Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Primortal Level 30

    Also: concerning league halls. Can we have some league hall events like capture the league base where league members can activate defensive measures to protect the base from invaders while the invaders breaks down the defenses and turrets to take control. It can be a league against league pvp event. Hole league doesn't have to be involved either. Players can be invited to either capture or defend a league hall from other players. You DEV's gotta go all out on this; I wanna see defensive shielding, defense turrets, electronic pulse, battle droids, trap doors, system interface hacking, prisoner release distractions etc. We should be able to call on league mates, staffing and iconics for support as we gain bonuses for penetrating or defending areas. Can y'all see this happening?
  2. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    I agree, the League Halls need some kind of robotic 'staff' like the watchtower does. Just the 'Small Robot' ones, performing maintenance, monitor checks, janitorial, ect.
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  3. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    And back to costumes...

    Patchwork style items.
  4. Primortal Level 30

    Can we please get giant Avatar Of Sin wings - and not no ****** small version of them. I'm talking huge wrap around your body Avatar of Sin wings

    Also: can we get a true custom lantern aura. Not the mist auras, which are nice but the thin deep rich bright color lantern aura that's customizable. You guys came real close with the orange aura. That's a nice rich color. We need a green one like that. Basic, nothing special, just rich in color.
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  5. Primortal Level 30

  6. Primortal Level 30

    Yes, I love DCUO so give us the proper green aura. Not mist, nimbus, and none of those plain dull green auras are the right auras for Green lanterns.
  7. Primortal Level 30

    Yes, yes, give us the HAIR PLEASSSSSSSE!
  8. Primortal Level 30

    Yes, and allow us to change to the color of our lantern rings or give us Kyle rayner style when wore all 7 rings at once. Not the white lantern version but when he was corrupted by Scar.

    Also give us an updated version of the Cronos glove. It should be one hand only and more detailed.
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  9. Protector New Player

    Can we get a 4-pointed star emblem? It's a simple thing really, shouldn't take too long to put in.
  10. Primortal Level 30

    There's no armband shoulder styles. All armbands are attached to a chest style but I would like single or dual arm and leg band styles.
    Think Zeus, Dona Troy. Sinestro, Wonder Woman new 52
    The armbands would be part of the shoulder style or it can be a separated part of the hand style.
    The leg bands can be just a leg style or be a separated part of the feet style.
    I would also love to get Sinestro's arm and leg bands with available emblem placement.
    Also more sexy form fitting outfits for female characters that allow emblems.
  11. Rebel230 Well-Known Player

    Two color capes, inside color and outside color.
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  12. Manwich2099 New Player

    1. Mammoths hair and beard
    2. Zeus hair and beard
    3.Shark fin and head
    4.Killer Crocs head and back
    5.monstrous body type
    6.Maple Leaf emblem
    7.Avatar of sin wings
    8.Animal/alien head styles
    9. Tails at least bigger ones than the demonic tail.
    10.elemental auras fire, electric etc.
    11. the patriotic set jacket and legs from the beta.
    12. Trigons horns and maybe antlers.
    Any of these would be amazing.
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  13. Kartel112 New Player

    New green lantern styles glowing chest emblem and hair styles #teamgreenlantern
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  14. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player

    Shark fin for back style.

    Pirate tricorn hat, long buccaneer coat with bandoleer chest, matching trousers legs, one hooked hand for hands style, and one peg leg and one normal buccaneer boot for feet.

    Armor made from cobbled together junk scrap for a junkyard warrior look.

    Follow suit where Fallout 4 went and make items with the Soder Cola brand for Soder Man and Soder Woman sets.
  15. Gatorneck New Player

    My request is simple.

    I'd like to see the sniper goggles paired with the skull reinforcement for a new face style similar to the Infiltrator face piece.

    Also... More hoods (Bungie's Destiny has a character with a square hood),
    Chest styles with high collars that obscure the bottom half of the face:
  16. JLMoose New Player

    Can we please get the Kid Flash suit

    (side note:can you please add a third option to change the speedforce/super speed's lighting color please? many others ask for this but it hasn't be added so if it was then alot of your layers would be VERY VERY happy)
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  17. spedog Active Player

    Please, a Green Lantern symbol with a black background that would be up on the left pec like Kyle Rayner's would be awesome
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  18. The Steel Speedster New Player

    Summer's coming up soon so I WOULD LOVE either a lifeguard inspired style set, or atleast a plus, +, symbol :)

    Lifeguard Tank/Shirt Chest style
    Lifeguard Shorts Legs style
    Lifeguard Whistle Head/Face style?
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  19. Rebel230 Well-Known Player

    1. Can we get an Eradicator style slimline, where the center color stripe goes all the way up into the neck.
    2. Slimline cowls pretty please
    3. More accurate yellow lantern chests with long sleeves
  20. Exostorm Well-Known Player

    I logged in just to agree with this.
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