US PS Server Restart - August 13, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Gillios New Player

    Server is back up for PS4, I just logged in.
  2. xAmaris New Player

    Stuck in Queue, Damn i miss being Legendary ._.
  3. Flightboy New Player

    Ikr the struggle is reallllllll....
    • Like x 1
  4. Negative Man Level 30

    Stuck in qeue and i am legendary
  5. RavenSW Well-Known Player

    Think they're about the same, between my main and 2 alts all t6, only one I ever got was the Helm on one of my alts, interesting to note that the level 80 helm was only worth replacing with the 92, long value life
  6. Flightboy New Player

    The Struggle is reallll..... 2x... I'm in the same q ;)
  7. MerkyMouse Well-Known Player

    people share seperate opinions, and when yours doesnt match theirs, its completely unheard of, and even if they see the reason in it. they would never admit it, because it would partially admit their wrong, but lets not get off the topic lol i already got 3 strikes this week lmao
  8. True Zen New Player

    world will remain down whether you like it or not!... what if Mepps said that just now?
  9. True Zen New Player

    ok, okay, don't layer it too thick now.
  10. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I'm in. Open the floodgates.
  11. True Zen New Player

    I must have good timing.
  12. dwrig2 New Player

    lets see
  13. dwrig2 New Player

  14. Phester New Player

    I still can't get in
  15. Phester New Player

    Is it just PS that is up and not pc?
  16. Msz Kitty New Player

    Whoot Whoot! Time to tie a blanket around my neck and go running around making woooooshing sounds!
    • Like x 2
  17. Maximum nature New Player

    i would draw attention to the connection down drop once, else happened today 3h ago and two behind. The eight players who were in the new raid took off.
    Like I said it was not only once but twice in two days.
    (Another thing ... increase the damage of nature * and let equal to rage* ) oh yes my friend.
  18. Maximum nature New Player

    Could someone tell where is the topics of (nature) for comments with the developers?
  19. markmark New Player

    Does this mean the issue won't affect the EU servers or can we expect those to go down too?
  20. N8er New Player

    Soo my question is this for the issue of the kicking players out of the game? if so it did not work i get kicked out about every hour or so, i am playing then window closes and a small dos window comes up saying trying to connect some ofther tuf then poof it is gone and i have to load back in. Most of the time i would say what ever but when you are in a zone then get kicked out and this game does not save your progress you have to start all over again, kinda gets me mad after it doing it 10 to 15 times....