Two-Face has been buffed way too hard, can a green explain why? & why so many changes with no info?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Clutchmeister, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    But grab a batman and ohhh man robin's a beast! Really do agree, hate their BBs so much. Great combo, but nearly unplayable thanks to lame BBs. The HB people at least get the solar flame to clip to make it worthwhile to have such a mediocre initial range hold. It would IMO be nice if they both just used the MA BB instead of the HB one.
  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Sometimes, when we are just goofing off, we will spawn a 20-sided die, and roll to see which character we will queue as. Rolling 2 (Robin) is dreadful ;)
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  3. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I've always liked that idea, but if they don't want to go that far they could also add a PVP soder that is the best option for PVP. They can restrict it to PVP maps (and should if it is scaled to the health PVP gear has). Even Next soders are kinda /meh right now compared to before thanks to that big jump. Extremes are like a drop in the bucket. Made a thread about this a week or so ago, bring influence back and put purchased PVP only consumables/Soders on the merchant. Or maybe PVP only consumable plans for MoValor and a new Catalyst option for PVP marks.

    I tear through Nexts and Consumables lately. If i didn't I'd have a much harder time esp against those that do as well.
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  4. 478874 Dedicated Player

    I run Harley, and very seldom do I run into another veteran Harley player, especially in 1 v 1s. So I know what you are getting at, if I am not mistaken I only faced on Robin this weekend in 1s, and he even didn't try to fight. Still, I'll run Robin from time to time, since his load-out is so similar to Harley. For all their faults, both have incredible burst, if executed correctly.
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  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Harley is my girl!

    I've been going Amon/Huntress lately just because I'm so well practiced with MA from arenas/PVE, but Harley is probably who I'm typically best with. Many months back actually got a tell from a player I respect saying "damn you play a good harley" I was pretty happy about that :D I have to say I only got hooked on her because of the "kill joker with harley" feat that I was trying to get on multiple alts. When you're stuck playing harley for so long you figure out how to get good :cool:
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  6. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Yeah she can really crack, but she is also the consummate counter puncher and not too much else. I also got hooked because of alts. I have a whole gallery of low level villain rogues that I mess around with from time to time and since she is the stock legends character, I just roll with her.

    Huntress is a beast and I see a lot of good players with her, presumably because of the legends solo content.
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Huntress thing I thin is just because of MA, by giving her smokebomb they made her MUCH more desireable recently.

    And yeah, Harley is bait and kill. Before I got good with her I always thought that spin move was dumb... but nooo, it's the best! "I dare you to block!"
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  8. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Hahah yes! The old bait and kill. Yeah, the spin move is lethal in so many ways.
  9. RageQQ New Player

    You really do have a high opinion of yourself. ANYONE who pvps and plays all the toons for a while knows how to use each toon effectively if they can be bothered. So no, you didn't discover and teach anyone who is anyone in pvp anything new. You have popped up recently (like in the last year or 2) pvp and legends has been going for 3 now. Maybe you taught pugs and casuals how to pvp better but thats it. As I said before and agree with spider your opinions of balance clearly don't match the devs.
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    The rage Mechanic doesn't seem to heal the last second of the effect, making it effectively a 7s ability vs an 8s one it's advertised as. Is that intended? Shouldn't it be 8s of heals and the 9ths be the crash instead of 7s of heals with the 8th being the crash?

    I'll get a heal like 1s after i use the power. Then 2s and another, 2s and another, 2s and another, then a second and the crash. Making that last second of rage not healed.
  11. Talve Dedicated Player

    Pretty much like clutch said.
    There are some ways to use ability nr 1.

    1. Tap+hold into power 1, jump cancel tap+hold into power 2
    2. Grenade clipped by power 1, just as the 2nd tick is coming out jump cancel, tap+hold into power 2
    3. Grenade power 1, jump cancel into 2nd grenade (quick burst of 2 grenades at the same time if you got too much power)
    4. If you are left alone to the side, you can just position yourself at good angle, hit left tap and then clip it with power 1
    (left tap will turn you to the target instantly. Power 1 itself turns slowly). When you think your opponents notice you and start lunging you, jump cancel into left tap into block. (think of it as Harley trying to bait people to block with her spin...only you try to bait people into lunging yourself).
    5. If you are in 2F domination mode, a quick power 1, jump cancel into left tap can get DoT running on multiple opponents from the range.
    (as both, power 1 and power 2, can be dodged and if dodged full duration dot is avoided as well, trying to get DoT running with using In Your Face can be harder against high skilled opponents).
    6. See a steel standing next to his mine? Grenade? Afraid of him lunging you? Power 1 jump cancel into left tap. Cancel'd power 1 has smaller interrupt window than your grenade. If you are lucky enough you can even use it in combat if you manage to get away from mine stacked on you before it activates (with power 2).

