
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lokithoz, May 5, 2015.

  1. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Damn you, I will hold you personally responsible, you have made a very unpowerful enemy my friend
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  2. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    I'd love to see the heroes break down and do the things that would normally seal them as villains. The majority act like villains already (foul language, arrogance, ganging 2-9 on 1 undergeared/underleveled villain just because), the only thing left is for them to do 1 villainous act (armed robbery, arson, murder [a death in the family :3], bomb threat) and they may as well take on a faction token.

    But then again, there's enough immaturity on the trade chat over here, and though the population increase would be welcome, we'd rather the more mature players change than the run-of-the-mill "i'm a 5 year old super hero and always win" squeakers and such. :/
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    None of us know exactly how these changes will affect progression, so going off assumptions based on unclear information is not exactly wise. Unfortunately these are the kind of things that are hard to get sussed out on the test server, so live is the only place to see how it actually will work out. So how about we all hold on to those "i'm quitting/Unsubbing" posts for after we've had a week to play with things. If the Devs messed up, please let them know...with as much detail as you can muster. Till then, how about we all use some of this extra energy to let the Devs know what we want to see in the next update?!!?
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  4. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    This thread is completely pointless.
  5. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I'm not quitting/unsubbing, and while we can't know anything for certain, assumptions I gave are pretty safe based on what we do know, and I've tried asking Mepps directly at least 5 times to clarify these issues. But as you say, it's time to see how things play out on live and give feedback and hope IF anything bad results that it can be resolved with minimal impact to the population.

    Shifting the goalposts would be a simple and quick fix, a smoother staggering process like what we'll see in T7 would be a better fix, and issues I describe would be gone... mostly. I'm just repeating everything I've already tried to forcefully insert into Mepp's eyes though. None of this in any way negatively affects my main/main alts, just a concern that it may impact the silent majority that don't take games so seriously.
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  6. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Good job you didn't make a pointless post in it. >.>
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Redundant, yes. Completely pointless...not exactly.

    Some things haven't been clearly explained in a way that the average Joe can fully understand. So there's bound to be lots of confusion which leads to anxiety. Better that people are expressing themselves here, where we can correct them when possible, than for them to spread misinformation elsewhere.
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  8. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    in game shout prior to down time was pretty much "THE END IS NEIGH!!!!!"

    Some players would probably have painted it on the walls if able.

    Most players benefit, some hugely from these changes, most of the time those complaining the most are the ones getting what they want while thinking the opposite.
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Just before servers shutdown someone shouted, "Now the real endgame starts". I died laughing.
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  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

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  11. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Whelps this a fine predicament we've gotten ourselves into, looks like we have ourselves the beginning of an international confilct
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  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Unlike before, like WM, the beginning of AMs, the implementation of symbols, this is a change that affects everyone, but doesn't take into account anyone's opinions. They keep saying this will make sure everyone plays at their level to make it fair, thing is not everything can be done at your level, and when you actually can it will be too late to make it matter. Saying a CR 110 ruins the experience for a CR 40, is even more wrong, you have more than 1 instance to run at your level all the time, saying that because in 1 of those a CR 100 steamrolled the content and now your experience is ruined is just ridiculous, but again, this change hasn't taken anyone's opinion into account, only the complains as always. Btw, if a player reaches CR 110 and has no idea to play his role properly, that's on him for never trying to learn, because you wont always have an OP player steamrolling content, that's just a fact.
  13. Abel Well-Known Player

    Personally I am looking forward to this update. I like the idea of:

    The new loot system which gives the option to pick my loot reward.
    No more MainFrame Rent Runs like doing ParaDox, AnB and Nexus.
    Main frame mods lasting for 60 days
    Simplification of just a one mark system for pve = Marks of Victory

    Will there be some hiccups and bugs with this large update? Sure, but in due time they will be fixed.
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  14. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    Just remember that the loot system won't be in place until HoP2 drops, and even then ONLY in HoP2. At least to start with, it may spread to other things soon.
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  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You do not all realize that PS3 every where will explode....Best of luck to you PS3 players.
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  16. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Don't forget about the "blame the PS3 for gu47" threads.
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  17. lokithoz Committed Player

    I think my thread is not pointless, in fact I just want it to see people opinions about the matter

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