The Shadows Of The Night (USPS Hero/Villain)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Red Jenni, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. army New Player

  2. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  3. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  4. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  5. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  6. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Looking for a bunch of crazy bastards to laugh with and at while you're trying your hardest not to cry because you're stuck at the last boss in Nexus and Ninja Batman keeps one shotting everyone and you can't do anything about it because the balls keep bouncing everyone all over the stinking place, and your wife keeps telling you to fix the toilet while your kids argue and tug of war over that board game they both swear is theirs and your dog's in heat and won't be quiet and the phone just rang for like the 20th time in the last 30 minutes and it was a wrong number every time and the neighbor across the street has been using a power saw in his garage for the last 3 hours? Check out our forum at
  7. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Bwahahahaha! Join us!
  8. Svenraina New Player

    Would your guild take a new lvl 6?
  9. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Absolutely. Click the link in my pic to sign up on the website.
  10. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Are you tired of queuing up for fos 2 and ending up with a bunch of kids, and you can't get past the boss at the end because 2 of them are wearing pvp gear and don't realize that pvp gear is disabled in pve, and you're in there for an hour and a half because people keep leaving and you've STILL only got 5 people in there? If you're over 21 and have a mic, you're in luck! We will run ALL content and have members in all tiers of the game. Check out our forums at
  11. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  12. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  13. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Ever on late at night, and can't get into any group in lfg chat. There only seem to be a few shouting, and they either want the wrong role or are running the wrong content? Its my dream to unite the players at night. Imagine having 300 or 400 league mates on at once. Imagine shouting for a raid in league chat and getting 50 or 60 replies. That is my dream. The Shadows Of The Night are a league specifically made for late night players. We are always accepting anyone who wants to be a member. We have 1 basic rule, that's don't be a.... well, ahem... jerk (to put it politely). Not to other Shadows and not to other people. We don't jerks. That means absolutely no intolerance. We have players at all tiers of the game. We're a very large league and we're always looking to grow larger. Mics help communication, but not required. No cr or sp requirement. This is a league for people who like to help others. Go to our website (click here) to apply. Eventually, I'd like to see the Shadows expand into a hero/villain league, maybe even a multi-game league like my old league. But we can't do it without YOU. Check out our website and join up today.
  14. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Oh but yes there are just have to know who to ask...and be okay with suddenly seeing unicorns snorting sparkles and leprechauns puking rainbows because many people have reported seeing such things after eating the cookies we bake. ;)

    Wanna see for yourself? Come on by and check us and all of our fun and awesomeness out!
  15. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  16. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    So apparently, we recruiters can bump our threads, we just can't limit our bumps to the word "bump", the word "first" etc.
  17. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Shadows treat each other with respect. Shadows will travel across the online world to help another Shadow, even if its running content we didn't need, or even want to run. Shadows make each other laugh. Shadows help each other learn parts of the game, whether it's something as basic as how to cue up for a mission or something more advanced, like how to check who's on the current voice channel. That's what it means to be a Shadow. Sound good? Check out our website at
  18. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  19. Red Jenni Loyal Player

  20. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    Do you love to run through the streets at night, burning and electrocuting things, beating up heroes and sending suicidal jumpers to their eminent demise below? Join us, and we'll cause a little mayhem together.