The Glory (and Menace) of Armories

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    You can have up to 4 loadouts per base. You are allowed up to 4 bases. In other words 16 total. So if you want 16, you would have to pay for 3 deeds and 15 slots.
  2. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Are you sure? I heard each Armory only holds one loadout.
  3. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    thats what they said on fnl
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Yes. So 16 loadouts/specs/gear/color/etc. :)
  5. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Abstrakt said 4 loadouts per Armory, 1 Armory per base. That is what's confusing me.
  6. SuperBell Loyal Player

    And here's Mepps quote from another thread.
  7. Deranya Dedicated Player

    I am not sure where I heard or read it, but wasn't it said that you will no longer we able to use PVP in PVE and vice versa? I am not completely sure, but if this were the case then there would be no problem in arenas anymore on people switching gear.
  8. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    in armory atached to base 1
    load-out 1 i can have my plants pve dps loadout and gear sp set for might
    load-out 2 i can have my pve healer gear sp set for resto
    load-out 3 i can have pvp dps set to percision
    load-out 4 i can have pvp healer set sp set to resto

    in my second armory atached to base 2
    load-out 1 i can have my shape changing pve dps load out set to perc
    load-out 2 i can have my pve healer gear sp set for resto
    load-out 3 i can have my shape changing pvp dps set to percision
    load-out 4 i can have pvp healer set sp set to resto

    and so on
  9. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    fnl said pvp gear will be useless in pve to stop fresh 30s from buying pvp gear that has better stats then t2 pve gear
  10. RSL New Player

    FINALLY! i wondered if they thought about this issue with continually escalating cash gear for PVP being available immediately on 30. you'd get into duos, etc with players in this gear who constantly went down due to lack of defense [and game mechanics, of course as well]. this is a welcome change. hopefully it's going to go in the other direction as well?
  11. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    they have not said pve would be useless in pve my guess is its coming
  12. Galklife Dragon New Player

    I forgot which pvp set I bought when I hit 30 but my health barely budged when I did the content. I think the health on the gear vastly outweighed the loss in defense.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    You get up to 4 per base. You get 1 free to start with of both. So you should by default have 1 base and 1 armory slot. If you don't buy another deed, you can buy up to 3 more slots for your armory. Total 4 to begin with. If you buy 3 more deeds, you can buy up to 15 more slots for your armory. 4 per base.
  14. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Ok, I just watched it. He definitely said 4 Armories per base.
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You can have up to 4 Armories per base. Each Armory holds one spec. If you have four bases, you can have 16 Armories total, but only 4 are active at a time in the field.
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  16. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Will each armory take up one of our base utility spots? In other words, can I keep my existing amenities in place, or do I have to replace an amenity with an armory?
  17. Minnion Devoted Player

    Still wondering how Armories will interact with our inventory space as well... (Such as what happens to the gear we are wearing when we use the armory to swap?)
  18. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Ok, cool.

    Can you comment on if all our characters get one free Armory. And if you buy a second Armory, is it redeemable on all characters?
  19. Cadens Dedicated Player

    There needs to be a cast time on this. 10 second cast, can be interrupted. Other than that, PVP will die and it will make the game all together stupid.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, definitely sounds like power points, skill points, gear, AND role. If that's the case, I'm expecting a hefty cooldown, along the lines of the HT trinkets (4-5 minutes), as well as some sort of cast time (interruptable?). If it was instantaneous with no cooldown, I could see it seriously being abused.