What needs to happen after revamp hits live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saint Nutella, May 3, 2017.

  1. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Yeah, so they could make a boat load of cash off respec tokens.
  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Or you could just make an alt. It's free.
  3. Kuno Loyal Player

    They changed powersets and gameplay A LOT. I think members should get a free respec.
    Just in case the powerset is not your cup of tea anymore.

    Also do something with the marketplace, I just cant believe we got to the current state of it.
    It makes me loathe Time Capsules even more.
  4. Domi Well-Known Player

    1. I don't support this. People should at least try their powers first. And if it's because of the FotM power, well pffft. They are already giving us the equipment mods and generator mods, be thankful, not greedy.

    2. I personally like this, but I doubt they will do it.

    3. I'd rather them work on style unlocking than update the perks of just the vault and the lockboxes. I do feel regular perks for being a member need to be increased though.

    4. This would be nice, but there are bugs and glitches with being invisible and such in any instance. This has been happening since L&W and should be a top priority. Who knows though. I wish PvP was great again, but it is what it is.
  5. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Nope. No reason to hand out money makers for free "just in case". If it's no longer your cup of tea, make an alt. It's free.
    • Like x 1
  6. Kuno Loyal Player

    Sure hun, and lost all the progression made because people like you trying to apply for forum mod or something...? Players should be on players side, games screw and milk us enough already.
    Not like they been giving a lot of free useful stuff for the hellish years for Electric or Nature players or when we didn't had content for months.
    Normal games that makes this many changes to powers usually offers free respecs.
  7. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Not an argument
  8. recoil Committed Player

    i could totally see the chaotic confusion if they did put temporary respecs in game. plus we really don't need or even want new content after these two dlcs they're about to release. 2 dlcs, 3 seasonal events, and a revamp all happening from july to december is probably enough even for the replay enthusiasts. though i must confess i am worried just a bit about the state of the halloween seasonal we'll get this year.