To Devs, Grouping Idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by steelclaw, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Hi this is a suggestion to the devs and i hope they can implement this into the game. If enough people speak up and like the idea then i believe the devs will take notice.I know of a way that can fix this whole looking for group ordeal and get people into groups for content alot faster.
    The idea is pretty similar to queuing up. You would select what your role is and what you would like to join a group for, but instead of being put in a random game that sometimes are not organized, you would be added to a list.
    Now comes the part where lets say i wanted to start a group. I would open up a menu and see what roles are available and what they want to do, then i could invite them. Say we needed a dps and a healer, i would open the menu and see how many dps and healers want to do the content we a running and invite them. Teams would get formed quicker and inviting people to your group couldn't be easier.

    Also this alows people to go out and do things until they are invited, instead of trying to find a group by messaging in the LFG chat. More freedom to enjoy other content in the mean time, which equals a better experience. So people who form groups get groups faster and people waiting can enjoy other things instead of messaging
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  2. the swoosh New Player

    i like it :)
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  3. SuperiorMouse New Player

    so you want a total revamp of the existing grouping system?

    honestly, smh. it's not a bad idea but there's nothing really wrong with the existing grouping system. if they were to do a total overhaul and revamp of grouping they'd have to have a reason to do so -- as in -- a legitimate business reason. it costs money to develop these systems and overhauling grouping for the sake of it because someone got bored won't ever happen.
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  4. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    no its not so much a revamp it just adds to it. we have the ability to queue up for different content. Instead of enetering right a way it can also add you to a list other players can look through.
  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    Sounds nice on paper but I can already tell you how this will break down.

    People will throw their names out their for everything including T5 raids. People will complain about all the "low levels" 86-95 that have no business in the T5 raid lines. People will demand cr be adding to this list otherwise they aren't useful. Eventually it will be added and then people will only pick the ones with the highest cr to run any content. Leaving the ones who need the content the most waiting to play the game.
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  6. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    I dont get your logic. If you invite someone to your group you can inspect them and ask cr same as always, same as now. How will this new system affect that. Also cr doesnt have to show when searching for players you just added that on your own.

    Also if your cr is too low you wont be able to queue just like the current system.
    And your last part players do that now. They run things with high cr players.
    This system fixes the grouping part. It allows the grouping process to be less of a hassle and more efficient. You cant honestly think shouting in the chat to be a good way to form groups. players can find each other faster this way.
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  7. X-zero Loyal Player

    If you shouted out you can say what cr you are looking for or what cr you are, but if you are using this new system you wouldn't use the lfg chat or any text chat beforehand I would assume. So you would have to ask individually every person you invited to the group if you wanted a special cr. Doing this I assume would add a lot of unneed time in the process of making the group for both the group maker and the people invited to the group.

    That is why I said people would demand cr added to this system later to avoid that process.
  8. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    People who are 86-95cr have business in t5 raids so u are 100% wrong!
  9. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Also you act as if t5 is the only content in the game. This benefits all content, do you know how hard it is to form groups for t1 t2 t3 content. This way if anyone is willing to play that content in addition to what ever they are doing. They dont have to chat, lets say for example.

    "Healer 4 batcave fos gates prime etc." if they want to play any of that they list up for all that and see what they get invited to.
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  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I like it. +1
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  11. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Yeah i know a lot of people would.
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  12. pterew New Player

    This is like the third thread today that has something to do with grouping. Clearly there are some issues. And as far as a business reason, it makes sense that the easier and better grouping they have the better the game will be (imo). The better the game, the more people will play. I know of a few people that stopped playing when they got to level 30 because they were having a hard time finding groups!

    As far as the OP's idea, I think it is good to have the players be more active in the queuing process. It is especially important for newer players like myself, who are baffled that the only shouts you see in LFG are for T5 content. I would feel like a total noob shouting for "troller for Area 51, cr 35 send inv."
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  13. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    Yeah new comers can join up together more easily, and get to the higher content instead of of trying to get noticed in a sea of chat that is doing higher content with specific cr and etc. requirements. The easier it is for everyone the more people will stay and play the higher content, not just the select few "elite" cr>9000 sp>10000 or you dont play people which sadly exist.
    Now all people want to do is fly through the raids as fast as possible or else you dont get to play. If you cant keep up with the speed and if you try to take your time and play through the content normally you get kicked.

