The ROYAL Family is Recruiting! (USPC Heroes)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Hood Icon, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Hood Icon Active Player

  2. Hood Icon Active Player

  3. Hood Icon Active Player

  4. Rej3ct New Player

    I'll like to join. I am currently re-downloading the game due to unfortunate probs with the pc. My in game name is lNTEII. can't remember which one exactly. The first l is an L hahaha I'm smart. I'm a cr 100 or so PVE Celestial healer. I do pvp also, but for fun. I would to get my pvp cr up too. Like my name, I'm usually the guy that collects info, and put the group together when there is disorganizing moment in a raid/alert..etc. I used to be a Quantum troller before switching to healer, due to the fact there are less healers nowadays. Don't worry, I've studied celestial and know how to use the combos correctly. My loadout is pretty much combos. I'm one of the OG players. Been playing this game since middle school or high school..can't remember what year this game exactly came out and I'm still playing as a college student...on my free time of course. Well, Nice to meet you.
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  5. Hood Icon Active Player

    Sounds Good ;) We have a couple Healers in the league right now and all of them are great at it. We are a very relax league do our own until someone calls for help in a raid, alert, survive, or just anything we can help each other out with. I am usual on in the mornings and Wednesday or Thursday. ill add you once I see you on ill send you a invite :D Welcome to The League lNTEII !
  6. Hood Icon Active Player

  7. CptKamikaze New Player

    Add me 144cr 131sp ice lol am the only one left in mine lol
    • Like x 1
  8. Hood Icon Active Player

    We are on USPC tho :eek: aren't you on USPS?
  9. CptKamikaze New Player

    Yea unfortunately damn it >. <
  10. Hood Icon Active Player

  11. Hood Icon Active Player

  12. Hood Icon Active Player

  13. Z3k312 New Player

    Sup Hood Icon its IamFamous xD good luckkkkk
    • Like x 1
  14. Hood Icon Active Player

    Thanks bro ! :D
  15. Hood Icon Active Player

  16. Hood Icon Active Player

  17. Hood Icon Active Player

  18. Hood Icon Active Player

  19. Hood Icon Active Player

  20. Hood Icon Active Player