TheForgotten looking for members

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Ralph Hinkley, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Still recruiting. Get in and get ur cr and sp up before the next dlc.

    Ra1ph Hink1ey
  2. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Guess what. We're still recruiting.
  3. ObsidianDrake New Player

    I'm interested. Also returning player: TheObsidianDrake
  4. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i will be right with you.
  5. QuantumFlash New Player

    I am pretty new played a bit years ago so starting fresh looking for people to play with I do use ps4 for whatever reason the game hates my pc and lags out even though i'm well above where I need to be spec wise but plays fine on ps4 go figure anyways I can use a keyboard discord or whatever else voice chat wise hopefully I can join my psn is sujaku367
  6. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i will be in game in just a few minutes to recruit you if somebody hasn't already. might be back on at 7 pm.
  7. QuantumFlash New Player

    lol I guess I should have been online when I posted that I was actually at work i'm sorry :( I can be on anytime tomorrow just let me know.
  8. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    No problem. I sent you a psn friend request and added you on my list for dcuo so I know when your on and will get you in. Usually on first thing after reset on the weekends and again in the evenings. If I don't get you Windsor will.

    Ralph Hink1ey
  9. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Added a couple great additions to the league this past week both I game and from here on the forums. Always looking for more.

    Ra1ph Hink1ey
  10. recoil2 Dedicated Player


    • Like x 1
  11. recoil2 Dedicated Player

  12. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Still recruiting
  13. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Need some new blood. All cr welcome
  14. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Coming back before the next dlc. Join us now and let us help you get ready.
  15. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Still recruiting.
  16. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Still recruiting
  17. recoil2 Dedicated Player

  18. General Crysis New Player

    Hero or Villain side? i have both...and am lonely in both places lol
    • Like x 1
  19. Ralph Hinkley Active Player

    Were on the Hero side. Leave you in game name and will see what we can do about that.
  20. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    Are you EU?