    I love the new all marks of triumph system, and i hate to say it, but before when marks were seperated you didn't have to deal with all this since most of the people playing your alert raid were playing around your same level.

    Sorry for the rant there, thats a whole other topic. but my idea on grouping i believe is great.
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  14. Minnion Devoted Player

    Even if CR is listed you realize that there are only so many CR99+ players to go around right? There is the distinct possibility that players will settle for the CR90 for Nexus because that's all there is to choose from right now and running Nexus now with whats available is better than staring at the list for two hours hoping that a CR99+ decides they want to run that raid(A possibility that might never come to pass). After all not everyone is some "elitist" butt, or some noob that just wants to be carried... Of course that could just be my inner optimist talking..

    Oh yeah and the proposed system would also make matchmaking a little easier for lower Tier content too... (As I understand it it would basically be the want adds.)
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  15. SuPeRBaTnOtMan New Player

    The business reason would be to drastically improve the game making it a much more attractive product to spend money on. Saying "because someone got bored" as if that is somehow a small problem on an mmorpg.... That is it's worst nightmare and things like this are the only way to extend dcuos life.

    One concern is the elitest garbage players out there that need a full 99+ team to beat dox.
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  16. SuPeRBaTnOtMan New Player

    So shouting out for a high cr and hoping someone eventually responds and you send the invite first, before the 5 other groups looking for the once every 8 minute 99cr troll, is faster and more efficient than an organized list to specifically address? Are we on the alternate dc forums here?
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  17. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    I had a few friends who got turned off to the game because they would log on and shout for +45 minutes trying to get into a group or waiting for the group leader to get people from the chat. They said they found themselves doing the same thing every time they logged on and they saw those +45 minutes on average as a waste.
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  18. SuperiorMouse New Player

    that's not a business reason first of all. and secondly, if your concern is CR elitism, take steps to remove CR elitism by working on the CR system directly ie. REMOVE the SCOREBOARD completely (put it in the upcoming leaderboards instead) or re-hide CR again. or how about; build a new group finder system into the game so players don't/can't shout for group mates.

    a business reason is; we're revamping that system anyhow because it's bug riddled. or we have to revamp that system because we're building in some advertising plugins that'll sell marketplace items. ... those are business reasons.
  19. X-zero Loyal Player

    I didn't say they didn't. I said what people would say because the majority of the shouts for the raids are usually 97+. Of the t5 raid shouts you see how many don't have a min cr limit. PuGs for the most part won't take chances on someone below 95. Leagues would but this system seems like it would be mainly for PuGs.

    Maybe the new raids have killed my hopes for a lot of the community. Because from what I have seen that 90cr player has no chance of making it in unless it is a league run.

    For argument sake say controllers are the rarest role. You have 20 people signed up as controllers. Do you just take the first two to three you see? Are you going pm 20 people asking for their vit? What if none of them are what you looking for? It is a lot harder to maintain high cr people's power due to raise in power cost. It is one of the reason for the lack of controllers now. Now you had to go through that for the rarest role. What would people do from the common roles like dps which probably would have hundreds in there? You would just have to pick three at random and hope for the best, send a lot of pm asking questions, or just use lfg chat because it would faster.
  20. impulse1 Well-Known Player

    I like the op's idea...but just a few suggestions for people who are struggling with the current LFG system...

    I rarely join groups. I always form my own, normally setting the cr level required at my own cr level. (invariably I get players of a higher cr joining anyway).

    Then...(and this is the important part)...

    At the end of the alert or raid, I thank each player personally, and those that I think have done well (which is about 95% of players I team with) I ask if I can put them down as friend. To which they ALWAYS reply "of course, and I 'll do the same".

    I have a friends list that is four times bigger than my league list and can arrange a group for anything within a few minutes.
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