The Glory (and Menace) of Armories

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Sovereign8998 New Player

  2. Rumour Committed Player

    I would love armoury designs based off the picture above. Not to crazy about the giant pedestals.
  3. TryingAcc123456 New Player


    P.S.: mah sister is a delicate girl. She'll lose her maiden consciousness at once if she see a bloody puddle!
    One thing is place that concent in DLC's, where players are agree to see it when they buy it. & even there they are not force see Atrocitus & crew, just don't queue in these Duos/Alerts. Another thing force everyone admire it, because blood vomiters can met randomly in each mission & nothing to do with it!

    If students & lanterns fan may find it pretty fun. I'm sure many women will against this, especially if they delicate or mid-aged. & children - if parent came to room & see - blood everywhere on floor around boss & party. Then mom think - WHAT'S horror, that blood leaked from characters, it's gore! I boy'll not explain what actually it's plasma. Be sure, it will last game launch in that home!
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    there is nothing that they could add to this game that can prevent the things you listed as those are community problems and have nothing to do with the game but everything to do with how people decide to play it. I wish there was a way to fix the community but the internet allows animinity and with it comes people treating others like they dont matter
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I agree it is a convenience purchase much like having multiple home turf deeds so you can warp to diffrent locations. this is having the convenience to switch setups . I think to have the same price point of $3 is the most reasonable as they are also bought for each toon you have, again just like home turf deeds.
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  6. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    No. When I transmute a bit from say blue there are red and yellow icons to the right. I click the one I want and that's what comes out. If it was random why would they have 3 different plans to do this?
  7. surge914 New Player

    When you go to transmute an exobit, say a blue one, it will either become yellow or red. You can't chose if you want all reds or yellow. The plans are obviously for the different 3 different exobits.
  8. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    I don't get what you mean by you can't choose. I"ll take another look at it but I go to transmute a blue. I click either red or yellow even though those 2 on the right of the screen do not light up.
  9. surge914 New Player

    Clicking on anything on the right doesn't do anything. If by some miracle your getting a whole stack of what you want then your lucky cause when you transmute you will either get all of one or the other or half of each or maybe a quarter of one and three quarters of the other. You can't chose and the devs specifically wrote down on the announcement thread that we would be able to chose and then took it back because you get random. Yes you can transmute but it won't turn into a color of your chosing.
  10. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Well to me, the armory will have one purpose. Secret IDs, as in being able to change outfits on the fly. That will be a huge bonus to RPers, so I can't wait to see it. The other stuff about power loadout and stuff... great, I guess? Just not what I care about it game. Still it will be nice I guess, for when I do feel like running content. And no I am not F2P either. I have paid for this game before Legendary existed.
  11. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    I agree with this.

    In addition, it seems based on the issues listed above, I can see Controllers being required to have 3 Armories; 1) DPS, 2) PoT controller (main controller), and 3) Non-PoT controller (secondary controller).

    It's bad enough as it is to run into DPS players that say that they are "only" DPS. No player is playing a character that is "only" DPS.
    I doubt Armories are going to have much to change this. It is only going to push more players into playing "only" DPS rather than playing the secondary/grouping roles - which I have heard said ARE the roles and that DPS is NOT a role - or switching back and forth between DPS and their role.

    I can only hope that they take time to evaluate the impact of Armories on the game and not just the mechanics of "how to make Armories happen".
  12. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I am quoting myself here, because I found the best possible solution to that problem, it should be:
    • Everyone receives 2 free simplified armories, which don't save styles - only loadout, skillpoints, powerpoints
    • Those also don't have a shiny display - just a small tube that can be used to imprint, which both look the same
    • the animation for the simple armories cannot be chosen (eg. smokebomb)
    • The full armories will cost, which means if you want to save styles, choose the animation and have them as a shiny display, you'd have to buy armories
    This idea is based on the concept how bases currently work: You get a free base, but it is smaller and has less functionality.

    Devs: You would give out for free what is much less than what was shown in the stream about armories. Please think about this and consider it as a solution to reduce the role-availability problems in both PvP and PvE.

    Give this post a like, so the devs will see it ;).
  13. Galaximus2013 New Player

    Very valid point.
  14. Galaximus2013 New Player

    Maybe this is one of the reasons the DPS role should be taken out of the game completely. The "somewhat" MMO game Destiny has just 3 roles Titan, Warlock and Hunter. Grant it, its not out yet and dont know the perks byt just saying that maybe that poster had a point. Is DPS really needed if devs can equally give other roles a high precision and might in gear and lift the Tank and Healer penalty. I have nothing against DPS personally but I feel this game would run just as great with three roles as there are too many darn DPSes as it is anywa. *Shrugs*
  15. Mirai Well-Known Player

    In my view, it should be just the opposite. Get rid of the roles. Make all characters more self-sufficient. Have optional powers available that let people provide support if they like.
  16. ShadowStyleB New Player

    This won't work when it comes to MMO. It would lead to much confusion when it comes to a raid also why group up when you can do all the roles yourself?
  17. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I find it likely that Armories will put game-balance on its ear. Also there will be like 100 new ridiculous exploits.