Update 2: Marks of Power

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This thread is no longer up to date. Please see this new thread for the latest!

    Hi all,

    We have been reading and discussing your feedback on Marks of Power. We definitely understand where many of you are coming from in wanting to be able to continue to progress in some way through solo/small group content or wanting more content that you can play every day.

    Some of you have suggested having a unique mark per pair of DLCs. We don't believe this fully solves the problems we are looking to address in the long term, and would be difficult to implement in the short term. However, we are considering variations of this and several other long term solutions for future DLC Packs. We will engage the community as we narrow those down and come to decisions.

    For now, we have a short term solution specifically for DLCs 10 and 11. We will add Marks of Power to all solo content in DLC 10:
    • Open world solo missions will give players the choice of rewarding either Marks of Fury ORMarks of Power
      • There are 3 daily solo missions in DLC 10
    • Iconic Visions will reward players both Marks of Fury ANDMarks of Power
      • There are two daily Iconic Visions in DLC 10
    Doing this allows everyone to continue to play some small group content to continue to progress into DLC11 rewards, and also still maintains the depth of play required to master DLC 11. Our goals remain to have as many players as possible playing each DLC, and spending a meaningful amount of time in each before moving on.

    Once again, this solution is specific to DLCs 10 and 11, right now, and is not necessarily how we envision rewards and marks functioning in the future.
    • Like x 49
  2. TrueOlympus New Player

    Put it on the duos instead
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  3. MyrVell Committed Player

    100% satisfied with this. Great compromise.
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  4. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Eh, I'm good with this. Thanks Dev Team.
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  5. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    THANKS MEPPS!! YOU JUST MADE MY DAY!! Yeah, I used caps... MEGA thrilled now!!
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  6. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Thank you guys for working with us on a stopgap measure. While it's not ideal, it's better than nothing. Appreciate the gesture!
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  7. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Nice! Well done.
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  8. Blight KOBRA Commander

    Agreed. A lot of players, myself included, don't even play the Iconics, so award MoP in the two duo missions, and keep rewarding MoF in the Iconics.
    • Like x 18
  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    I think there's long-term room for improvement and that this was a very reasonable short term response to the feedback. I have learned to appreciate the balancing act you are under. When I thought DLCs expanded on each other in the tier, the small/large cadence made sense. Respecting your DLC shelf-life concerns, my opinion is now shifted to feel that DLCs can still ebb and flow between small-large but only in a small radius from dead center. Too little big group and too little small group at any one time is a bad thing. Each must but a little balanced even when it favors one side or the other.

    I don't want this community reaction to undermine the appreciation for large-group content we are being given. You certainly heard a loud message in the wait after Gates for raids. Don't think this occurrence should swing the pendulum too far the other way.
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  10. eanur Well-Known Player

    Any chance we can have 1 daily vision have moP and 1 duo have mop (just trying to think of an compromise to keep everyone happy).
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  11. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Just to be sure, open world soloes give option to choose the mark?
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I disagree. You will already be able to earn vast amounts of Marks of Power per week in just DLC 11 as it is before they even changed the rewards for solos and Iconics. Duos have the potential to award a lot more marks than the Iconic missions do, so personally I think it's better to stick with the solos and Iconics only. Plus this will give people a reason to play the Iconics since the mark boost will help.
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  13. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Good compromise.
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  14. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    This is an excellent compromise imo.

    As for a longer term solution, I'm going to copy a chart I did on the now locked 40 page discussion, but since i posted late night got a bit lost.
    It entails a reduction of marks awarded to raids and alerts (but not to duos or solos) , a moderate 43% increase in gear cost for the second dlc in a pairing, and of course the very popular idea of pairing small group dlcs with large group dlcs .


    edit. woops pressed post before i was done :p This chart makes it easy to see the problem, if we left everything as it was people would finish this dlc in less than 3 weeks without replays, without drops and without saved up marks from the previous dlc. Clearly something had to be done.

    In my proposal, we retain the variety of content available for top tier progression while at the same time you slow down progression to very similar levels as the dev proposal we discussed over the last few days.

    With this proposal you don't impact solo/duo players as much since they retain the full amount of marks awarded for their content and the increase in gear costs is not too brutal. It would only increase farming time by 12 days which is not that much in the grand scheme of things.

    Large group players arent impacted too much either since there are only a handful of instances they can run per week anyway.
    And medium group players aren't affect since they always have the highest number of isntances available to them
    I may be missing something, and obviously don't think this is a complete solution, but to me it's the best i've seen or can think of right now. Hopefully we can all make it better together :)
  15. The Ski Active Player

    Sounds good but i don't like the solo's on both the t5 and t6 solo's, don't like changing into any of them characters, would rather play them as my own toon just like alot of other players say, i hope all solo's on the coming DLC's are not like this
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  16. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    First, this is a nice compromise, although I would add this option to duos as well.

    Second, this brings up several questions, of particular interest are the following:
    What currency will the style vending bot be using post DLC11?
    What will the cap be on Fury and Power?

    Lastly, while I again appreciate the efforts you’ve had to address certain issues regarding gear progression, I still think the current system is fine and that when looking at several DLCs per tier as chapters to a complete story, the content balances out better than how other tiers were handled.
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  17. krimzonk Committed Player

    Why don't you just scrap the Mark of Power and continue with Mark of Fury OR just change the marks dropping in Amazon Fury to Power once the new DLC drops, with any Marks of Fury converting to Triumph?

    An even bigger question is.....why do you not think changes through thoroughly? Oh and engage the community. It'll save you a lot of flack, a lot of time and make your jobs a LOT easier.

    IF you decide to go with one unique mark for each DLC......well....you know the response to that one...
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  18. krimzonk Committed Player

    Why not include the DUOS!? Very bizarre. Talk about 'shoddy patch work'....
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  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Curious if the DLC 11 Alerts could offer a choice between Marks of Power OR Marks of Fury?
    I expect that the DLC11 Alerts are playable with a 103-105CR? It would give players entering DLC10 more options to earn marks and still spend them in older content.
  20. krimzonk Committed Player

    Oh and by the way solos are NOT 'small group content.' We don't group up to do them now do we looool
    • Like x 4
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