The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I keep forgetting to ask... what Belt (Waist) Style is that? Might come in handy for one of my characters. :)
  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Now that the Bat Cowls have been available for awhile, and with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hitting theaters next month, I'm really surprised to see that no one's tried their hand at what I consider to be the most interesting Batsuit in the movie: Desert Batman...



    Although, to be fair, the biggest problem with making this one will be the game's severely limited selection of Chest Styles that incorporate a Duster/Trench Coat. And the lack of an Iconic Bat Emblem doesn't help, either. :(
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  3. Gothamite Well-Known Player

    That's pretty much why lol. If you're going for the BvS look, this is as good as it gets:
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    To be fair, that IS pretty awesome! Although I can't help thinking that there may be boots in the game that look even closer to the ones in the movie. Still, don't quote me on that! ;)

    What's the Emblem you're using? For some reason, I'm not recognizing it. :confused:
  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Nevermind, I found the answer myself on the Wiki page.
  6. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    The census finally updated my look, so here's a better look at my character.
  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    gotham knight
  8. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    A friend of mine has his character always themed as Batman and has already adjusted his armory to that style, gotta say he nailed it too, unfortunately he is not a frequent (if at all) forum user.
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  9. TheOtherLeague Well-Known Player


    Real Name: Cassandra “Cassie” Yin
    Identity: Secret
    Height: (As Cassie Yin) 5’3”/ (As Exovert) 5’9”
    Weight: 114 lbs.
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown

    Cassandra Yin is a smart but troubled teenager. Trying to keep her fracturing family together, dealing with high school pressures, looking to get into Metropolis U, and having a hard time dealing with a breakup, she is stretched beyond a breaking point. So when she's busted for trying to break into the lab of her neighbor, Dr. Cao Liang, it looks like her life had dropped out below her and she's in freefall. But Dr. Liang, a brilliant cybernetics researcher, recognizes that Cassie isn't a bad kid, just in a bad spot, and gives her the opportunity of a lifetime: come work for him as a research assistant for the summer on a government project he's spearheading: Project: MECH. Cassie jumps at the chance to change her life around for the better. The project is working on using advanced technology to bring a mechanized suit that can help with large building projects and defense initiatives. But a rogue agent within Project: MECH is intent on stealing the massive worksuit for outside interests. On Cassie's first day, the agent tries to activate and wear the armor without the protective Exovert Connect suit, with disasterous results. Arriving at the lab, she finds Dr. Liang and his staff murdered, and she is attacked by MECH. Near death, Cassandra is mysteriously enveloped by the liquid metal Exovert suit, which heals her and grants her the ability to fly, superstrong armor and strength, and the ability to access and communicate with any machinery due to the nanobots in her bloodstream. Nearly pulled into using her newfound armor to rob a bank to help her ailing mother, she instead foils the robbery and begins her superhero career. She now works side by side with the Science Police and STAR Labs trying to find the deadly MECH armor, all while getting ready to start her scholarship at Met U., thanks to her generous uncle Heilong Shen, and also trying to unravel the mystery behind a powerful magic user who has started to make plays within the Chinese Underworld...

    Cassandra Yin did not originally have any conventional powers upon becoming Exovert. As she was Exovert when the Exobyte Event occurred, she was, to the best of anyone’s knowledge, unchanged. However, due to the nature of the armor evolving, she has developed a unique bond with and control of technology. Because the Exovert nanoswarm is attuned to her physiology, she is able to control machines with varying degrees of success, using a type of technotelekinesis. This has resulted more in her being able to disassemble and reassemble simple machines and control their functions when not in the armor. Once, however, Cassie was able to mentally control a number of Brainiac drones to attack Brainiac in order to save the life of her brother. This hints that Cassie may have a stronger power and control than previously thought, that could be brought out of her with training.

    When the Exovert suit is activated, Exovert has superhuman strength levels, is virtually invulnerable to conventional means of damage, is able to fly at speeds past supersonic levels, and has access to numerous scanning and detections equipment that are built into the suit, capable of warning her of danger, scanning for nearby enemies, and linking her to her fellow teammates for communication. The Exovert system is also capable of protecting her from injury, as it can instinctively form around her in any given spot and can repair and heal her with time.

