"Test server will be offline for several days while we prep for what's next"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Hey, if they're taking extra time to work out all of the kinks and bugs before they go live, that is just fine with me. The last few updates have always had something that didn't go right that needed fixing at a later date.
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  2. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    If the test server is going offline it might be related to the actual test server (stability, optimization or something along those lines).
    It might be a client update/upgrade also.
    In another multiverse, it would be a streamlining of the client (alongside UI and assets optimization) and game size, like how Warframe went from 48GB to 26GB in a recent update, but I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    They have an episode in November and another episode in December so my guess so people don't get pissed off about not having enough time to get gear it's got to have something to do with a gear rank system. They're pushing out way too much content for people that have enough time for elite gear and Op gear. It also wouldn't surprise me if they let us by feats, I'm not talking about the ones main has already done. I think the idea is to push up way more content to keep you on the game
  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    stand alone event with up to eight players who will fight off wave after wave black lanterns and zombified heroes and villains. Think of Survival Mode / last man standing / undead overrun (rdr) type thing.
    > Eight players enter.
    > Unable to revive fallen team mates.
    > Fallen team mates are turned into black lanterns and can attack former team mates until dead (again) and removed from instance.
    > Each round is increased difficulty
    > Not subject to replay badges - just queue up or form group at any time and go all day/night etc.
    > First 4 players eliminated are credited with either or mixed assorted of marks., exobits, Nth metals.
    > Last player standing gets four special items*. 2nd place gets three special items*. 3rd place gets two special items*. 4th place gets one special item*

    * special items range from new styles and enhanced versions special auras, special materials, special modular versions of auras, special artifacts, special trinkets (zombie like versions of legends toons) power specific pets, which if chosen is unattuned then when opened attunes to your power set, henchman and sidekicks, special base items random assorted marks from any of the current dlcs, pristine exobits etc, assorted amount of Nth metals.

    My wild wishinguess.
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  5. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    with all the QQ over the years in game, forums, social media... the devs are pretty much Olympic caliber swimmers now.
  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I just want to say that if we can get underwater swimming, I would hope we could also get a DLC or more set in space: outside the Watchtower has always been possible just through glitching, anyway. But we could also see other solar systems or planets/moons.

    This would also be a perfect opportunity for the first of a series of Legion of Super-Heroes DLCs. Lanterns, obviously, could also be used, as well as all the other Leaguers, whether in space suits or not.
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  7. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Where did you get your information about another Episode in December...?
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  8. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    My bad just looked it actually says winter event in December. Still a lot of grinding going on. I think a lot of people are going to pass up on the elite gear so they can farm for more characters for marks of victory. Need those marks of victory for artifacts it wouldn't surprise me if they talk about gear rank system. They seem to be having a lot of fun with a double XP days and marks. Seems to really boost activity on the server which is what they want
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  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, I am exaggerating slightly for humorous effect. But yes, recent developments have soured it for me.

    Especially when I decided to try out another game that was recommended to me, and it was like a night and day difference for the way you feel about paying.

    However, I'm still around here on the forums because deep down DCUO has a lot of potential and I think the team themselves are very personable, likeable and attentive to players. It's only the monetary aspect that isn't very customer friendly.
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  10. RogerBlack Committed Player

    I kinda Disagree with y'all.
    Because other MMORPG games like "Darksiders 1" has underwater movement & combat.

    Also, the "Bless Online" MMORPG game is built with the very same (Unreal) game engine as DCUO.... and Bless Online has had underwater movement, for several years now... so if Bless could pull it off... why not DCUO?

    Personally, I wouldn't assume the Devs would add a completely brand new 'swimming mechanic', underwater... because they already have 'the foundation' for movement & combat within a virtual 3D space (in mid-air)... so there's probably no need to re-code the ENTIRE game engine... just apply some tweaks to the current movement modes (and add some extra special efx) to make it APPEAR / RESEMBLE swimming, whenever characters are fully submerged underwater... which could be accomplished in 3-5 months.
    • Flight / Skimming - Keep the basic poses... just add some subtle arm movements to give the 'feeling' of swimming (or dog-paddling).
    • Acrobatics - Probably relies mostly on using the 'grappling hook' to move fast underwater. Just add some subtle arm movements to the Rocket Assisted Gliding to give the 'feeling' of swimming (or dog-paddling).
    • Super Speed - Use the current movement mode. Just add some subtle arm movements (to the 'Super Jump' animation) to give the 'feeling' of swimming (or dog-paddling).
    In fact, this DCUO (swimming) footage was posted all the way back in 2012.
    So the Devs have probably had the swimming technology / capability (hidden) for several years now.

    If so, maybe they just never expanded on it.... until now.

    But more importantly, we don't know yet just HOW BIG the map is.
    (Atlantis could possibly be MUCH BIGGER than the original Central City map.)

    My guess... if they are shutting the test servers down for several days... Atlantis is probably going to be alot closer to the size of an area like Gotham Wastelands.... but MOSTLY underwater... except maybe with a few 'zones' which will be like Tunnel of Lust, Ruined Cathedral, Knightsdome Arena and Trigon's Prison which are on dry land (or in a large 'air pocket')..... which would take a while to 'fine tune' the combat & the movement modes underwater.

    Just a hunch. Pure speculation on my part.
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  11. Xibo Loyal Player

    I would bet Atlantis + Halloween Event + LPVE revamp
  12. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Wow, I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about DCUO but I've never seen that clip. Awesome find! :eek:

    If animations already exist, that would make swimming a whole lot easier to implement... :D
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    We've had swimming animations since the dawn of dcuo...every time your toon gets into water, they swim, using the same animation in the video.

    Not sure why that's news all of sudden lol.
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  14. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Oh, maybe I've just never seen it looking quite like that. All I can usually see is my head above water; I didn't realize I was actually doing the motions. Considering how often I end up in the water on Titans Island, you'd think I'd recognize it.

    I withdraw my shock and awe. Blame 2:30 in the morning.
  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I got bored once and swam across metro to little bohemia. If you pan your camera so you're looking at your toon from an upwards angle you can see them paddling their feet like in the video.

    Im guessing the tech issue more so lies with transferring that to being underwater without breaking anything
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  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Because Acrobats should be swimming at full speed across water :(
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  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Agreed, It is very disheartening that someone or something maintains such a stranglehold on this game’s development resources that they only very seldom get to do anything that doesn’t directly boost revenue :(
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  18. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Darkseiders is a single player game :)
  19. Draconiano Committed Player

    Weapons revamp.
  20. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Stats Revamp and a whole new Combat System! Be prepared for testing another year's worth of bs lol :p ;)
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  21. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    can i at least poison, back stab, or otherwise sabotage the other hunger games participants? oh wait nvm..........wrong games.
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