what legends taught me

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by dcuotoo, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Legends taught me that people are unwilling to spend 3 minutes on any boss but will spend 3 minutes to gather red barrels.
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  2. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    ive had idiots scream at me I wasn't doing barrels...calc was babbling his usual doom and gloom the whole time...not sure why barrel collecting became a thing...but yeah...the idiots insist now...and whine the second you stop...
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    We ran a run in Ace (or smallville...blurring together now) with 1 Bizarro and 3 Zods....I learned that Zod really....REALLY...wants people to kneel before him. Like a lot.

    Also, I won't finish all the feats this week (this event + week one of the seasonal was a bad combo), and it scares me for if I'll ever get them done in the future as NO ONE will be running LPVE again unless this event returns at some point (which from the response by the users, I'd guess it would maybe quarterly or semi annual).

    That and I now know every map needs a few more red barrels sprinkled about. God bless the red barrels in Ace, HOD and A51. Can we get a map on Gorilla island please?;)
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  4. spack2k Steadfast Player

    well u gather only on first boss, for 2nd and lb there are already each 5 barrels in the room and u just have to go straight to them, pick them up, throw and move on.
  5. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    plz reread what I wrote ...the idiots insist it be done everytime every map...regardless of efficiency...
  6. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    someone gets it...a bejeweled and memorializing plaque will be sent to you special delivery for your achievement...here it comes now in its specially designed case ….