The New Costume Contest ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black-Zero, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

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  2. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

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  3. NotPad Active Player


    Obito Uchiha sharingan with broken mask o_O
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  4. kallader Committed Player

    Chihuahua- Don't Sleep or he will eat your soul :eek:

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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That was so wonderfully unexpected, I wish I could upvote it more! :D
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  6. NotPad Active Player


    Luffy gear 4 Boundman arc Wano Kuni o_O
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  7. Multiverse Creator League

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  8. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    Wolverine + Ghost Rider mashup
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  9. Multiverse Creator League

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  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    My latest creation... he's a Doctor... AND a Ninja... he's...



    Some of you are laughing, and some of you still haven't discovered this great web comic character! Here's a quick primer:




    Now if we only had an actual katana or ninja to our characters could carry on their backs... :oops:
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  11. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    Through the tremendous generosity of Capt Mephisto, my Elseworlds Multiverse Harley Queen was able to get her hair dyed!
    Thanks a ton!

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  12. Ryll Committed Player

    To go along with her brothers style.

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  13. L T Devoted Player

    The hands are grecko-roman-- you get them from leveling (I want to say the aquaman and wonder girl missions drop them).
    The shoulders and feet... I dunno. Feet could be vengeance or malevolent knight.
  14. Sollace Committed Player


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  15. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    The Torchbearer mask does appear adequately birdlike on Greenland Tern.

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  16. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

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  17. Ryll Committed Player

    I have seen a few comments about how the Apokolips-forged skin set is an "enhanced lava or rock" skin. It really isn't, I picked it up off the broker earlier tonight with the prices dipping and messed around with it. Heres a quick video with the same colour codes used in both the lava skin and apokolips-forged skin.

    I think I definitely prefer the Apokolips-Forged set over the lava/rock skins.
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  18. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I prefer the Apokopolips skin except for the eye part.I wish it had glowy eyes and not just big glowy eye holes.
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  19. Ryll Committed Player

    Yea, a lot of styles would probably benefit from regular eyes. Its just not as bad of a skin as the hate it is getting. Even with the glowy eye sockets...its still better than lava or rock :)

    I have seen a few videos where people are using Iconics above my post about it. None of them addressed how it differs from the other skins to maybe help the cosplayers out in deciding if they are going to try for it from the BB or get it from the broker with the prices stabilizing a bit now.
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  20. Ryll Committed Player


    Probably the only time I will ever use this months 21 day reward :)
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