The next tank power!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by razor Red, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    Blue Lantern powers? Yippee a re texture of a power that's already in game, I'm not really feeling the whole more "lantern colors" thing we have yellow and green that's more the enough.
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  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    No more lantern powers!!!

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  3. Larfleeze New Player

    I had at one time (before the 4th wave of powers came out) figured out categories for each of the roles, but I can't remember exactly what they were. I think they were basically...

    Tanks were basically elemental. Ice, fire, earth.
    Controllers were based off knowledge / brainpower. Mental, Gadgets, and Hard Light fit this, Quantum does to a slight degree too.
    Healing were mysticism/shamanism. Sorcery, Nature, Electricity. Celestial fits in with it to a slight degree.

    If they continue this trend, logically the next tank will be elemental based, ergo Air. But there's already "air" with the movement powers, so who knows.
  4. Weapon meX New Player

    I like the Venom power Rhinosus13 mentioned, very good idear.

    I also would like to see a Red Lantern Tank, or Rage Tank.

    Minnion mentioned a Cybernetic powerset, which is along the lines of what i was thinking. A actual TANK tanking power or just to appease the whole elemental theme of tanking, lets call it Heavy Metal !!
    Imagine huge cannons blasting adds, ultrasonic weapons for crowd control, Infrasonic weapons for individual targeting, it could be sweeet!

    Blue Lantern or Saint Walker in the comics heals and powers up Green Lanterns power by +200%
    thus has a controlling affect on other lanterns, he'd fit a Controller role. Hey if Fire Tank can self heal, why not a Blue Lantern controller be able to give out power and self heal too?
  5. Solar wing New Player

    As i said earlier i think red and blue lanterns could be tanks. With a little of the devs creative-ness. For red maybe an agressive/defensive skill tree. and for blue maybe a shielding/hope tree. They WONT make it the same as yellow and green lanterns just for the fact of how they would probably lose people due to no creativity. For blue lanterns, maybe when there around green lanterns there SC goes up faster, or there defense goes up (since blue lantern tank) or something like that. They cant make it TOO op because then it would just be stupid. But i think it would be cool to see something like that. For red lanterns in the agressive tree maybe they can throw out a saw like how quantum throws out a black hole. And for defensive they could have a shield like ice's shield but they can clip into agressive and make the shield into a spiked shield that knocks opponents down. (but when shield turns into spiked shield it goes away). with a little creativity it can be far more interesting in my opinion. i get that people dont want to see more lantern cores. but i think eventually they probably will add most of them since there apart of the dc storyline so why not add blue and red now?. i mean they already have red lanterns in the game. and there introducing blue lanterns in the next dlc. thats just my thoughts
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  6. Weapon meX New Player

    Now..... que Inception music:

    Now there is Agenda going about.... for eons humanity has sought out fire, When humans first looked up to the sky, the Sun become a idol of worship, man sought to mimic its "Light" by fire. Millenniums later during the cold war man again sought to harness the power of the Sun by splitting the atom. Light and energy became a fixation of mankind in the 20th and 21st century, from the atomic age, to the development of lazers( pew, pew, pew), to the ongoing experiments with holographic technology. The motion picture industry used "Light" to display to us the images in motion. Technology further enhanced this use of light and imaging; and began to be able to use "Color" and sound. where am i going with this??? replay inception music.

    Light and Color, energy and Light where else have we seen these themes??

    In art we learn color comes in various pigmentations. primary colors are red, yellow, blue. secondary colors are orange, green, purple.
    Why is this important? Keep reading.

    Since the creation of the printing press the process of printing has expanded exponentially and as a result new industries were created. Just like the Motion picture industry began to enhance via color and sound, the printing industry too, enhanced. We began to have books, and literature not only with black text but with images. Colored images.

    How can we bring this all together where it begins to make sense? one word. Comic Books....... (well two).