    Yin's MK II Exovert suit, which added a new chest piece and boots

    With the new nanoswarm system in place, Yin’s Exovert suit can change with a mere thought from her. Frequently, Yin uses the suit’s components to form clothing for her, giving her the ability to more quickly go from street clothes to suit rather than wait for the nanoswarm to exit her body. In it’s original armored form, the suit was much simpler, looking more like a metallic flightsuit with armored pieces attached to it than the more sleek, streamlined look she has today. Yin also chose the suit’s purple and silver highlights, as she wanted to stand out from the crowd as a hero. The original suit also contained metallic wings that worked as a primary system for
    flight and gliding. Yin could use as extra protection from attack by forming the wings around her for shielding. In her new nanoswarm suit, Yin has scaled back the use of wings, instead preferring to use a faster jet propulsion system based in her boots and on the nodules on her back. The look gives her armor a more anime feel. The suit also contains the diamond logo of Liang Dynamics, the research division of her mentor, Dr. Liang, embedded into the chest of the suit.
    Yin is bonded to the Exovert TecSystems Control Management Armature suit, an advanced suit of armor that is made of millions of highly advanced nanobots, called a nanoswarm, that conceal themselves in Yin’s body and bloodstream. Originally, the Exovert suit was designed to be the control unit for the MECH unit, acting as protection for the pilot controlling the massive suit from within. The suit would establish a neuro connection with the massive armor, allowing the user to not only control the MECH unit, but also to heal and protect the pilot for a short time in battle if the MECH became too damaged to use. Dr. Liang had no designs for the suit to be used much outside of the MECH, but he began to realize, during his research, that the nanochined armor held almost more potential than the MECH armor, and began to theorize correctly that the nanoswarm could actually learn and adapt to changing situations. The Exovert MK1 was a physical armored suit which many believed was built by Liang, but was in fact formed by the nanoswarm under the doctor ‘s programming. When the suit was activated by Cassie, it began a bonding process with the young lady, adapting itself to her biorhythms and her biology. Cassie entered and exited the suit initially, thinking it was a suit of armor, unaware that the suit could conceal itself within her own body. A devastating attack by MECH left the MK 1 suit destroyed and Cassie clinging to life, but a cluster of nanoswarm still remained hidden inside her and began to replicate and repair her body. This also led to the discovery that the suit actually changed her on a cellular level to a cybernetic being, an idea that frightened Yin initially and almost made her quit being Exovert. However, it was learned that when she is outside of the suit, she is still human, that the nanoswarm can change it only when she is in the suit to facilitate it’s adaptability. Yin utilizes a variety of weapons that she has at her disposal, including a wrist cannon, electrified trap wiring to snag enemies and subdue them, a portable gun turret, and a shield that she can generate from her suit that she uses more for offensive measures rather than defensive.
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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Glad to hear it! Any chance you could grab a screenshot of his character in that outfit? Or at least get a breakdown of which styles he used for it? I'm curious to see which direction he went in regards to the duster/trench coat.
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  11. Korlick Loyal Player



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  12. Gothamite Well-Known Player

    Thanks! Unfortunately, there aren't many boot styles that have that shape so the boots equipped are the most accurate.

    As for the emblem, it's called "Comedy and Tragedy" but I don't remember how I got it.
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  13. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    Here's my attempt. I think it would be much better if i had the winged fury legs, and if we were able to use belts on the trench coats.
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  14. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    Did a few more commonly replicated iconics.[IMG]
    Wolverine, I think I pretty much nailed this one.
    Sub-zero. I just got the riveted ventilator, but I don't have the vesture of proselyte legs.
    Jason Todd from Battle For The Cowl
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  15. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    We are able to do this, sadly only on 2 of them.
  16. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I agree about the belts. At least the Gunslinger Chest you've chosen gives you a belt. For the legs, one of the Paramilitary type styles will probably look the closest to what he wears in the movie. There's some Tier Gear sets with a paramilitary style that have an appropriate look. When I have time, I'll get some more specific style names for you to consider. :)
  17. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Which 2 would those be? I know the Gunslinger Chest has a belt "built-in" as part of its style, but what other ones will let you show a belt? :confused:
  18. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Newest ones: from Static PVE set and from Hush PVP set.
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  19. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    That sucks. I was hoping they'd finally updated the Classic Duster style to display belts. :(
  20. Multiverse Creator League

    If you ever wanted to recreate the Invincible Iron Man... this is for you. ;)

    Essentially someone asked how he could get the "Iron Man" helmet.
    So here is a video showing how you can get the Helmet. ;)

    I had made a previous video about creating Iron Man in DCUO.
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