todays log in issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lightwatch, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Defending Against a DDOS Attack

    There are several ways to defend against a DDOS attack. None can guarantee prevention, but the website owner does have options:
    1. Filtering: Routers at the edge of the network can be trained to spot and drop DDOS connections, preventing them from slowing the network or the server.
    2. Moving: If the attack is pointed at a specific IP address, the site’s IP can be changed. This is what the White House did before a nasty computer virus tried to DDOS its site.
    3. Blackholing: A host may simply “blackhole” a site that is being DDOSed, directing all traffic to it to an address that doesn’t exist. This is normally a last resort.
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  2. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Are you new? *This happens A LOT so it comes down to simply expecting the norm or usual.

    The issue is obviously no fault of DCUO.

    This is an example of "out of the norm", excuse me :mad:

    * "this" meaning unexpected downtime.
  3. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

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  4. Yui Loyal Player

    Not anymore. Everyone got dced maybe a few minutes after I made my comment. And it's still down now. Let me check again right now.
  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    You know, this is the first time this has happened to them. :rolleyes:
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  6. Orius Active Player

    This happened to me before. Submitted a ticket and they sent me a vault ticket.
  7. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, I submitted a ticket. Still waiting to hear back. Last time it happened to me and I submitted a ticket, I was told they had no way of verifying whether I had broken presents. This time, I sent them video of it, so hopefully I'll get a vault ticket from a GM today.
  8. Impulsively Committed Player

    I actually just made it to the character select screen just now. But I'm stuck on the loading screen having a staring contest with Power Girl.

    I only have a baseline understanding of how DDoSing works, but since it's basically just spamming the server with requests so that no one else can access it, maybe certain requests make it through every now and then in between the Lizard Squad's BS? I don't know. I guess I'll just wait until Monday.
  9. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    It took me a second. Apparently I have that element in my bloodstream in abundance. :confused:
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  10. Prosser Dedicated Player

    I'm in game right now (USPC) but its very laggy.
  11. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Nope severs are up but Disconnects are happing. But i am not suprise anymore glad i,m not legendary #LOSEADAY #PRENIUMROCKS
  12. JSnaples Committed Player

    I've learned by now that if a game has DDOS problems it's 89% likely it's Lizard squad
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  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    They have been DDoS'd for months now.

    How much more time.... how many more months do you want to give them to fix it??
  14. XR3N0X Level 30

    Or a ex member of the Daybreak/Sony team gettin his laughs for the day :p
  15. Yui Loyal Player

    Yep, I was able to get in but it was so laggy so I just closed the game.
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  16. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    You can spend all the money in the world in 20 different currencies for the latest up-to-date software and hardware in computer security with 8000 firewalls, a 40,000 digit security code, 1200 simultaneously bouncing proxies, and still get DDoS'd by some punk in his basement because ddosing isn't hacking, its an information overload on the servers equivalent of trying to fit 30,000 people into a room that only holds 2500.

    Stop picking on Sony/Daybreak just because their success intimidates rookies with no female interactions in their worthless little lives.
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  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    They have been DDoS'd for months now.

    How much more time.... how many more months do you want to give them to fix it??
  18. Yui Loyal Player

    Yep, I was able to get in but it was so laggy so I just closed the game.
  19. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Lag seems to be gone now.
  20. Ramonater New Player

    thats sucks. I guess i picked the right day to fight with my wife lol, when we fight she wont let me play in peace so now i dont have to worry about not logging on. I will tank her lol
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