The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. AbsoluteZero Committed Player

    In-game name. Crash Knight
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Server USPS3
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 51cr, 30sp
    *Power. light
    *Role. Dps
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *About yourself. I play everyday usually at night went to school for game design and consider myself a team player
    .*What are you looking for in a league and why? I want to meet some new people and enjoy the game the way it was ment to be
  2. BurrBryant New Player

    In game name:(undetermined, but probably BurrBryant if it's available. BurrBryant is my PSN name so shoot me a message)
    Faction: Villain
    Server: USPS3
    CR/SP: Starting off brand new, but I've had characters up to 82/70 and I will soon be there.
    Power: Gadget
    Role: Dps
    Mic?: Not yet, but will within a week.
    Account: F2P for 1 week and then I'll start my premium (no rush since I'm starting fresh lol)
    About Me: I was stuck on this game for a long time under the name Flamintine, but it was on my room mate's ps3. My room mate and I found different housing and I was left without my toon :( He was a Fire dps with cr82 and sp70. I have run everything through t4. I had to quit right when t5 came out. I look to getting up to t4 within a couple months. I'll be playing at least 4-5 hours a day. I work full time, but on my days off, this is all I'll be doing. I look forward to transitioning to Ps4 right when it comes out. I'll be a long term player who will eventually become a great asset to any team :) I look forward to meeting new people and exploring new adventures!!!
  3. Lick Of Frost Active Player

    Just wish there were more PC Villains on here lol
    • Like x 1
  4. Claire Bear New Player

    i didn't get any hits after posting in here but I got picked up in game by an active league. good luck mate
  5. Zeosephiroth New Player

    *In-game name- Majestic Lily
    *Faction - Hero
    *Server - USPS3
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points - 99cr, 101sp
    *Power - Sorcery
    *Role - Dps and Healer
    *Do you have a mic? - Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play - Legendary
    I'm currently looking for a hardcore raiding league that know what they're doing in dox and nexus. I'm sooo tired of running with people that don't know what they are doing :p. I'm both a 99cr dps with 3050 might 1065 prec and also a 99cr healer with 3950 resto. I have successfully solo healed nexus before, but as any good group knows, this depends on every player knowing the mechanics of the raid, ie. DODGING lol. My power is Sorcery which i know how to use very well :).
  6. RaithCox New Player

    *In-game name - Anomalist
    *Faction - Hero
    *Server - USPC
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points - cr 33
    *Power - Quantum
    *Role - Troll
    *Do you have a mic? - Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play - Premium
    *About yourself - Navy Vet, play DC while not doing college work
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - Looking for a league that is active and can show me the ropes of playing in raids and pvp
  7. jackknife89 New Player

    *In-game name. jackknife89
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). hero
    *Power. telekenetic
    *Do you have a mic? yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. FTP till later this week then legendary
    *About yourself. aussie that has played wow, rift, eve, dbo and swtor
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? looking for a mature friendly guild that I can team up with to do raids eventually and to generally have fun. I have been the head of guildw in other games and a couple of corporations in eve online. so I shouldn't take long to pick up anything the league throws at me
  8. Zyryl New Player

    Nature - Heals
    Would prefer a league with pvp focus, though I would like to see what pve content this game has.
    I've 3-30s, all villains: fire, quantum, nature; little progress on any toon (27 SP is the highest amonst these 3)
  9. WolfWarrior84 New Player

    are you still looking for a league
  10. Zeosephiroth New Player

    Yes i am lol. Does your league have a core group or are you making one? If so, how often do you complete nex and dox?
  11. WolfWarrior84 New Player

    we are still building core group only our troll has completed nex. we only have 4 on all the time 1 of each role
  12. WolfWarrior84 New Player

    I sent you mail my main toons name is wolf84
  13. Flight8l5 New Player

    In-game name. Spellbind
    *Faction. Hero
    *Server (USPC)
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 39/40
    *Power. Mental
    *Role. Controller
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Currently Legendary
    *About yourself. 24 years old. male. Pacific time zone
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Looking for a league that uses teamspeak, mumble, etc. Mainly want people to talk to who will do alerts/raids often and help me gear up.
  14. The Incredible Fly New Player

    In-game name: TheIncredibleFly

    Faction: Villain

    Server: USPS3

    Combat Rating/Skill Points: 76/60

    Power: Nature

    Role: Healer

    Do you have a mic?: No, however I wouldn't object to purchasing one.

    Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary is the only way I will play.

    About yourself: 22, Canadian, used to play on EU and although my character is still new-ish (about 14 days), I'm very experienced. Although I have no witnesses to vouch for me, I promise I'm beyond a good healer capable of solo healing any raid from T1 to T4 and T5's for a period of time if another healer is KO'd. This however would of course require that I better gear my healer first. Just saying I know how to work the role very well.

    What are you looking for in a league and why?: Well, I'm a very talkative chap... I love to socialize and I'd like to be involved with a league who feels similarly. I have an advanced understanding of game mechanics and although I'm only mediocre in PvP I can easily support myself without a league. It's a lonely world though and I want to have a place where I can feel at home. All I ask is that I'm not being recruited to a league that's has a name like xXxCool_NamexXx. Kind of a stupid request I know but I'm picky about what I'll be representing beneath my name so... Ridiculous league names need not apply, lol.

