The Match Making system is seriously flawed!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Flint Lockwood, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    I not a member of a league, I exclusively PuG PvP. What's the point of Match Making if I'm constantly pitted against Pre-mades? At least 8-10 times. The odds of a PuG beating a Premade group are basically zero. Especially when no one else in the PuG has even the slightest idea how to apply a debuff and every last one of them wants to run DPS. How is this new system supposedly balancing matches? And with the upcoming new maps not awarding marks for losses, this makes gearing up a notoriously slow process.

    Before it was random, right? Not it's based on W/L percentage. Which will always place me against premades.
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  2. MARK2099 New Player

    The main problem now is the long waits more than premade vs pugs, always been like that, the only difference now is we spend an hour to play 2 to 3 maps top, where the old system could be much more faster.
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  3. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    You're right, Mark, it has always been like that. But it was randomly assigned matches. Now, the system is design to do it on purpose. So, if you're good and win a lot. You'll face premades often. If you're bad, you won't. Like I said, I PuG and I also play with Suicide Squad turned on. So matches pop quick. But it's getting really old facing off against ready made groups.
  4. Itazuki New Player

    I was all for this system.. I still like it but..wish they waited until they had the new gear out. My T2 healer is constantly up against T4 players now. Like every match.

    I know this wont be a problem once new gear is out... Just for now... It's an issue. It's not getting proper ranks since gear IS a big factor, the que times are longer but would be shorter when map rotation starts, and the top leagues would be doing a lot of Arranged which would make PUGing more enjoyable.

    It just seems like they should have waited and implemented this all together, not one at a time.
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  5. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    PuGs should face PuGs, Premades against Premades. That's my ideal system. If you queue up as a prearranged group, you should have to wait until another group of equivalent skill queues up.
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  6. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    IMO the system encourage players to group and be more competitive. Same as when pve guys look for a team in LFG, you can set up a premade and practice.
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  7. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    I prefer pugging because i dont like waiting 15-20 mins while in a pre made group, but the system is not working for pugs. I hsve a good w/l reatio but am still placed on teams with people who are wearing pve gear, plus the other teams are garbage, i won a batcave by myself. As usual the hype is far from what ends up on our plate.
  8. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    You shouldn't be forced to group up. LFG works great for PvE, not so much for PvP. There's a substantial gap in parity in the Arenas. Besides, that goes directly against their "Play Your Way" motto. And we definitely shouldn't be penalized if we choose to PuG. It'll be a absolute chore for PuGs to gear up with the current system in place.
  9. Yallander Loyal Player

    No one is forcing players to team up, but a little encouragement is a good thing. You can still "play your way" however they never promised you'd win by doing it your way...
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  10. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    They never promised you win by grouping up, either. Keep your useless encouragement and take it out to lunch. I only care about matches being fair. Loading into the Batcave map and the score is already 900-0 because PuGs are leaving due to being destroyed by a premade group is tiresome and lame.
  11. TrueMarvel New Player

    Just pugged. Played against some guys that were my level. Batcave 2v2.
    We were losing then we turned the tide. Alot of fun. The match-Making is starting to work for me.
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  12. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    Two PuG groups?
  13. TrueMarvel New Player

    Seemed like it. It couldn't have been a prmade because me and my random pug partner would have been destroyed. I wasn't even wearing PvP gear(my partner was tho)
  14. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    Yea, that's how it should be. That's when it's fun, when it's fair. When it's random.
  15. TrueMarvel New Player

    There was no pets two:cool:
    No home turf anything:cool:
    Just awesome-ness;)
  16. Yallander Loyal Player

    That has nothing to do with matchmaking, it is a separate issue entirely. I've had whole teams in T4 quit on a match they were losing. It does need to be looked at, but once again it is a separate issue.
  17. Bamf 7 New Player

    Here is the thing, premades hate constantly wrecking pugs as much as you hate getting wrecked by premades. PvP is a team design so if you are wanting to pug then you get what you get and more times than not you will lose. Everyone always says I DONT WANT TO BE IN PREMADE MATCHES!!! Then do not complain when you find a premade and get wrecked. This is a team game so get a team and compete, if you do not have a team find one, and if you do not want to be a part of a team go pug PVE.
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  18. Kroye Loyal Player

    I was under the impression the system was making matches based on win-loss ration rather than gear or whether players were queueing solo. As players win, they'll face other players that are winning and after some losses they slide back down a bit to face players that have lost some. is that not how it works?

    Making matche strictly on whether or not a player is queuing solo has it's own flaws - how do you classify the partial premades? What about that group of three leaguemates that queue for fours and fives? Are they a pre-made and should they only face other pre-mades? Should they still pull in pugs to fill the 4 or 5 needed for the map and only face pugs? Making matches strictly based on whether a player queues solo is a whole other set of issues.

    Bottom line: Meet some pvpers, make some friends. Pre-made. QQ less.
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  19. Yallander Loyal Player

    This is how it works, nothing to do with gear or team size. Teams gain a "rank" as well as they progress.
  20. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    It has everything to do with match making, Jerry. Players are dumping matches because of being wiped by a premade group. I load in and the score is already out of control. It's a byproduct of the MM system. It's a direct result of it.