Throne of the Dead getting shut off!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Norwegian ninja, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    The problem is the a-holes FAR outnumber those who did it legit. I don't think asking those who did it legit to submit a ticket is "punishing" them by any stretch, just trying to think of the most time efficient manner of dealing with it.
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  3. Minnion Devoted Player

    What happens if they replaced clownbox with something else, like Two Faces Barrel... Or the ability to summon Jokers Clown Henchmen...
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Getting cranky over not getting a virtual item doesn't justify or in any way excuse cheating in the game.
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  5. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Very true. Point taken.

    But choosing specific roles to gain a strategic advantage and play the content 'as the Devs intended'.... is much different than choosing specific roles in order to completely 'exploit' the game mechanics in an unintended fashion, just to get better gear.

    One method violates the TOS.
    The other does not.
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  6. Yuck Gadgets Active Player

    Couldn't they tell from funky damage out/in ratio's
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  7. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    Ummmm when this happened with dox was anything done then? No and it was up for weeks. Nothing will happen now. It will eventually get fix and that's that. All those that went ham spent the replays to do so which is money in dcuo pockets.

    The damage is done, you think those players feel guilty hell no.
  8. Falco Committed Player

    A lot of people on my ignore list since the glitch started. So it really doesn't matter to me if they are banned or not since I won't be crossing paths with them anyways. I would be fine knowing that the people that spent real money on respec tokens and replay badges to abuse a glitch lost all of their gear.

    No, not 101 gear. ALL their gear. And maybe all their sp just for the hell of it. :D
    Seriously, I do hope appropriate actions are taken.
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  9. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    They not feel guilty but they will feel bad when they are stripped of the 101.
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  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    People posting "Tonight's the last night to glitch Elite, get your $$$ worth!" In the chat...

    Makes me sick. They really need to do something about thus
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  11. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    They are people of no character. Sadly we have become an "ends" society in the digital age. So many people don't care how they get what they want as long as they get it. Even worse they tell themselves that THEIR weakness is the other guys fault
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  12. Sbel Devoted Player

    He said "most players" would require all 100 gear, iirc. And he might have meant to complete it, not to beat the first 2 bosses.
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  13. Ink Eyes New Player

    LMAO, why so concerned with what I'm doing? Don't you have any 101 gear?
  14. Ebon Angel New Player

    Is there a reason why the chat can't be used to initiate finding the cheaters?
    It just seems to me that nerfing 101 gear, removing it, or anything else paints everyone with the same "guilty" brush with no proof. It would be better if the staff had a "glitcher" on staff to spot these weaknesses during development. As it stands, this sort of thing will continue to happen, just in a different form.
  15. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    I understand that and it would be unfair to those who gained the gear legitimately... but it would be bloody hilarious if all the people who spent money on a power token and replays glitching Throne Elite logged-on to find all their 101 gear is now 100 lol.
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  16. Elusian Crowd Control

    Well, the last boss is broken in Elite. You sometimes deal with 2+ totem masters, no transformation (to effective counter it) and multi-totem spawn with a full spawned set of adds before the totem can be targeted. 100 gear or not won't matter atm. =/
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  17. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    The thing is though, the money glitch literally effected the entire server. Everybody who uses the broker was negatively effected by it.
  18. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Ok this what I don't get some say take all the 101 gear even from the legit ppl, that way next time others will take w.e steps necessary to make sure this doesn't happen again. How can we do that? It happened during dox, happened during seasonal, happened during almost every dlc and now in the elite raid. So what makes u guys think this won't happen again? And if it does, so it's right to take the gear from legit ppl as well AGAIN? the thing is there shold be a tracker or somethin that shows that players aren't being damaged after a certain point in the raid I'm sure it's possible might not be easy but def possible.

    I earned on one of my toon 1 101 item level gear from first boss then 98 on second ( this was on first week) then haven't ran it again. Now I know it's only 1. Gear that's 101 but I am not going to be punished for somethin the devs should of looked at. Thwy did the same thing with dox all thwy care about is selling replays and we saw how big it was in OC dlc. Once sales went down it was fix. Same crap here, if they really care then they could easily see those fully geared 101 that spammed replays and are almost full sets. Check their battle records when they were in the raid, when they took dmg and when dmg stopped while they were still doing damage.

    I'm sorry if this might be wrong not fair, but taking thw gears away from every1 is plain stupid. The reason for that it's frankly simple, glitches and exploits will almost always be around when new stuff is released. So each time a league or bunch of players glitch/exploit a raid/instance we all gotta take a hit? There's def gotta be another way to punish ONLY those that deserve.

    P.S. It's funny how the same ppl that cry and beg devs for challenge, are the same cry babies that exploit and glitch. Maybe now devs u guys can stop listening to these cry babies and listen to the real players with real legitimate issues the game has and needs fixing
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  19. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Its good to see the Test Server working as intended.....

    For me, SCRAP IT!

    Seriously, did nobody pick this glitch up during test runs? Did nobody report it? No? I am not surprised.

    Scrap the test server. Hire proper game testers who are paid to report these problems, and end the constant abuse of this game.
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  20. winter13 New Player

    I wonder how many players in here expressing their "outrage" did the wave box glitch, nexus door glitch, clown box glitch.etc...

    Hmmm...I wonder
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