Teleported to Anniversary Metropolis

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Korlick, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    You went there to bargain? :D
  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Hilariously, it turned out that when I logged into one of my lower alts earlier today (okay, yesterday now, Friday), I also returned to the CC zone, where I had last been. A couple of other players were around, but most amusingly, although none of the CC missions were in my log, the indicator over heads of NPS to deal with to finish all my ongoing missions were all there, and when I fulfilled the missions I had outstanding, I got new Qwa-bombs and shields and Quardian Crowns.

    I still have the get the Shadows mission outstanding for that character. I've logged in and out on it several times, and apparently I can keep coming back to finish my mission unil, um, something changes.

    Not that I have any complaints. It's wildly amusing.

    I'm wondering how long I can keep my alt there if I don't deliberately leave the zone.

    It's nice to be a tourist now and again. :)
  3. Emoney Dedicated Player

    One of my alts logged out there last week. When I logged on him to do the Valentines event, he started out in the Qwardian metro. It allowed me to pick up and complete all 3 dailies and the weekly. I got all the rewards, but couldnt do anything with the marks cuz the vendor was empty lol.
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