    P.S. I stopped playing for a good 4 or 5 months and have yet to finish a T5 raid and haven't even been inside any of the new Trigon alerts. I've done the Brothers In Arms and Family Reunion alerts many, many times with ease so I'm not all that frightened of what DLC 8 has to offer. I'm just making it clear that if I were to be recruited I'd need to be briefed on any important info for those things. Also, I initially began this character as Celestial but sorely missed the healer role and have always enjoyed Nature's capabilities in that respect. So, I switched over to Nature and am now working on obtaining better gear. Thus far, I've reached 3 pieces of T4 while the rest is Amazonian, Rune or anything from T4 raids. So my resto isn't impressive yet but it's not bad either. Just gotta work on some mods and continuing forward into T5 which should take me no more than a few weeks.
  15. rayondcuo New Player

    *In-game name: LordInsidious

    *Faction: Villain

    *Server: USPS3

    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 35/40

    *Power: Celestial

    *Role: Healer

    *Do you have a mic: Yes

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary

    *About yourself: 25 years old, casual player, I've been playing the game for a good couple months now and understand that each person has a role to play in order for the group to be successful. I mostly get on in the evenings and play for a good couple hours. This is my first Healer but I've learned quite a bit about how to be good at my role. I've also had a quantum controller but i no longer use. I'm not against learning from other and here to play and have a good time! If you have any question you can email in game

    *What are you looking for in a league and why: I'm looking for a league because the game is more enjoyable when you play it with pple you know rather than always pugging it. like to have a good time while i play, and consider myself to be pretty mature.
  16. DamageControl Committed Player

    In game: Matkalioux
    CR 95/84 99 SP Quantum Controller/CR 93 Quantum DPS
    Legendary Hero USPC with Mic.
    I'm a 21 year-old guy currently completing my pilot's training in the IAF. I'm friendly, dedicated and loyal to the core. My time zone is GMT +2:00 and usually play in the evenings every 2 or 3 days.
    I've been playing since this April and am addicted to the community. As such, inasmuch as I'd rather be in a league with same-tiered players, friendliness and maturity are far more important to me in an ideal league. The league I've been affiliated with till now was comprised mainly of kids age 13-17, and was run - or, shall I say - controlled, by a 30 year old guy who's arrogance would put dear President Barry to shame. I was born to lead, not follow, and while I have no problems with authority, I don't believe respect can be demanded. It must be earned, something this guy failed to accomplish.
    What I'm looking for is an 18+ league run by like-minded guys, with a decent-sized player base, preferably with a respectable web presence (YouTube channel, Facebook etc.) Further preferences include regular T5 content runs, TeamSpeak and presence on the forums. I love PvPing, it being, in my opinion, the more dynamic and fun side to DCUO, and makes for a nice break from repetitive PvE content.
    And finally, as I've stated, I enjoy taking an active part in league stuff, and believe I have a lot to offer in the way of management, so when considering my application, please bear this in mind.
    --Edit: Also, I want to join a league who's name I'd be proud to have over my head. I want to pop in to a pug raid and make headlines when they see that same league under my name.
    Let the fun begin!
  17. Saybro Committed Player

    *Name: Pyro Strata
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: USPS3
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points CR65/47sp
    *Power: Fire
    *Role: Tank
    *Do you have a mic: Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary for 3 months as of 2 days ago. Will probably do the year after. If i find a league that plays. Plus you know gta 5 is coming and this holiday season is full of games coming out.
    *About yourself: I'm 27 and currently in the U.S. Army, stationed in fort hood with 1st CAV. I played for a while and got my armor to tier 2 and my combat rating was 45-50. Then LIFE happened and other games came along. I have sense gotten back into playing it. I am a fire tank. I'm ok I would say as I dont know what good is. I Just want to become a strong person in the game so then I can help guide people on there like a few people have done for me. I would also like to attain marks so I will be strong enough to do so. My weapon of CHOICE would be martial arts, but i can't seem to ever get a good drop from it. But for right now im using dual pistols and one handed. Just depends on my mood. Both are 103. I do want stronger though.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Just some people to play with who have fun playing. Who don't take this damn game so serious to heart (if you are that mad, just turn the thing off). I'd like to get with a group who know's what they are doing so that I can learn from them and later mentor others in the same fashion.
  18. Esper928 New Player

    *In-game name. - Captian Glowstick ( I know its spelled wrong, by the time i even noticed it was too late to start over lol )

    *Faction (Hero/Villain). -Hero
    *Server (USPS3/EUPS3-USPC/EUPC) -USPS3
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR - 69 SP - 59
    *Power. -Mental
    *Role. -Controller
    *Do you have a mic? - no, but if its needed i'll get one

    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. -Legendary

    *About yourself.- 29, m, california, libra, i enjoy long moonlit walks on the beach and marathon gaming...mostly the latter. Been playing dcuo for about a month now, very familiar with my role.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - active members who help each other, im willing to help anyone that needs it , the league im in now isnt very active and those who are have been playing for a good while and are really only interested in running t5 content.

    just looking for a good group to blast through duos, alerts and raids with to get marks and complete feats.
    • Like x 1
  19. Captain CdViper New Player

    We are a Marvel Themed or Inspired Hero League, we mostly do PVE and some PVP to SMASH some villains when bored! lol
    We would love to have you here and have fun with us doing Raids, duos, alerts, arena. We will help ANYONE level up, lower level characters.

    Our Site:
  20. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    Even though our goal is to complete Nexus, we only have 7 players over cr 94. However we have just about the right number of cr levels for you to group with. Depending how often you play and concentrate on a toon, it is reasonable to believe you could avoid many pugs on your journey to greatness. Often times the higher leveled cr players will do quick raid runs for lower cr to have an opportunity to an influx of MoT. We are also PVP focused. Come by our website and check out our browser community on the internet. There is all kinds of information there and you can apply there too. Also, jot down my in game name, Mizz princizz, and send me a message if you like. Good Luck to you... :)