The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

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  2. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    Sketch Turner from Comix Zone





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  3. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    My DCUO Creation Carnage - Updated
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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    my sorcery toon, Jaclynne.

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  5. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

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  6. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

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  7. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player


  8. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is my Pizza baker :p:D


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  9. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Wait wait wait... there's a Pepperoni Pizza Material now? BWA HA HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :D
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  10. kallader Committed Player

    yeah need to use the trinket then save 15 civilian around gotham/metropolis to be able to buy it for 200 fate token personally i prefer use peppermint shield[IMG]
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  11. Snowy OwI Devoted Player




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  12. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

  13. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    A little late to the party, but I brought pizza, too!

    On an alternate Earth, Eddie wasn't bashed to death by a fire axe and then served up to the host's dinner guests; but was bombarded by radiation that gave him super powers.

    (The) Atomic Pizzaboy was immediately put to work at Frankenfurter Pizzeria, and can now be heard bellowing
    "Prepare for the delivery of Hot and Cheesy Justice" when he's not playing his saxophone.

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  14. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    ♫ Pepperoni! Bless My Soul!
    Really Love That Pizza Throw! ♫

    After just two days on the job, Eddie (The) Atomic Pizzaboy has already "customised" the company uniform!

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  15. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Meanwhile, Gotham Police are searching for a new criminal in the Gotham Underworld…
    [IMG]Untitled by Michael Kramer
    PIZZA FACE!!!!
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  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Taking advantage of the fact the forums are working atm, I'm really happy the Shadow Bender chromas finally hit the market place. Snagged them as soon as I saw them. The red one works so well for my main EU Villain! Finally got a refreshed & fun style for her. :)
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  17. Macgyver75 Well-Known Player

    My DCUO Creation Agent Spider (Invincible)
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  18. Scourge o' the Cosmos Well-Known Player

    Here's Black Lantern Superman



    A closer look


    The inspiration

  19. Ryll Committed Player

  20. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Decided to try my hand at the Scooby Gang
    Ladies first!
    Here’s Daphne
    [IMG]Untitled by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    and Velma
    [IMG]Untitled by Michael Kramer, on Flickr
    (Velma’s a work in progress. I was kinda hurried this morning when I whipped her up so I forgot to change her shoes from business to schoolyard (she needs shoes with socks) hair is optional. I went with Ginormous Bob but I’m thinking Wonder form might be better. There’s also pixie and classic Bob though so I think that’s a matter of taste)
    I was working on Scooby when the world went down. Not much there. Just a humanoid wolf base with the Astro slimline in brown with a blue collar.
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