Update 25 videos - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Radium Devoted Player

    But what exactly are you buying with that triumph? It certainly not PvP anymore is it?
  2. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Yeah, may have been quck of the mark there (Half asleep :p) so just ignore what i said about triump and T4 PvP gear ( could be influence?).
  3. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Precision +108
    Power +396
    Restoration +294
    Dominance +60
    Health +210
    Might +150
    Vitalization +60

    Totals from the new Innates. (Taken from other thread)

    Also... noticed that Restoration on DPS gear also.... Whaaat.
    • Like x 1
  4. AgentX44 Committed Player

    would like to know the costs for the checkmate pvp set so that I could just complete the style feat. and lol on the cost of the T4 PVE set... we'll probably see a lot of complaints after this goes live... hehehe...
  5. Radium Devoted Player

    Ahhh, well one more thing then, can you tell what the updated PvP feats are?
  6. Elusian Crowd Control

    Controllers will hit the 1.700 vita marks with T5. (unbuffed)
    Healers will scratch the 3.000 Resto mark with T5. (unbuffed and no neck mod counted)
    • Like x 4
  7. AgentX44 Committed Player

    hehehe... Mark of Reality :)
  8. Radium Devoted Player

    Thats going to be insane!
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  9. AgentX44 Committed Player

    so people can solo troll T4 stuff easily now, if they haven't already... lol.
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  10. FANT0MEXX New Player

    if you dont mind can you do a mod salvaging vid?
  11. Clutch_GT New Player

    Sounds like i can phase dodge away without repercussions Schhaaweeeet
  12. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Well.. Hopefully the new content will be up to par with that...
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  13. Kintuse Well-Known Player

    Those vit stats on healer gear are going to make Invigorate much more nicer indeed~
    • Like x 1
  14. raaddd Well-Known Player

    Im so glad I have full T4 LOL
  15. Zizzi New Player

    I'd like to see how the mod salvaging works and the different effectiveness levels and the like please :) and thanks for putting up these videos!
  16. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    That is ridiculous. Currently it cost 400 MoW for a full T4 set which translates to 26K MoT...So doubling the cost seems a bit...excessive shall we say.
    Goodness...oh well I'll get those last 2 T4 styles a year or so from now when they lower the cost...good googly moogly...50K. o_O
    • Like x 1
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    From my post in test on conversion.

  18. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Absolutely. That seems like an obscene markup to be honest. If the conversion rate followed the standard of the others and was 125 I could see it, but can you really see many new players grinding out 50k in marks (after they've been grinding to get to the point where they're ready to buy T4) then they have to grind out the bits for the mods (I don't have a problem with the mod requirements, I just can't see people being willing to do this or more importantly paying to be allowed to do this).
  19. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Responded to that post just a minute ago:)...I stand by it is a ludicrous amount.
  20. Zizzi New Player

    Man... Better start buying those sets then before the price goes up heheh.