Unpopular Opinion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I’ve never seen an mmo where tanks leave rooms with trails of adds following them down the hall and away from DPS. I’ve seen add skipping, and pulling towards damage. I will give you that it can be situational, but you aren’t saving any more than one or 2 minutes by doing this. In fact you’re losing time, if you drop aggro on an add and it kills the healer. But I’m guessing you’ll say this isn’t the tanks fault if this happens?
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  2. tioalbert Well-Known Player

    hola soy jugador principal de los 3 soportes.

    mi tanque fuego cr 60 con incremento instancia cr88, sp 51; aumentos en 256, 166, 66 y 60; artefactos los 3 en 80.
    uso de orbital daño, suplementos de soporte, hincheman, mods blancos.

    y solo apilo hasta 9 adds si se cumplen 2 requisitos:

    1.- tener lo necesario para resistir el juntar 9 adds y aguantarlos, asi como mantenerlos junto a mi una vez mi grupo llegue a atacar.
    2.- tiempo que mi grupo tarda en vencer a 3 adds.
    (si se tardan 5minutos me quedo con ellos, llendo de 3 en 3. si se tardan de 2 minutos apilo 6 adds; si se tardan 1 minuto o menos me arriesgo por los 9 adds)

    y como comentario tomo de suma importancia las barras de energia del troll y healer que no bajen mas de la mitad para ir por 9adds.
    si solo hubiese dps entonces veo que los 4 dps de mayor daño no bajen sus barras mas de la mitad.(hay que tomarse a cuenta antes de juntar adds como loco desenfrenado)

    suerte y buen juego a todos.

    use google translator, thank you.
  3. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    If the tank bites off more than he can chew, then maybe he shouldn't have done that. And when I see tanks too that then I say "oh well" and move on and eventually the problem sorts itself out.
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You never heard of "training" mobs? When I tanked in eq2 is was very strategic to pull multiple rooms together and AOE the crap out of them...
  5. myandria Item Storage


    I humbly disagree with this, as it makes it harder to pull aggro away from DPS's who get the aggro first (which takes more time to do than to just let the tank pull aggro first); it makes more work for the healer and a controller becomes nearly useless, in my opinion. When a tank pulls aggro first and pulls that group away from the team, it gives a bit of time for the team to position themselves accordingly and take out that mob and/or clean up stragglers. I have always favored 8 man groups that have 2 tanks; a main and a secondary tank to take care of aggro while the controllers stun/debuff, the dps melt away the mob/boss health and the healers keep the team healthy.
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  6. Magnificent Loyal Player

    It's not all that different than pulling a group to where the DPS is. What's happening is that the tank is pulling the optimal number of enemies to the optimal killing ground. With the way much of the DCUO group content is built, where getting to the next section is dependent on defeating all of the enemies in your current section, then it's more efficient to drag all of the enemies to that section.

    Instead of the tank pulling to the spot where the group is, the group is following the tank to where their pull spot is.

    It works in something like the 2nd half of the Phantom Zone alert (normal) but not as well in something like Paradox Wave when it was the new, top-end content.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Most of the community doesn't understand how to tank or know good tanking/best practices. So.

    When this happens the objective is for the tank to #1 keep the adds off [far away from] the group and #2 reposition the adds into larger clusters to be killed. You may have noticed good tanks will turn a boss or mob away from the group to face them so that the group is behind the boss/mob, for example. Grabbing 4 adds and pulling them to the next 4 so they're all killed at the same time *is* in fact faster than stopping to kill every small cluster as you go. Stopping to fight every other (or 3 clusters etc depending what the group can handle) is faster than stopping for every single cluster.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    The issue isn't really whether or not you do this as the tank (and I'm speaking from the perspective of a CR348, 650sp+ earth tank) it's about whether or not you can maintain control while doing so and potentially how quickly you can do it.

    A lot of inexperienced tanks might try it, because they've seen others do it and want to try but aren't as good in undertaking the exercise, then there's also those times where "s$%t just happens" even for the most experienced tank.