    Comic books are what further enhanced the printing industry, it allowed our imaginations and illustrations to sore to new heights. It is the reason many are here and why DCUO exist as interactable and manipulative motion images. (replay inception music)

    Light and Color became a main theme in DC comics, where? in the war of light!! Not only do the lanterns represent the emotional spectrum, but do so via light spectrum, each emotion represented by a color light spectrum.
    In Physics we learn that Light does produce Color via a refraction of light frequency and length via a prismatic spectrum which in turn is translated by our eyes via our corneas, reflecting into our pupil & iris and filtered through our retinas via the eye lens; transmitted by the retina's light cells, then, by the optic nerve which sends nerve impulses (electricitay) into of brain's cortex.

    There are 2 extremes in Color, Black and white as represented by the image above.
    In pigmentation White is the absence of color where as black is the combination of all colors
    With Light: Black is the absence of color where as, White is the amalgamation of all colors

    Where is this all going yee say? well i'll tell yee where this is all going. ( at this point if you haven't, que the Inception music half ways)

    The White Lantern!

    I believe the White lantern will be our next Tank'n Power....... but wait there's more!

    If you look carefully at the 2 images above, there is a certain theme, besides the whole lantern thing; that, is also present here.
    see it?? Light was first mentioned as a introduction to Color. The White Lantern will be the Introcution of something greater. AND color has it's own theme going on......

    Do you see it now? if not.......then....


    What do we have here??? looks like a rainbow to me!

    Which brings me to the Agenda behind all of this, a Rainbow Agenda if you will..... want further proof?

    Then ladies and gentlegerms i give you the smoking gun that pieces this jigsaw puzzle all together.......hide your babies and if you have a weak stomach please don't look, for the Day of Redemption has arrived, the matrix code has been solved, I have been to the Summit and have seen the LIGHT...........heheheheh


    Inception Music. Tunnu nNuh Nuh NUh Tun Tun TUN!!!

    i rest my case..................

  7. Solar wing New Player

    er that made no sense to be BUT. they cant make whitelanterns because villians cant be white lanterns?
  8. Weapon meX New Player

    you forget Blackest Night............The Black Lanterns Cough cough.
  9. Larfleeze New Player

    Neither White nor Black wouldn't fit unless they do serious retooling of how they work.

    Same goes with Blue/Red.

    And what would they call them? Hard Light Tank? Soft Light? No, I doubt it. Remember, we aren't actual members of the Sinestro Corps or the Green Lantern Corps. We're "temporary deputies". Smart money is on anything OTHER than a new lantern being the new tank power.
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  10. shaun10656 New Player

    you can make one of those with earth its called upheavel!
  11. shaun10656 New Player

    I don't understand WHAT POWER WOULD YOU GET FROM A LANTERN BASED DLC??? the power to split atoms power to be a amazaon? NO!!!! YOUR GOIN TO BE A LANTERN! look at the dlcs and look at the community all points to to lanterns
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  12. Weapon meX New Player

    Mankind (not the wrastler) has turned angled rocks into cylindrical objects before so anything is probable.

    as far as a name...hmmmm ... thinking... thinking..thinking.

    Spectral Light Tank? it covers both white and black.

    maybe just "Light Tank" or "Spectral Light" as it's short and sweet.

    Fire Tank, is just fire. Ice tank is just Ice, etc,..
  13. Solar wing New Player

    War of the light- has to be lantern based. why would they name the dlc WAR OF THE LIGHT and make it wind or water or atomic or any of those powers? if they were going to make it that they would have made it "War of the not-HL powers"
  14. Solar wing New Player


    Blue lantern-HERO tank
    [IMG]Red lantern - villian
    I HOPE (see what i did there) that they make construct armor that kind of looks like razers.( guy in red lantern pic) if they dont make it ill RAGE ;)
  15. Elusian Crowd Control

  16. Solar wing New Player

    Cosmic = quantum
  17. Solar wing New Player

    that would probably be too hard
  18. SuperiorMouse New Player

    this kids, is an After School Special or PSA. don't do drugs. or drink. of whatever he did before posting.

    you can make a "blue lantern" it's called Quantum. you can make a "red lantern" it's called Fire. bye now.
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  19. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Sunlight powers so I can give people 3rd degree sunburns :)
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  20. Solar wing New Player