    I'm bad when it comes to explaining... but hope you got anything out of it.

    Rifle is actually perfect weapon for the power setup 2F has.
    Just has enough easy free counter free damage to get that support for the damage that comes from powers.
    5 tap (gets you back in close range with 1 ranged hit and one stronger unblockable hit) works well with In Your Face (gets you back in far range).

    The key with 2F is not even putting out impressive damage numbers (which he still actually can do) but making your opponents to do that much less damage.
    Adds you summon split a lot of damage.
    In Your Face is amazing to just cancel out combos from opponents. Hey...he has 3 taps queued up...well i guess i just fly away and reset the situation, **cks to be him.
    Not to mention how half of the fight you stay in range. Lovely to avoid all that AoE damage that stacks on your teammate.

    Yes. A lot of people do not really know how to play 2F.
    But in right hands, good 2 face right now is probably best team-mate one can ask in 2v2's.
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  12. Kroye Loyal Player

    Excellent post, like many of Talves. It's a shame I can only /like it once.
  13. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    It's just the truth, there's a big difference between what people "think" is possible compared to what actually is. Don't take my word for it, ask Slob, JasonTodd, Brice Allen, Eminence or anyone who saw me play catwoman at SOE Live. They hadn't seen her played that way before. There's also a difference between knowing how to play and seeing it pulled off at it's full potential.

    As I've stated to everyone, I'm willing to prove it. If you want to come to EUPC and play either me or wixxer we will show you the difference there is, you won't be the first to be surprised.

    It's a shame my opinions don't match the devs because they match the opinions of every top tier player who knows what they're talking about. Buffing Two-Face this much just doesn't make any sense & they can't have a bigger vision planned. Atro and Saint as good as they may be aren't going to be as strong as TF, Saint with 5.2k health will just get worn down by TF and the same thing will happen to atro even with his SC.

    Unfortunately I'm not going to stop, because regardless of what anyone thinks or says I want legends to be balanced. I don't want to see skill being removed from it and I will do whatever I can to try and shine light on the current issues.
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  14. Jack New Player

    Although I don't know Clutch or anyone else on these forums majority, if not all of his post are constructive. I enjoy pvp legends and arenas just as much as the next guy, but as if lately the influx of "said" legends toon you see in legends is questionable.

    Do I enjoy being mined to death by steel while he doesn't even have to fish for counters or bb, not really, but I que up cause I enjoy pvp and it's still fun. That's just one issue and I won't get into the rest. I understand balancing any game is hard and you can never completely balance a game, but you should always try to get somewhat close to it.

    So Clutch keep posting your feedback. I find them informative and lets me see some aspects of legends pvp that I haven't thought of before. Eventually it'll be heard right...
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  15. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Thank you, it's nice to have people who support me & my ideas without bringing personal bias into it like some people unfortunately do. I test a lot of these moves and I also play with a lot if not all legends against other great players and it's quite obvious which ones excel and which ones struggle. I just want to use that experience to help better legends as a whole & make it more enjoyable for everyone.

    Thanks once again.
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  16. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Shameless self bump, not gonna stop until we can get some kind of explanation behind making two-face so broken.
  17. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Legends is balanced
  18. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Explain why you think so.

    If you believe this, show me one other legend that can do 11900 damage with just two powers like Steel can. Likewise, show me a character that has 8.2k health like Two-Face as well as owning the hardest hitting DoT.
  19. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I'm not going to sift through all your posts where you argue ad nausium about legends being balanced, safe to say there are 100's at least.
  20. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    This thread is made to produce the facts about two face and to try and get the devs to explain their reasoning and make them realise he's overpowered. If you don't have anything constructive to post then fair enough, but feel free to keep bumping my thread while you're at it.
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