The Justice Knights - HERO US PS3

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Knife Edge, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Cosmic Mask New Player

  2. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    Got it :)
  3. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    Sorry to see you go. I wish you good luck finding the right league for you.
  4. JusticeKnights Active Player

  5. guardzman New Player

    sorry to see you go hope you find what works for you
  6. JusticeKnights Active Player

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  7. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    We are still here, and always looking for nice people to join.

    Any level, any CR, any SP are welcome :)
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  8. JusticeKnights Active Player

  9. JusticeKnights Active Player

  10. Vizchus New Player

    Hey , im a pc player that moved to the ps4 server my pc rating was 126CR and 73SP i have only been playing for 15 days on the pc and transferred to the ps4 servers , i would love to join your league , if you would like to have an experienced player my characters name is LanternL1GHT , looking forward to joining this league
  11. TheCreed New Player

    This league seems very intresting, if you guys are still recruiting, my in-game name is: DawnOfANewAge, I'm a cr102 nature dps, but having problems advancing due to no groups and whatnot, also very willing to help others.
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  12. Brennsinger Well-Known Player

    Thanks guys for considering us.

    We consider any level, any CR, any SP, any Power, any Role for membership. Our only formal requirement is a 'good' name.

    We want to keep the continuity of the DC universe, so we are looking for names that could possible also appear in a printed comic book.
  13. The_Bomberin New Player

    Is this even active anymore? Most of you have already left.
  14. Knife Edge Level 30

    Still active. Knights will always be active. Living like heroes, leading with honor since 1/11/11.
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  15. Psycho SodaPop New Player

    I sent an application. Have a question though, how many people are usually online and how available are you guys to form a group (run raids)? I've heard horror stories about leagues that are either never online or are online but are not willing to join groups and do stuff.
  16. TheCreed New Player

    i made an application for the website, i get email notifactions of you guys commenting, yet it wont appear for me.. in game name, DawnOfANewAge
  17. The_Bomberin New Player

    Really? Covering it up? Deleting my past comments? I am only telling the truth.
  18. Psycho SodaPop New Player

    Aw come on man, I don't mean to be that guy but nobody wants drama, I mean maybe some stuff happened and things got sour but I'm sure it's not that big of a deal. It's a game! Have fun! :D
  19. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Sir, get over it. This is just a game, where you didn't meet some limits. I'm sure of what happened was for a reason you can't hold for long.

    Get ready, new content is coming. I would advice some warm up so you can enjoy DCUO experience to the max.

    We hope not meeting each other around.
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  20. Vyltran Loyal Player

    I sent a PM, feel free to ask anything you need to know.
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