Work In Progress Update and Adjustments to Stat Flattening

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 10, 2015.

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  1. coco Committed Player

    New Member
    My CR is 101 (I think) and I quit the game after being killed by regular robots in the Themyscira: Gates of Tartarus raid after GU47; then my friend says it's been fixed; so I log on and try out Stryker's Island Alert - and get killed by escaping inmates. Sufficed to say, I don't think it's fixed enough to play it again.

    Zenkarda, Tuesday at 9:35 AM Report#111Reply

    Idk about strikers haven't tried that out but that's pretty much why I am here yet again it's like some things were fixed but not all, the furious iconics in metropolis battlezone have not been adjusted either I used to be able to 2 man those when I was much lower in cr & less sp at the time went to try to solo yesterday at cr 123 got killed in 2 shots. I understand that those were meant to be a 4 man thing but not everyone has hours or days to wait around trying to get a group formed. Please devs look into this matter seems like things were missed!
  2. coco Committed Player

    Some that I think are good that I've done no problem are: Nexus (didn't get one shotted), seasonal seems good, fatal exams, labyrinth, CC bounties, regular bounties, etc. Some of these may have been fine even during stat flattening idk because I stopped running after getting 1 shotted a couple of times.
  3. OtherWorldly Active Player

    Yall really don't know how to
  4. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    One thing that is still broken with regard to flattening and CR differential is Legends pets. Seems they are still doing 1 HP, and then getting wiped easily.
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  5. Phill Committed Player

    all of the T1 -T2 needs to gone through with a fine toothed comb because there are allot of issues that I have come across. Her are a couple examples.

    T1 area 51
    The spawn rates are crazy and the health of the NPC's are off. The subjugator has somewhere around 20k health @T1 CR 40 that is a bit out there. They are not being affected by dominance either as far as stuns go. I had npc's in there breaking stuns on a T6 controller in about 2 seconds. Lower tier controllers are not affecting them at all with stuns. On another the fire tanks backdraft was not working. In some instances in the alert and the npc's would run the opposite direction when backdraft was used instead of coming to me. They would run like I hit them with fear.

    Please while fixing and testing use characters that are the CR of the mission being adjusted because what ever has been done while developing & testing is not working. Running in god mode or being OP for a lower tier does nothing but give skewed results. The instances content needs to reflect the CR of the tier that it is in period. The CR of that instance needs to be in the middle of that instances CR range. That way the content is not to hard for low end CR tier players and not to easy for high end CR tier players.

    Also if a player is T6 or 7 that runs lower content and complains that content is to easy. They need to just take off some gear and drop their CR. Personally, I thought that is why we had equipped CR posted next to our names in the first place. So we could adjust our CR if we wanted and also see others equipped CR as well.
  6. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    I have played DC Universe for about 3 years. I have taken breaks here and there. The reasons for those breaks are fairly typical; mostly because of the various changes in class powers that tend to introduce an OP-ness in that class. Suddenly everybody and their brothers are that class, (I play open-world and arena PVP).But I am writing this for a different reason. Now it seems that open-world NPCs are now overpowered.

    I think the content of the game is entertaining and I applaud you and your team for that. I have been enjoying the PVE instances. But I am having a huge problem with the world NPCs. My PVP gear is disabled against NPCs in PVP phase! I think you and your staff absolutely, without a doubt, need to bring back active PVP gear for open-world. I am open to discuss this with you if you need persuasion. But at the most basic level disabled PVP gear in open world puts players in a situation that I can't imagine you and your staff actually intended.

    While I wear my PVP gear in open-world, hunting for exobits has become a problem due to the fact that NPCs can kill me quite easily. I used to be able to enjoy attacking an NPC here and there while hunting for exobits. Now I have to worry about wasting time on my R&D Radar Enhancer because I'm spending time traveling from the rez-bubbles. I can go on and on about the various possible idiotic scenarios that go on while wearing either PVP or PVE gear in the PVP phase of this game, but I won't.

    I sense that there is a prejudice against PVP in this game. I am writing this response in hopes that you recognize that there is a player base that loves PVP phase. I am begging you to implement some game content that encourages players to participate in open-world PVP, or at least take risks in being there. But foremost, and most importantly, you and your team need to seriously discuss the error in removing PVP gear's ability to enable players to knock-out open-world NPCs. That NEEDS to go back to the way it was at the very least!!
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