When are player names up for use again?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fearlantern77, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    Wasn't there a reset when a player was inactive for a year or somthing along those line. Names would become available.
  2. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    It was a one-time thing (not automated in other words). Maybe they'll do it again in another 3 years or so.
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  3. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    Aww man okay thanks.
  4. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Additional information: if someone deletes a toon, that name is up for use again instantly.
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  5. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

    There are some league names of iconic DCU leagues that are being occupied by people who haven't played since before the great name change. Personally, I'd like to see some of those freed up, but that seems unlikely.
  6. Triumph or Die Well-Known Player

    What name were you looking for? Anything specific?
  7. CheddarCube Well-Known Player

    In my opinion, name reclaim should be something that happens yearly. It's not unreasonable to think that a good number of people who were safe during the last round of clean-ups are people who have left the game with no intention of returning. I also think that 1 year is more than enough time to log back into the game if you are interested in continuing with your same name that you had while active.

    So, to me, name reclaim would make sense as an annual occurrence and reclaims names within a 12 month span rather than 18.
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  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    12 months? That's too long, it should be weekly, no, daily!!! Untiltheygivemethenameiwantthentheycangobackto18months
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  9. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I could have sworn Mepps said it would be a continuous thing. That after 6 months or so of inactivity, names become forfeited. But you would not have to log in to every character you have, just your account.
  10. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

  11. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    And THAT's why you can't trust a devilish girl!
  12. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That didn't work in EQ2, had last logged in there on all characters during May but didn't go back until just before Halloween (kept meaning to back in to sort out last years Frostfall gifts) and they had just recently done a smerge and Htaed lost her name to two other Htaed's (even though, again, she was last logged in no later than May, and was created at the end of February 2005), but meh, gives me a chance to slightly update her name while keeping it close to her original meaning (full name is "Htaed Ybdehcuotnu" :p)