The Match Making system is seriously flawed!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Flint Lockwood, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Deathmark New Player

    But you're talking about this rationally like SP matters. Don't you understand feat hunters are sick and don't care about the sp? They just need to have all these feats done. Don't ask me why, i dont know why i do it. I mean i've alreayd started putting SP into restoration despite knowing very well it serves no purpose for me. If i ponder it too long my existence will reveal itself to me for the waste that it is and i don't think id' be able to bear it.
  2. Torse New Player

    Ehh i always run into premades thats the pug life :p
  3. phen0mena Committed Player

    Here, check this out:
    It's used in MMO's.
  4. thoughtpatern New Player

    Didntat they basically said that the mm wasn't working and stopped using it? I'm pretty sure I read that on here somewhere
  5. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    If I Q up solo for an arena then I should be matched not only against similarly skilled players...but WITH similarly skilled players as well. I don't mind playing a good team or a premade if I have something to work with but this matchmaking system throws me in against solid teams and gives me noobs to play with.

    Just ran a city safe house and my opponents knew what they were doing. Get to the objective. My team was fighting random adds and a single decoy Tank in the middle of the map leaving me by myself against 3 players working in tandem to secure the objective. Is this what I am to expect from matchmaking AI?

    Some of my league mates have decided to start new level 15 characters to PVP with just to get a fair fight.
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  6. djluxi New Player

    Not debating anymore, cause there is no point with so many closed minded people...

    Whole weekend of play + 1 extra day... so quite a lot of gameplay for me in the past few days... i queued once, when i came in was already 920-40, waited till the end and that was it for my arena experience... good luck with faster queues!

    edit: and i started noticing specially arena queues getting longer... funny cause pve queues pop up almost instantly... guess why, cause it works and i actually have more then 50% chance of winning and not like 0.5% like in pvp. anyway good luck with the queues again.
  7. Dontazza New Player

    Honestly the MMS is such BS, i started a new toon, hited lvl 30, geared with the new avatar bombardier, went in a 1 vs 1 lair match, hello hello MISTER TIER3 dafuq? i was saying "okok it should be a little error, i will queue again" manta set *****.... "ok this is starting to worry me" third queue, tier4 / tier3 items, come on!

    then i said "ok...the 1 vs 1 could be a *****, lets try with the teams vs teams.... all the matchs were about pugs vs t2+ premades.... ok let's just go to the pve for a while.... ¬¬