To Devs: Voice Acting

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SuperBell, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    You forgot part, Retribution COMBO TO Wither, Retribution COMBO TO Wither, Retribution COMBO TO Wither.
  2. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Or is it Retribution corrupted to Wither?
  3. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Oh, good point. I always think "combo" but maybe it should be "cleansed" and "corrupted". That would be more accurate.
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  4. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Oh god no. I'd feel like we were in an anime.
  5. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    noticing some recycling in the new dlc..some scientists sound like kyle raner, Talia's voice on some yellow lanterns etc. Think Larfleeze actor voice in there somewhere too.
  6. Hero of Justice New Player

    Not an A-lister, sure, but still bigger than anonymous talent. I never knew he was Superman in that, though (although I've heard him in other games), thanks for the info.
  7. TempestPrime New Player


    -Did I get the job?
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  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I do these things too. O.O
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  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    We are the coolest people I've ever met!!! :D
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  10. The Doctor Loyal Player

    So if you have such great actors down there, then why did you hire that old, constipated, dude to play Booster Gold? I had to actually mute the tv while I was working on a leveling a toon the other day so his voice didn't make my children cry and make my cat choke itself to death.
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Solowing finds this amusing;)
  12. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    oh the humanity. Sorry you lost your cat.
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  13. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Lol, Whenever I talk to myself out loud in public I always do it as the Macho Man. I will also go full Macho Man at times and only converse with people in the Macho Man voice. This is particularly fun when grocery shopping.
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  14. TrueOlympus New Player

    imagine if it had been your puppies

    Edit: Im really just kidding, I like puppies. Please don't ban me.
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  15. Amazon Committed Player

    Ummm this voice acting is a major reasoning I play feels like an ongoing jla serial in lieu of actually having a good series to watch.

    Yes I have created a hero/villain and leveled for each mentor and faction to listen to all of their lines

    Yes I love playing legend and hear certain iconic calls

    Yes I created and levelled a brand new hero to listen to all of Susan's dialogue as the new WW

    Yes I have toons leveled on both factions so I can hear all the voice overs and story lines from both perspectives

    Don't under estimated the power of great voice acting for immersion in an MMO
  16. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    What about gadgets?

    All you'll ever hear is "Photon Photon Photon" especially in pvp
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  17. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Am I the only one having Heathers flashbacks now?
  18. Kristyana New Player

    That could be a cool thing for SOE Live this year.

    ViZ and Funimation routinely have contests at conventions where the winner ends up getting a (minor) role in some sort of future project.

    Maybe something similar could happen at SOE Live? Smedley always jokes about how DCUO never gets enough love there :p
  19. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    The guy who voices Lex Luthor in this game voices Lex in that movie.
  20. Stardazer Committed Player

    Surely I can't be the only one who voice acts in the shower? The acoustics in there are amazing for practice.
    I'm ready for the real deal now. Emailing my resume to Spytle right now. Lol.