
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lokithoz, May 5, 2015.

  1. ErnieB Loyal Player

    no it's not, it's going to be harder to level up in lower tiers, people aren't going to queue t1 just for styles and drops, same goes for T2 and T3, it's going to be bad for new players now, unless they join a league, and good luck with that since most leagues only want high tier players. Also we could always run what we wanted for drops, problem is the drops are RNG, so you never knew what you would get, but you always new a marks would be there, now you could run something 50 times, and still not get what you need, but even worst as you don't get the marks, but still have to spend the replay to get the loot.
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  2. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I can see many groups begging for high CR players for help, some will join but leave if things go bad quick as they wont see any incentive to stay, others will join asking for cash since there are no marks to be rewarded. It might be fun for you who knows the content, new players are going to have to work twice or more than we did, and that's what's going to drive them away.
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  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    only point of old marks was paying rent and belts. well now we need to pay for that from tier based content to pay the bills. not unfair to need t7 marks to unlock my t7 belt.

    old content will still give me feats and styles plus base items. if we are weaker it protects the integrity of the instance i will be running content for fun
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  4. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    I don't think some of that is true. Here is why, and I may be wrong, but this Is just what I think and feel.

    I que up for T1-5 stuff all the time, and it's never for marks. The marks really didn't do anything for me, other than to finish off some sets, and as an after thought to finish off rare drop styles. Everyone in my League is the same way. The value isn't there. Also on PS Side we have an awesome resource called Exobytes United where we can find people outside LFG to do things.

    I do know there are a lot of Leagues that have major CR requirement, but most of the ones I see and play with do not. Thugbusters Inc has two requirements, be excellent to each other, be nice to everyone else. Really that just comes down to "Don't be a rude or a jerk." Most of the Leagues I've encountered and run with are the same way. However that view is only limited to my interactions with the community, and I could be completely wrong.

    I do see your point about when you don't get the drops you want for a style. It's not great, I know that, but the Marks didn't really do much for me, or most of the people I play with. I would totally support a Mark just used to buy old Styles, but I don't see that happening. For our League, the focus has always been, acceptance, decency, and having fun together. It's never really mattered if we are steam rolling T1 stuff, or wiping while learning a new T6 fight. It never mattered if it was the 1st time or the 250th time. It's the people you play with that make the game special, and awesome.

    But again this is just what I have experienced. You may have different experiences that have colored your view. I totally respect your view, mine just differs from it. I do hope, that you have an excellent experience in game, and that we get a chance to run together sometime.
  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i'll admit i enjoyed the marks from the t5 sons of trigon duos but i also enjoy running those for fun. overall if old content still scores you styles and feats it shouldn't be an issue. the marks earned from lower tiered content is negligible when you consider how easy it is to accumulate thousands at a time.

    i like the idea of re simplifying marks. its a given. cant wait to say goodbye to those three red stacks of symbols.

    they should have figured out a way on how to revive the idea of accumulating prestige to be able to earn sets of tier gear.

    for a change i'm okay with the extended downtime. its being done at a good time.
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  6. ErnieB Loyal Player

    you are ignoring in all of that one thing, you need a full set of tier gear to raise the CR and change tiers now, for you marks don't matter, but for a player trying to reach end game it does, in a big way as they only have a certain amount of things they can actually be rewarded for. So unless you are willing to replay every new player, they wont have the same rewarding experience as you do from everything, since you already are on the highest tier, they will have to grind more than any of us ever did, and most players quit when they reach T3 simple because of the difficulty, what do you think will happen when they are stuck with only FoS raids to get the most number of marks.
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  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I love how some of you keep ignoring what i'm talking about, because you are on high tier content you don't care about old one, but a new player who just got out of T1 and is starting T2 will be forced into less content, only until he reaches T3 will he have enough content to actually get something done, but that is if the grind doesn't take away all their desire to keep playing, and right now before the GU, most players can't stand the T3 grind, this will make that a whole lot worst, but like I said, most including the devs are ignoring that.
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  8. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    10 hour down time will be 10 hours of forum drama, so anyone complaining about the number of posts about GU47 now will be in for a bad time.
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  9. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    The negative impact to lower level players that the currency consolidation and no marks in lower tiers is the only thing I've been complaining about with GU47 since it was first announced.

    Few if any concerns in that regard have been addressed at all.

    We'll wait and see, if it causes casuals / new players to quit/have less fun I'm not sure an "I told you so" flag waving contest will help at that point. Maybe some bandaid fixes at a later date can resolve some of the issues that are going to be caused.
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  10. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I already know of a few premium players that have said they might as well quit since they can't really afford all the DLC on high tier content, right now you need both T6A dlc to actually have all the content a tier has to offer, if you don't have both, not only will you be limited on what you can do, but also on where you can get marks from, and that's where the problem is.
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    All of you saying that need to stop already. You will still be rewarded when you run content outside of your CR relevancy band. What you will not receive in those instances is Marks. Period. Everything else will still drop.
  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

  13. Mur Dah Active Player

    I have similar concerns..... as I've stated in other threads I think the issue will be more about players deserting instances when they don't get there desired drops. As an example the piece of demonic runes gear I'm missing drops from the third boss on the Black Dawn operation, after GU47 there is no incentive for me to go on and complete the instance..... and yes the amount of marks rewarded weren't great but it was still worth completing. I already see this sort of thing happening on Strykers. Hopefully this doesn't become reality and it's just a case of me expecting the worse, but I see a case of time vs effort and basic human nature coming into play.
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    here's the thing, you can still get the same items over and over, you can now pick between those 2 items now, thats only difference I see.
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  15. Azrael New Player

    Exactly0 the less than 1% of end gamers ( people who have spent the most money and use RBs like crazy- the ones the devs exploit) seem to forget that 90% of the game is not even level 30 yet and struggle. Theres the 9.9% from tier 1-6 that will struggling when GU 47 hits. Its going to be real lonely at tier 7
  16. metalfenix Committed Player

    levelling up my current Villain healer on T2 will be all kinds of "fun", oh yeah...specially on this wasteland called USPC.
  17. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    A lot of players still supplement their progression with content from 1 tier below (T5 when in T6A, T6A when in T6B). That is often in the form of marks to buy vendor gear that they didn't get from that tier while in it. Like getting a level 90 armour piece from T6A to replace a 85 piece because your T6 progression still leaves room for that. Not to mention after these changes T5 and T6A raids will probably not see as much interest as before, as the monthly bonus from T5 raids was great to pay mainframes for a month.
  18. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Sorry for the dumb question, but will new instances hit today? solo/duo or will i have to wait for the next update
  19. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    No new instances today.

    HOP2 will come later.
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  20. SkullGang Devoted Player

    No, you will have to wait.
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