    When done correctly and effectively it can and does save time, in the same manner that skipping adds in general does, that also seems to lead to some outrage amongst the player base.

    Generally speaking as a good tank you know/choose when to run ahead and gather adds knowing where they are and also where your group remains behind you, it may be that you also know your healer and how much trust you can place in them to keep the group alive, should you lose aggro and be absent from the group for a short period.

    It's also a case of knowing your artifacts, using the lasso at max for example (or at least rank 160) where it's physically tethering the adds to be dragged along behind you makes for a far superior undertaking of this practice.

    The expectation of course as well is that the DPS are actually observing what's happening and not wasting their time trying to DPS adds that are on the fly until the tank stops with more adds gathered, so that the DPS can then burn them all together.

    As with numerous things in this game, situational awareness and observance as to what is actually going on, usually helps. :)
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  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    When I'm ahead of the group as a tank - and when you're the Tank you're SUPPOSED TO BE AHEAD OF THE GROUP - I figure it's my job to do one thing first: get aggro from the current enemies.

    Sometimes this means the enemies right here, and the next group of enemies over there. I do that, about half the time.

    What I don't do is get these enemies, drag them to the next group of enemies, then grab those enemies, and drag them all to the NEXT group of enemies, ad nauseum, because situationally speaking? You gotta finish what's on your plate first before you put more on it, otherwise you're not eating - you're just making a mess.

    Like most things involving support roles in this game, doing things "well" requires nuance.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    I respectfully, somewhat disagree (but perhaps I'm not really ;)), it's about knowing how big your plate actually is and that is going differ from player to player.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with gathering large groups of adds, even from entire lengths of hallways at times or tethering them all and dragging them along with me, as long as I'm not dead or making a mess.

    The key distinction, as you have rightfully pointed out however and as I expressed within my previous post also, is that it's about not making a mess, if you're making a mess then you need to consider adjusting your approach, the ability of a tank to not make said mess is again, dependent on the individual tanks ability or they may even be having a bad moment.

    I don't think a tank is ever restricted to simply only making sure they only ever take two groups of enemies.

    The reality also is that people play in different ways and communication is usually key. The other thing I will say as well is that usually the more experienced groups are well adept at engaging with adds in this manner or following a tank engaging in this practice and not objecting.

    I'm going to blunt on this last part, but the people generally speaking opposed to, or upset by this practice generally tend to be newer, less experienced groups.
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  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I tend to be in PUG situations a LOT, so generally if I'm tanking? I break it down like Barney, small bites.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    I PUG a decent amount as well and rest assured it's a trial by fire ;) they either keep up or they're left behind :D :D
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  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Well, as a DPS I would also rather not be chasing the tank the whole time. A little bit, sure, collect me a group - my AOE is pretty solid, it thrives on multiple targets, but there has to be a definite pause or it's just obnoxious.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    I'll pause at the door that locks :p
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  15. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    hell no. ten points.
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  16. useless Well-Known Player

    For me,tank leads i follow and adapt.Rushes forwad pulling everything,ok.Brings party to me,ok.Tanking small group of adds,ok.I adapt.Dont care about scorebord or "saving time".When i tank,i tank my way ,follow and adapt.You dont like it leave or kick me,it's ok.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I can live with that. Generally I'd rather take some of the heat off them, but yeah...If I see one making a dogpile on his head he can't handle...there is some amusement value there.
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  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    or in my mind if they dont like what the tanks doing they should tank themselves
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  19. JailhouseBat Active Player

    I agree with TC it does nothing. It helps nobody. Usually the tank will leave adds behind and split the group in two causing unnecessary deaths. Its like spinning the door instead of just turning the knob, then calling it easier.
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  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Is the tank actively “leaving” adds behind, or is the troll stunning and preventing them from following or are the dps attacking and becoming higher on the hate list?

    Different viewpoints from different perspectives. Most people think the “other guy” should change…
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