we had close to 88 gear (I know 90 gear but 88 stats were smidge better if memory serves correctly) and dox begam to fall fast and easy.

    Dox was as simple as dont let the big slow ugly face you up. Prime we needed to stay on brainiacs shoulders at launch so not getting in front of the dox bosses was pretty much the same to many of us. Once the gear was obtained the "difficulty" was nowhere near the level as when we were stuck in blue gear
  13. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Nah bud once we had gear it was easy. Finding 8 people with purple gear was mission impossible. Those who needed to glitch for the gear simply do not posses the skill to win. Us who could no issues. Ok things rendering was an issue but overcomeable.

    Imo nexus was the best part of the dlc and had we got the gear via vendor well dox would of fallen within weeks. Atleast my circles. We geared by beating dox legit and waiting for luck. Also learning the raid then learning how to face all 4 side bosses while being under geared (only real issue) was the problem. Your experiences could be different but I will garuntee if we could gear up to 88 gear dox feats would fall soon after. Learning curve.
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I stopped playing about a year ago, I had played since launch. There was no over reaching reason I stopped playing, I just got bored after nearly 4 years of playing. I pop into the forums to see if there's anything exciting that would bring me back. So far, nada.
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  15. Skidmarc Committed Player

    Been playing since summer of 2011 here and all the old heads I used to run with have long since moved on to other games. All of them jumped ship around Feb of 2015 and haven't been heard from since. Those Game breaking changes did them in and they just laugh when I try to bring them back. Basically without some big fixes the vets I played with won't come back to the sandbox to play.
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  16. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I can say since they went to monthly content. I'm lucky if I log in once a week.

    I don't think it has anything to do with the release cadence change or that might just be part of it. Just finding it hard to enjoy so I'm playing less.

    Did try out Atomic on test and live tho, they did a nice job with atomic.
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  17. Triumph or Die Well-Known Player

    I've been playing this game since November 2011. I've seen the best & worst this game has to offer. I've neglected tons of other games in favor of playing this one. But, I think I've had my fill. My subscription runs out on Jan 16th. Yesterday, I cancelled my auto-renewal. I think it's time for a break, possibly permanently.

    This game has been my digital crack for the last few years, replacing my previous addiction, Phantasy Star Online Ep. I & II on GameCube. I'll miss it.
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  18. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Been here since the game released. I played heavily until the sony hack(and my 3 mo, membership ran out). Took a break when I was P O 'd about how their customer service treated me. The lack of communication..... Etc.

    I came back after the game went Free to Play when a bunch of friends started playing. Their gone but I've stuck around. I like the game alot. It has many issue's. I hope eventually we'll get to a place where powers feel balanced and we can just focus on content.

    I don't play in game as much for about the last 6 months. That has more to do with my Real Life schedule(3 kids(1 with health issues), a new job). I have quite a few good friends in game. But looking at it from a macro perspective there are a lot who either don't play anymore at all or are not that active. Most have a negative view on the treatment of customers from the Dev/Sony/Daybreak Teams.
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  19. Knightmare Active Player

    I've been part of the DCUO community since November 2010, right before the NDA was lifted to be exact, and have for the most part enjoyed my time here. I don't post often, but maybe I should since I have feelings about how this game has succeeded and failed over that time frame, and maybe I can add to the conversation(s) in a positive way.

    First , someone mentioned Chris Cao earlier in this thread and his original vision. I kind of laughed to myself considering how many vets that played back then were actually glad that he was let go because the game at launch was VERY LITTLE like the game he and Jens were promising in those old alpha and early beta vids ( yeah, Jens was the creative director back then ; Cao was in charge of the overall development, and the coding mess that today's dev team is still dealing with ). The "glory" days of Cao were mercifully short in my opinion, and if anyone out there wants to reminisce about those days just head out to the largest monument to the guy in- game and think about why they named the dam in metro after him. The funny thing is the game now, five years later, is closer to what they were originally planning than what it was then (certainly the monthly cadence was a Cao promise at launch) somethings are better now, but a lot has been broken along the way.

    I have played other MMO's before picking up DCUO , but this was 5 plus years ago and still today the game I have my hopes up for. The DC IP is so strong it consistently is the source for some of the best fiction produced across many media on a yearly basis. The combat system here at it's core is still one of the best ever produced in an MMO, although sadly, it certainly is only a shadow of what it once was. The community here is filled with people of all walks of life that love playing in the super hero genre, some people are far more jaded about the experience currently than others, the veteran population being here the longest have seen the most change and thus have had more occasion to turn acerbic to the product. Being an MMO vet of about 11 years I know the MMO adapts and changes throughout it's lifespan, we as a community in partnership with our dev team need to move forward and make or reverse changes that have detracted from the overall experience of the game in order to ensure it's survival. Today's newbies are tomorrow's vets, let's make sure they're still here in five years and maybe we'll see some old friends log back on in the process.
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  20. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It was hard to get into runs of nexus or dox because it was the first time, as a true community, that CR snobbery was created... which was even more annoying because several of the people who had purple gear at that time (from nexus first) glitched it to get it.... that annoying crud it was got dueling taken out of instances, something I still miss to this day.

    That's just yet another reason why Origins had far more "failures" than successes in my book.
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