Update 25 videos - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Hey guys,

    Videos of update 25 will be posted here - more will come throughout the day :)

    T5 Armour stats (DPS class maybe in for a change or maybe these are not the final draft?)

    • Like x 12
  2. Breedin Bull New Player

    Marks of Reality huh. NICE !!!
  3. Azrael New Player

    marks of reality- nice! and prices didn't change at all!
  4. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Love the name of those marks. Sounds kool.
  5. Azrael New Player

    I don't understand if Cr 84 is needed just to play DLC 7 why is the armor only CR 85?
    • Like x 2
  6. Breedin Bull New Player

    I really thought t5 was coming after game update 25.
  7. Radium Devoted Player

    Because its PvP Armor, they have 2 different CRs now used for different things.

    Edit: Sorry, totally misread the question.

    As for why the armor is only 85? Doesn't really matter I suppose.
  8. Azrael New Player

    so you need to PVE to get PVP armor ?
  9. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    No, you need to PvP to get better PvP armor.

    They'll have a cash PvP set though with stats close to T4 to start you out.
  10. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Since the cash pvp armor will have stats close to the current t4 what happens to the checkmate style? Is there any way to obtain it?
  11. Cold Fuzion New Player

    You get it with marks of triumph
  12. FANT0MEXX New Player

    Are you joking or telling the truth ?
  13. Cold Fuzion New Player

    New Weapon Tree Stats!

    • Like x 7
  14. General_Gear New Player

    You guys are always on top of things. +1
  15. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Nope, telling the truth mate :)
  16. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    2 more questions who Sells it and for how many marks?
  17. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Quick update: Full T4 PvE set costs 50k Triumph 0o
    • Like x 1
  18. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    What is this "power" inate I see? I guess I must stop being lazy and resume my feat hunt
  19. Radium Devoted Player

    L O Fing L
  20. Juggalossus Well-Known Player

    Resto and Vit on DPS gear?? Am I missing something?