USPS3 ~ Hated ~ Villian USPS3 Be yourself !

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by xoCiaraxo, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Omg click my name & it will say Send a message or something like that
  2. DarkLycan567 Well-Known Player

    Ok, so I'm really hoping I can log in next week, cuz my ps3 is being stupid, so when is a good time to contact u
  3. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Whenever your online just send me tell.
  4. ZachLeoX Level 30

    Im a 62 cr troller looking for a PvP/PvE league. Are you recruiting?
  5. GalaxySoul1 New Player

  6. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    look for Galaxy Soul and send an tell.
  7. xoCiaraxo New Player

    what galaxy said1
  8. Gyro New Player

    68CR Quantum Troll looking for a league as well. In game name is gyrodal.
  9. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Alright add one of us ! When you get on !
  10. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    C can you let the whole galaxy series invite
  11. xoCiaraxo New Player

    I did hun.
  12. gowithasmile New Player

    Hello, I was looking to join the league. My CR is only 33, but I can play catch-up and get there pretty quick, I'm t2 pvp right now working on that too. I love having fun and talking with people, and running content with fun people.
  13. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Sorry I never get on forums that much anymore ):
  14. phatom star Level 30

    Imma a celestial healer 91 car 88 sp
    I also have a ice DPs 66cr 56 sp
    And a hard light troll 50 car 51 sp
    Are ya still recruiting?
  15. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Yes , we currrently started back recruiting
  16. phatom star Level 30

    I sent you a msg on ya have a website that I need to apply to
  17. krnlkrazy New Player

    Hey i think this league sounds like a good one for me. Im a quantum troll with a cr of 87 and 74sp im still getting more and more sp but ive kind of stopped recently. I have above t4 PvE gear but nothing PvP because ive been having a hard time getting into and is a reason i thinking joining might help that. I also am legendary and have a mic. My name is SteamJunkie you can call me junkie or krazy if youd like. Also my psn is krnlkrazy if you keep not being able to not contacting me.
  18. xoCiaraxo New Player

    Aha , well BEWARE drama happens outside league o: we live up to our name xD haha jk or am I. O.O
    • Like x 1
  19. xoCiaraxo New Player

    No its fine just message mr in game. Or most likely send a tell to Lyfa Chan
  20. krnlkrazy New Player

    ok will do also i live like in iowa so my time zone might be a bit deffrent