That raid is a masterpiece

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Jul 30, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I love the layout and scenery but that's about it sadly. Addfest 2020 isn't what I had in mind for our only raid.
  2. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Hi there.
    I have a question, is it true that people loose their supercharges while mind controlled? For example let's say you're a dps and you get mind controlled, and while mind controlled you use the supercharge ,boom, gone, no more supercharge for dps check phase??
    I hope that's a bug that has been fixed or will get fixed.
    Also as nature could you make it so the players don't go back to normal while mind controlled? it's really annoying for nature dps to waste sc while mind controlled. You don't want to force people to change powers ,right?
    Also can an ice tank solo tank? I heard the adds and the boss hit very hard and it's only rage who can solo tank ...
    I am talking about elite btw.
  3. Whodini Well-Known Player

    it definitely needs another boss to break up the long stretches of adds
  4. inferno Loyal Player

    I agree. There are long stretches of ads and running. This is such a great map to move around, I feel that it was under-used. I would suggest that if we were to have only one raid in a DLC, then this map would have been perfect to have 6 bosses to fight. Was there 4 or so distinct areas? I can't remember but if it had a boss to defeat to get into the next area it would have had a better impact than a doorway.

    This raid, this map...whoever designed the raid, I feel that he/she was excited or over energized with the potential of this map and had a dozen or so ideas listed down to make it fun with mini-bosses and more bosses. Then when he/she submitted that list of ideas, Mr. Budget, looked it over, started crossing off ideas and handed it back with only 4 or so ideas left to put in this raid. And the designer dejectedly said, "O..K.." That's what this raid feels like. Beautiful, stunning, entertaining, long, lots of moving, but could have been much more.
  5. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    The scenery is awesome yes, but the encounters are very lackluster at best. Art team keeps hitting it out of the park
  6. Perdition Committed Player

    I agree with most here. Visually the raid is very beautiful, but it feels like there is something missing between killing all these adds. Like someone suggested, maybe some mini-bosses in between adds who gives Empyrean Aether for killing them for example.
  7. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    Lot of re-used assets though.
  8. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    Nostalgic, yes, and a cool way to incorporate everywhere we have been over the past 9 years. But it’s definitely not a masterpiece. It failed to deliver with combat. Zeus would have been fine as a sub boss, but I always thought they should have brought in the major iconic raid bosses from the past to really nail down everything.
  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I mean, there are only so many chord progressions and melodies in Western music theory, but we get new songs all of the time. "Reusing" an asset by itself isn't much of a critique. They remixed them into a well-designed map.

    Gotta admit, first time I ran it, wasn't all that great. It's pretty, but it's mostly tank and spank trash mob hallways. Maybe it'll grow on me, or I'll pay more attention to the visuals instead of focusing on the mobs, LOL.
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