"Test server will be offline for several days while we prep for what's next"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Any speculations of what could be coming next and why it takes several days to set up? I doubt it's the Atlantis dlc since it's not even October yet.
  2. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I Bet it IS Atlantis DLC along with GU 88 or are we on 89?
    Possibly New Artifacts, Could be the PC Graphics Upgrade.
    Aside from that its Anyone's Guess
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    That's just how long it takes to turn off the halloween event. emo pilgrims are hard to get rid of.
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  4. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    If, as many have hoped, Atlantis brings us actual swimming content, that's a huge addition to the gameplay experience that the devs would want to get juuuust right.

    An extra week or two of testing might be justified.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Didn't Jack say they wouldn't do swimming mechanics because it failed in another game?
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  6. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    probably the halloween event/updates to the titan vendor, though i can't for the life of me figure out why they would need a week to transition the halloween even from test server to live server, they usually complete that in about a day as part of usual maintenance.
  7. Vagrant Committed Player

    An extra week or two would be nothing to test a completely new and written from scratch physics engine that they would have to implement which I doubt is something they did in 3-5 months. You would literally be asking for Jesus to come code the game for them at that point.

    What I want for Atlantis is just a big open hub like we got with TT but it needs way more content than the open world TT hub got.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    PC graphics, LPvE, something entirely new or QoL updates. Maybe bug fixes.
  9. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    He said bug fixes... LOL!!! :D
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  10. the solowing Steadfast Player

    I love Vasjir as it was super uniquem but games no longer will do combat with underwater zones for the sheer backlash this zone got because having 2D combat doesnt work well in a 3D zone. Subsequent MMORPG games avoid water zone combat after the heat they got for that one.

    Effectively waterzone are resigned to being glass houses for awhile at least..


  11. EconoKnight XIII Legion

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  12. Vagrant Committed Player

    Jesus approves this message
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  13. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I'm pretty sure we're getting another Halloween event along with the seasonal. The Halloween event has three parts just like the death of Superman. Or could be my favorite part of all but that sooner than I thought the gear rank system
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  14. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Probably to setup the Newest Episode and to Get the Halloween Event ready for Live.

    I know, it's not October yet.. But we're only a few days off from it being October, and Atlantis is going to probably going to be the last episode for DCUO in 2018, so they probably want to have it on test early and then try and hit a home run with this.
  15. FlyingSheep Well-Known Player

    When exactly is this downtime?
  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    What I hope: Account Bound SP, Tradeable scaling gear between alts, Getting rid of Replay Badges.

    What I expect: Henchmen Upgrade Slots with breakthroughs, Marketplace Elite Gear with re-rollable stats, New Time Capsule-inspired Bonus Teen Titans Raid you pay to unlock (like survival mode but with opened time capsules rewarded every round), marketplace episode currency booster, UltraMembership (with normal membership plus extra perks like MORE CHARACTER SLOTS, 1 SoC monthly, 1 exo booster daily, 30 UltraMembership-Only SP per month, etc.!!!)
  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Good lord, even you are cynical about this game now. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. :p :(
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  18. CaptainColdJr007AKAFreeJohnson Committed Player

    See, this is how you get regular players to play survival mode.
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  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Wouldn’t work on me, just Episode 32 normal content is making me go prematurely grey. :p
  20. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    Perhaps devs want to take some swimming classes.